Edith Storey




Cast (Feature Film)

Beach of Dreams (1921)
Cleo de Bromsart
The Greater Profit (1921)
Maury Brady
Moon Madness (1920)
As the Sun Went Down (1919)
Colonel Billy
The Legion of Death (1918)
Princess Marya
The Silent Woman (1918)
Nan McDonald
The Eyes of Mystery (1918)
Carma Carmichael
Revenge (1918)
Alva Leigh
Treasure of the Sea (1918)
Margaret Elkins
The Claim (1918)
Belle Jones
The Demon (1918)
Princess Perdita
Aladdin from Broadway (1917)
Faimeh Fitzgerald/Mrs. Fitzgerald
The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop (1917)
National Association's All-Star Picture (1917)
Money Magic (1917)
Bertha, her daughter
The Tarantula (1916)
Chonita Alvarado
The Two Edged Sword (1916)
Mary Brooks
The Shop Girl (1916)
Winifred Childs
An Enemy to the King (1916)
Julie De Varion
How Cissy Made Good (1915)
The Dust of Egypt (1915)
A Price for Folly (1915)
Dorothea Jardeau
On Her Wedding Night (1915)
Helen Carter
The Island of Regeneration (1915)
Katherine Brenton
Captain Alvarez (1914)
Bonita, Don Arana's niece
The Christian (1914)
Glory Quayle
A Florida Enchantment (1914)
Miss Lillian Travers
Twelfth Night (1910)
A Western Welcome (1910)
Francesca da Rimini; or, The Two Brothers (1908)

Cast (Short)

Forty Years in the Land of Midian [The Life of Moses Part II] (1910)
The Plagues of Egypt and the Deliverance of the Hebrew [The Life of Moses Part III] (1910)
The Promised Land [The Life of Moses Part V] (1910)
The Victory of Israel [The Life of Moses Part IV] (1910)

Life Events
