Rod Cameron



Also Known As
Roderick Cox, Nathan Cox, Rodney Cox
Birth Place
Calgary, Alberta, CA
December 07, 1910
December 21, 1983


A sturdy, square-jawed Canadian former construction worker and stuntman, Cameron began his career as a stand-in for Fred MacMurray and became a staple lead of "B" westerns and action films during the 1940s and 50s....

Family & Companions

Anela Cameron
Married in 1950; divorced in 1960 to marry her mother.
Dorothy Cameron
Second wife; married mother of his previous wife.


A sturdy, square-jawed Canadian former construction worker and stuntman, Cameron began his career as a stand-in for Fred MacMurray and became a staple lead of "B" westerns and action films during the 1940s and 50s.



Cast (Feature Film)

Love and the Midnight Auto Supply (1978)
Sheriff Dawson
Jessie's Girls (1976)
Psychic Killer (1975)
Dr Commanger
Evel Knievel (1971)
Charlie Kresson
The Last Movie (1971)
Pat Garrett
Requiem for a Gunfighter (1965)
Dave McCloud
The Bounty Killer (1965)
Johnny Liam
The Gun Hawk (1963)
Sheriff Corey
The Electronic Monster (1960)
Jeff Keenan
The Man Who Died Twice (1958)
Bill Brennon
Spoilers of the Forest (1957)
Boyd Caldwell
Yaqui Drums (1956)
Webb Dunham
Headline Hunters (1955)
Hugh "Woody" Woodruff
Santa Fe Passage (1955)
Jess Griswold
The Fighting Chance (1955)
Bill Binyon
Double Jeopardy (1955)
Marc Hill
Southwest Passage (1954)
Edward Fitzpatrick Beale
Hell's Outpost (1954)
Tully Gibbs
Ride the Man Down (1953)
Will Ballard
San Antone (1953)
Carl Miller
The Steel Lady (1953)
Mike Monohan
Wagons West (1952)
Jeff Curtis
Fort Osage (1952)
Tom Clay
Woman of the North Country (1952)
Kyle Ramlo
The Jungle (1952)
Steven Bentley
The Sea Hornet (1951)
Gunner McNeil
Oh! Susanna (1951)
Capt. Web Calhoun
Cavalry Scout (1951)
Kirby Frye
Stage to Tucson (1951)
Grif Holbrook
Dakota Lil (1950)
Harve Logan, also known as Kid Curry
Short Grass (1950)
Steve Lewellyn
Brimstone (1949)
Johnny Tremaine
Stampede (1949)
Mike McCall
Belle Starr's Daughter (1948)
Bob "Bittercreek" Yauntis
Panhandle (1948)
John Sands
Strike It Rich (1948)
Duke Massey
The Plunderers (1948)
Johnny Drum, also known as Johnny Corrigan
River Lady (1948)
Dan Corrigan
Pirates of Monterey (1947)
Phillip Kent
The Runaround (1946)
Eddie Kildane
Salome, Where She Danced (1945)
Jim Steed
Frontier Gal (1945)
Jonathan Hart
Renegades of the Rio Grande (1945)
Buck Emerson
Swing Out Sister (1945)
Geoffry [Cabot]
Beyond the Pecos (1945)
Lew Remington
The Old Texas Trail (1944)
Jim [Wiley, also known as Rawhide Carney]
Trigger Trail (1944)
Clint Farrel
Riders of the Santa Fe (1944)
Matt Conway
Boss of Boomtown (1944)
[Sgt.] Steve [Hazard]
Mrs. Parkington (1944)
Al Swann
Star Spangled Rhythm (1943)
Petty officer
Gung Ho! (1943)
Rube Tedrow
Riding High (1943)
Sam Welch
Honeymoon Lodge (1943)
Big Boy [Carson]
The Kansan (1943)
No Time for Love (1943)
Secret Service in Darkest Africa (1943)
G-Men Vs. the Black Dragon (1943)
True to the Army (1942)
Private O'Toole
Priorities on Parade (1942)
Stage manager
The Remarkable Andrew (1942)
Jesse James
The Forest Rangers (1942)
Jim Lawrence
Wake Island (1942)
Captain Lewis
Commandos Strike At Dawn (1942)
The Fleet's In (1942)
Commandos Strike at Dawn (To Be Deleted) (1942)
I Wanted Wings (1941)
Voice, loud speaker
Among the Living (1941)
Night of January 16th (1941)
District attorney's assistant
Buy Me That Town (1941)
Henry Aldrich for President (1941)
Editor Calkins
Life with Henry (1941)
Bill Van Dusen
The Monster and the Girl (1941)
Sam Daniels
No Hands on the Clock (1941)
Tom Reed
Pacific Blackout (1941)
Nothing But the Truth (1941)
Christmas in July (1940)
The Quarterback (1940)
Rangers of Fortune (1940)
Shelby henchman
If I Had My Way (1940)
The Old Maid (1939)

Cast (Special)

When the West Was Fun: A Western Reunion (1979)

Life Events


Film debut in "The Old Maid" (scene deleted upon release)


First screen appearance, "Heritage of the Desert"


Anela Cameron
Married in 1950; divorced in 1960 to marry her mother.
Dorothy Cameron
Second wife; married mother of his previous wife.
