Muscle Beach Party

Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
William Asher
Frankie Avalon
Annette Funicello
Luciana Paluzzi
John Ashley
Don Rickles
Film Details
Technical Specs

Surfers Frankie and Dee Dee and their friends become uneasy when muscleman Flex Martian and his friends from Jack Fanny's gym invade their section of the beach. On a yacht offshore, a wealthy contessa named Julie is arranging for her business manager S. Z. Matts to obtain Flex as the latest in a long string of boyfriends. Julie is temporarily content with Flex until she meets Frankie. When he returns her affection, Dee Dee becomes jealous, and the rift between the surfers and the musclemen widens. S. Z. tells Frankie about Julie's past affairs, and he goes back to Dee Dee. The surfers and the musclemen finally battle in a night brawl, but the fight is broken up by a Mr. Strangdour, who convinces Flex to concentrate on his muscles and forget Julie, who then decides to settle down with S. Z.


William Asher

Frankie Avalon

Annette Funicello

Luciana Paluzzi
John Ashley

Don Rickles
Peter Turgeon
Jody Mccrea
Dick Dale
Candy Johnson
Little Stevie Wonder
Morey Amsterdam

Buddy Hackett
Rock Stevens
Dolores Wells

Donna Loren
Valora Noland
Alberta Nelson
Amedee Chabot
Larry Scott
Bob Seven
Steve Merjanian

Don Haggerty
Chester Yorton
Gene Shuey
Gordon Cohn
Luree Holmes
Laura Nicholson
Lorie Summers
Darlene Lucht
Duane Ament
Gary Usher
Roger Christian
Guy Hemric
Mary Hughes
Kathy Kessler
Salli Sachse
Linda Opie
Linda Benson
Patricia Rane
Butch Van Artsdalen
Mike Diffenderfer
Bill Graham
Charles Hasley
Larry Shaw
Duane King
Mike Nader
Ed Garner
John Fain
Mickey Dora

Peter Lorre
Peter Lupus Jr.
The Del Tones
George Anderson
Samuel Z. Arkoff
William Asher
Les Baxter
Lew Borzage
Karl Brainard
Butler-glouner Inc.
Butler-glouner Inc.
Anthony Carras
Jack Cash
Roger Christian
Ted Coodley
Marjorie Corso
Bill Creamer
Lucius Croxton
Robert Dillon
Robert Dillon
Robert Dillon
Pat Dinga
Ross Hahn
Guy Hemric
Eve Newman
James H. Nicholson
Clark Paylow
Betty Pedretti
Harry Reif
Kay Rose
Don Rush
Stanley Scheuer
Al Simms
Jerry Styner
Gary Usher
Harold Wellman
Brian Wilson
Joe Wonder
Lloyd Young

