The Ant Bully

1h 30m 2006

Brief Synopsis

Ten-year-old Lucas is the new kid on the block--and the local bullies make sure he knows it. Tired of being a punching bag, Lucas takes out his frustration on the ants living in his lawn. But when the ants strike back--shrinking Lucas down to their size with a magic potion and forcing him to live like an ant within the colony--an astonishing new world opens up to him. Lucas learns, first-hand, the value of friendship and teamwork, ultimately leading...

Film Details

Also Known As
Ant Bully, Lucas, fourmi malgré lui, Myrmobbaren, mierenmepper
MPAA Rating
Release Date
Distribution Company

Technical Specs

1h 30m


Ten-year-old Lucas is the new kid on the block--and the local bullies make sure he knows it. Tired of being a punching bag, Lucas takes out his frustration on the ants living in his lawn. But when the ants strike back--shrinking Lucas down to their size with a magic potion and forcing him to live like an ant within the colony--an astonishing new world opens up to him. Lucas learns, first-hand, the value of friendship and teamwork, ultimately leading the ants in an effort to save their colony from annihilation. And in the process, Lucas obtains the things he wants most: friends, companionship, acceptance and the courage to stand up for himself.


Adel Abada

Digital Effects Artist

Shane Aherne

Rendering Artist

Shane Aherne

Animation Director

Shane Aherne

Special Effects

Wolfgang Aichholz

Music Engineer

Keith Alcorn

Executive Producer

Paul C Allen

Character Animation

David Alonzo

Software Engineer

Mike Altman


Mike Altman

Character Animation

Paul Ross Anderson

Digital Effects Artist

Rena Archer


Paul Arion

Digital Effects Artist

Mandy Au

Digital Effects Artist

Autumn Baeza

Production Assistant

Eric Baker

Animation Director

Eric Baker

Digital Effects Artist

Eric Baker

Character Animation

George Banks


George Banks

Character Animation

David Barksdale

Animation Director

Aaron Barr

Digital Effects Artist

Shanna Bassinger

Script Coordinator

Jeff Bastedo

Digital Effects Artist

Matt Battaglia

Animation Director

Matt Battaglia


Joe Beckley

Digital Effects Artist

Mark Behm


Walter Behrnes

Animation Director

Frank Bennett

Original Music

Kim Benzine-rowell

Production Manager

Suzanne Berger

Software Engineer

Suzanne Berger

Animation Director

Wim Bien

Character Animation

Jonilyn Bissett

Accounting Assistant

Robert Bloom

Digital Effects Artist

Tony Bonilla

Character Animation

Tony Bonilla


Gerhard Borchers

Digital Effects Artist

Ernesto Bottger

Character Animation

Terry Bradley

Digital Effects Artist

David Lee Brehm

Layout Artist

Tiffany Brower-milton

Digital Effects Artist

Tiffany Brower-milton

Special Effects Coordinator

Chris Browne

Digital Effects Artist

Andrew Burke

Character Animation

Russell Calabrese

Storyboard Artist

Jeff Capogreco


Jeff Capogreco

Digital Effects Artist

Jeff Capogreco

Animation Director

Tania Salahat Cardenas

Character Animation

Tania Salahat Cardenas


Chad Carey

Digital Effects Artist

Connon Carey

3-D Artist

John Carlson


Mark R Carlson

Software Engineer

Mark R Carlson

Special Effects

Jeff Carson

Music Editor

Brian Chacon

Digital Effects Supervisor

Ray Chase

Character Animation

John Corey Chastain

Character Animation

Mimi Chen

Production Accountant

Pei Cheng

Digital Effects Artist

Wes Chilton

Digital Effects Artist

Wes Chilton

Special Effects

Diana Choi

Executive Producer

Youngjae Choi

Character Animation

Chris Christman

Character Animation

Bert Chung

Character Animation

Bertrand Chung

Character Animation

Paul Claerhout

Storyboard Artist

Paul Claerhout

Digital Effects Artist

Josh Clark

Digital Effects Artist

Peter Clarke

Concept Artist

Fred Cline

Concept Artist

Fred Cline

Storyboard Artist

Joel Cohen


Joel Cohen

Screenplay (Uncredited)

