Bradley Barker




Director (Feature Film)

Mother's Boy (1929)

Cast (Feature Film)

Inspiration (1928)
George Gordon
The Ape (1928)
The Potters (1927)
Rubber Heels (1927)
Gentleman Joe
Combat (1927)
Capt. Samuel Yearkes
His Rise to Fame (1927)
Hubert Strief
The Brown Derby (1926)
Robert Farrell
Rainbow Riley (1926)
Tilden McFields
The Early Bird (1925)
Fairchild's accomplice
Ermine and Rhinestones (1925)
Jim Gorman
The Live Wire (1925)
George Trent
The Police Patrol (1925)
Maurice Ramon
The Crackerjack (1925)
Alonzo López
Playthings of Desire (1924)
Wheeler Johnson
The Man Without a Heart (1924)
Hugh Langley
Into the Net (1924)
Adam and Eva (1923)
The Fair Cheat (1923)
Sloman Zeigler
Twenty-One (1923)
Peter Straski
The Fighting Blade (1923)
Watt Musgrove
The Leavenworth Case (1923)
The Secrets of Paris (1922)
The Hindoo
Insinuation (1922)
Dr. Crabtree
God's Crucible (1921)
Mortimer Staunton
Devotion (1921)
Stephen Bond
Coincidence (1921)
"Handsome Harry" Brent
The Fear Market (1920)
Bob Sayres
Away Goes Prudence (1920)
Michael Ryan
The Master Mind (1920)
The Stolen Kiss (1920)
John Ralph
A Woman's Experience (1919)
Erstwhile Susan (1919)
Jacob Dreary
The Heart of a Gypsy (1919)
Ralph Dane
Wanted -Xxx a Husband (1919)
Holcomb Lee
The Unknown Love (1919)
Townsend's pal
Come Out of the Kitchen (1919)
Paul Daingerfield
Men (1918)
Anthony Gerard
A Nymph of the Foothills (1918)
A Heart's Revenge (1918)
Dr. Wu Ching
The Beloved Traitor (1918)
Paul Drayton
The Eyes of Mystery (1918)
Jack Carrington
The Million Dollar Dollies (1918)
Jack Hobson
Tinsel (1918)
Richard Carmichael
The Jury of Fate (1917)
Louis Hebert
Susan's Gentleman (1917)
Terrence Flynn
Billy and the Big Stick (1917)
Harry St. Clair
The Road Between (1917)
Little Miss Fortune (1917)
Common Sense Brackett (1916)
Her Husband's Wife (1916)
The City of Illusion (1916)
Douglas Hobson
Her American Prince (1916)
The prince/The American physician
A Woman's Honor (1916)
Guido Ferrari
What Happened to Jones (1915)
Colonel Filbert
The Earl of Pawtucket (1915)
Montgomery Putnam
The Luring Lights (1915)
The Moth and the Flame (1915)
Douglas Rhodes

Writer (Feature Film)

Young Nowheres (1929)

Life Events