Movie Clip

Hosted Intro

Film Details
Technical Specs

Muscle Beach Party
Surprise guest star Peter Lorre (who had previously appeared in AIP's Poe-themed comedies The Raven (1963) and A Comedy of Terrors, 1964) went unbilled until the end credits as "Dr. Strangedour" (a comic poke at Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove, 1964). Twenty years past his prime as the unforgettable costar of such classics as The Maltese Falcon (1941), Casablanca (1942) and Twentieth Century Fox's "Mr. Moto" mysteries, Lorre was resigned to his has-been status, showing up for jobs with a makeup case full of schnapps, cracking jokes and pulling pranks. His show of good humor masking depression and disappointment, Lorre completed only one more film before he died of a stroke at age 59 on March 23, 1964, two days before Muscle Beach Party opened nationwide.
The success of the Beach Party series put leading lady Annette Funicello in a bind. Although the ex-Mouseketeer was eager to distance herself from her treacly association with Walt Disney Studios, she hated the beach and any prospect of getting her hair wet. More problematic was that the dark-eyed beauty disliked her director, William Asher. Happily, Funicello's onscreen chemistry with leading man Frankie Avalon reflected the pair's genuine, platonic affection for one another. Funicello's involvement with the series grew icier from sequel to sequel; by the time of How to Stuff a Wild Bikini (1965), she was hiding her pregnancy behind matronly frocks and missing the mostly absent Avalon, who appears only in a cameo and was replaced for that go-round by Dwayne Hickman. At least in Muscle Beach Party, the actress seems to be having a good time, even while pretending to hang ten in front of an unconvincing rear screen projection. Kicking up the sand behind her were the usual crowd: Jody McCrea (son of western star Joel), John Ashley (later a B-movie producer/star with credits as diverse as Black Mama, White Mama (1973) and Apocalypse Now (1979) on his resume) and Mike Nader (as Michael Nader, a star of the popular prime time soap Dynasty). Making their feature film debuts were former Mr. Indiana Peter Lupus (billed by AIP as "Rock Stevens" and pointed towards a lucrative European vacation as the star of a run of Italian sword-and-sandal films), "Little" Stevie Wonder and Dr. Pepper girl Donna Loren, who belts out the Roger Christian-Gary Usher-Brian Wilson (yes, that Brian Wilson) tune "Muscle Bustle" backed by surf guitar king Dick Dale.
Critical reaction to Muscle Beach Party was, not surprisingly, harsh. The New York Post branded the outing "abysmal" while Howard Thompson, writing in The New York Times, hissed "...if you can last through this, you're a double-dyed stoic." (For the record, Thompson was also lumping the film's co-hit, Warner Brothers' A Distant Trumpet, into the equation.) Photoplay was kinder, daring to suggest that Muscle Beach Party was superior to Beach Party while Seventeen went out on a limb to declare it "diverting" and "zany." Star Annette Funicello received a Golden Laurel Award nomination for "Top Female Musical Performance," an honor tempered by her nomination for "least promising young performer" by the Harvard Lampoon.
Derided in their day as being tailor-made "for morons," the "Beach Party" movies have nonetheless enjoyed a long-lasting appeal. In 2001, critic Tim Lucas provided a fitting explanation of the charms of the short-lived but long-legged series:
"Age was relative in this fair-minded series; no one had to "get old" just because they were getting older, and sometimes the "fossils" (Robert Cummings, Buster Keaton, even Vincent Price) turned out to be the hootingest hotdoggers on the beach...the "Beach Party" films were, are, and will always be the heart and soul of American International Pictures for inland kids like me, who would gladly pay to sit in the dark on a Saturday afternoon, just to bask in their particular brand of California sun."
Producers: Robert Dillon, James H. Nicholson
Director: William Asher
Screenplay: Robert Dillon (screenplay and story); William Asher (story)
Cinematography: Harold Wellman
Art Direction: Lucius O. Croxton
Music: Les Baxter
Film Editing: Fred Feitshans, Eve Newman
Cast: Frankie Avalon (Frankie), Annette Funicello (Dee Dee), Luciana Paluzzi (Julie), John Ashley (Johnny), Don Rickles (Jack Fanny), Peter Turgeon (Theodore), Jody McCrea (Deadhead), Dick Dale (himself), Candy Johnson (Candy), Rock Stevens (Flex Martian), Valora Noland (Animal), Delores Wells (Sniffles), Donna Loren (Donna).
C-94m. Letterboxed.
by Richard Harland Smith
Hollywood Surf and Beach Movies: The First Wave 1959-1969 by Tom Lisanti
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes: My Story by Annette Funicello
The Lost One: A Life of Peter Lorre by Stephen D. Youngkin
Flying Through Hollywood by the Seat of My Pants by Sam Arkoff with Richard Trubo
"Beach Party Tonight!" by Tim Lucas, Video Watchdog No. 69, 2001

Muscle Beach Party
Location scenes filmed at Topanga and Malibu, California. This is a sequel to Beach Party, q. v.

Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter January 1, 1963
Sequel to "Beach Party" (1963) directed by William Asher.
Last film appearance of Peter Lorre.
Released in United States Winter January 1, 1963