James Morrison




Cast (Feature Film)

Machine Gun McCain (1970)
Joby Cuda
Twin Flappers (1927)
The Count of Luxembourg (1926)
The Seventh Bandit (1926)
Paul Scanlon
The Imposter (1926)
Wreckage (1925)
Grant Demarest
The Pride of the Force (1925)
Jimmy Moore
Don't (1925)
Wine of Youth (1924)
Captain Blood (1924)
Jeremy Pitt
The Unknown Purple (1923)
Leslie Bradbury
The Dangerous Age (1923)
Held To Answer (1923)
Rollie Burbeck
The Nth Commandment (1923)
Harry Smith
The Little Girl Next Door (1923)
Jim Manning
On the Banks of the Wabash (1923)
The Man Next Door (1923)
Only a Shop Girl (1922)
Charles Black
The Little Minister (1922)
Gavin Dishart
Shattered Idols (1922)
Lieut. Walter Hurst/David Hurst
Handle With Care (1922)
Phil Burnham
A Yankee Go-Getter (1921)
Barry West
Sowing the Wind (1921)
Ned Brabazon
Danger Ahead (1921)
Norman Minot
Black Beauty (1921)
Harry Blomefield
When We Were Twenty-one (1921)
Richard Audaine
The Woman Game (1920)
Leonard Travers
The Midnight Bride (1920)
Robert Pitcairn
Miss Dulcie from Dixie (1919)
Orrin Castleton
Sacred Silence (1919)
Lieut. Ralph Harrison
Life or Honor? (1918)
James Manly/Aguinaldo
How Could You, Caroline? (1918)
Bob Worth
Over the Top (1918)
Albert Lloyd
Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation (1917)
Philip Wardrobe
Two Men and a Woman (1917)
Tony Merritt
Sins of Ambition (1917)
Franklin Church
One Law for Both (1917)
Ossip Pulaski
Babbling Tongues (1917)
Paul Savary
Enlighten Thy Daughter (1917)
Harold Winthrop
The Enemy (1916)
Tommy Tinkle
The Sex Lure (1916)
Arthur Reynolds
The Redemption of Dave Darcey (1916)
Dave Darcey
The Alibi (1916)
Arthur Mansfield
The Hero of Submarine D-2 (1916)
Gilman Austen
Phantom Fortunes (1916)
Bob Deering
The Dawn of Freedom (1916)
Dick Cartwright
Mortmain (1915)
Tom Forsythe
Mother's Roses (1915)
Payne Morrison
The Wheels of Justice (1915)
Ralph Brooks
The Battle Cry of Peace (1915)
Charley Harrison
The Christian (1914)
Father Paul

Film Production - Main (Feature Film)

Seven Wonders of the World (1956)
Prod staff

Cast (Short)

Bashful (1917)

Life Events