Michael Comet

Character Animation

Aaron Conover

Character Animation

Chris Consani

Art Director

Chris Consani

Matte Painter

Mandy Cornett

Character Animation

Deborah Cornish

Sound Design

Deborah Cornish

Sound Editor

Rudy Cortes

Animation Director

Bradford Cox

Sound Editor

Bradford Cox

Sound Design

Rachelle Cne Crain

Effects Coordinator

Rachelle Cne Crain

Matte Painter

Michael Cronin

Animation Director

Michael Cronin

Special Effects

Sam Crutsinger

Sound Editor

Kent Culotta

Character Animation

Colin Cunningham

Digital Effects Artist

Kathleen Curry

Character Animation

Kathleen Curry

Digital Effects Artist

Piero D'aloisio

Digital Effects Artist

Mario D'anna

Digital Effects Artist

Mario D'anna

Storyboard Artist

Thomas Danen

Character Animation

Tony Davidson

Layout Artist

Tony Davidson

Digital Effects Artist

Dennis Davis

Digital Effects Artist

Lisa Davis

Assistant Editor

Ryan Davis

Character Animation

Ryan Davis


John Debney

Original Music

John Debney

Music Conductor

Lola Debney


Brad Dechter

Original Music

Chris Delaguardia

Color Timer

Stan Dellimore

Digital Effects Artist

Christophe Desse

Digital Effects Artist

Christophe Desse

Matte Painter

Christophe Desse


Tamir Diab

Digital Effects Artist

Alison Diamond


Patricia Doktor

Background Artist

Andrew Dorfman

Music Editor

Rod Douglas

Storyboard Artist

Rod Douglas

Layout Artist

Chris Downs

Animation Director

Chris Downs

Digital Effects Artist

Jennifer R Downs

Character Animation

Jennifer R Downs

Special Effects

Jennifer R Downs

Digital Effects Artist

Heather M Drummons

Digital Effects Artist

Heather M Drummons


Michael Duffy

Software Engineer

Michael Duffy

Digital Effects Artist

Jim Eberle

Color Timer

Rony Edde

Layout Artist

Rony Edde

Digital Effects Artist

Christopher Edwards

Rendering Artist

Roy Edwards

Software Engineer

Bob Eggleton

Concept Artist

Steven Elford

Digital Effects Artist

George Elkoura

Software Engineer

Joe E. Elwood


Joanna Erbach

Rendering Artist

Sean Ermey

Character Animation

Jud Estes

Digital Effects Artist

Luca Fascione


Ramahan Faulk

Character Animation

William Fay

Executive Producer

Todd Fechter

Layout Artist

Todd Fechter

Digital Effects Artist

Todd Fechter


David Fein

Foley Artist

Davey Crockett Feiten

Storyboard Artist

Joanna D Ferguson

Layout Artist

Joanna D Ferguson

Effects Coordinator

Joanna D Ferguson

Digital Effects

Alex Fleisig

Character Animation

Michael Sean Foley

Cg Supervisor

James Ford

Digital Effects Artist

Jennifer Ford

Office Production Assistant

Mike Fortner

Character Animation

Mike Fortner

Animation Director

Mike Fortner

Digital Effects Artist

Chris Fowler

Digital Effects Artist

Rena M Fowler


Rena M Fowler

Character Animation

Sandra Frame

Storyboard Artist

Rick Franklin

Sound Effects Editor

Gary French

Sound Re-Recording Mixer

Jason Lee Fultz

Rendering Artist

Dale Gagne

Digital Effects Artist

Fred Gambino

Matte Painter

Fred Gambino

Concept Artist

Fred Gambino

Background Artist

Michael Gargiulo

Character Animation

Mark Gelfuso

Layout Artist

Mark Gelfuso

Digital Effects Artist

J.p. Giamos

Digital Effects Artist

Greg Glaser

Software Engineer

Gary Glover

Matte Painter

Gary Glover

Background Artist

Gary Goetzman


Michael Goldfarb

Digital Effects Artist

Joe Gorski

Character Animation

Michelle Gorski

Character Animation

Kathy Graves

Assistant Editor

Tom Grevera


Angie Griffin

Script Supervisor

Angie Griffin

Storyboard Artist

Angie Griffin


Laura Griffin

Assistant Production Accountant

Troy Griffin

Layout Artist

Troy Griffin

Digital Effects Artist

David Grimaldi

Sound Effects Editor

David Grimaldi

Sound Design

James Gu

Character Animation

James Gu

Animation Director

Alexandra Gunter

Digital Effects

Alexandra Gunter

Rendering Artist

Alex M Gurevich

Digital Effects Artist

Alex M Gurevich

Software Engineer

Randall Guth

Sound Effects Editor

Film Details

Also Known As
Ant Bully, Lucas, fourmi malgré lui, Myrmobbaren, mierenmepper
MPAA Rating
Release Date
Distribution Company

Technical Specs

1h 30m

