Saving Mr. Banks
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
John Lee Hancock
Tom Hanks
Emma Thompson
Colin Farrell
Paul Giamatti
Laura Waddell
Film Details
Technical Specs
Walt Disney spent twenty years in pursuit of the film rights to P.L. Travers' popular novel, "Mary Poppins," a quest he began in the 1940s as a promise to his two daughters. When Travers travels from London to Hollywood in 1961 to finally discuss Disney's desire to bring her beloved character to the motion picture screen, Disney meets a prim, uncompromising sexagenarian not only suspect of the impresario's concept for the film, but a woman struggling with her own past. During her stay in California, Travers reflects on her childhood in 1906 Australia, a trying time for her family that not only molded her aspirations to write, but one that also inspired the characters in her 1934 book. None more so than the one person whom she loved and admired more than any other-her caring father, Travers Goff, a tormented banker who, before his untimely death that same year, instills the youngster with both affection and enlightenment (and who would be the muse for the story's patriarch, Mr. Banks, the sole character that the famous nanny comes to aid). While reluctant to grant Disney the film rights, Travers comes to realize that the acclaimed Hollywood storyteller has his own motives for wanting to make the film-which, like the author's, hint at the relationship he shared with his own father.
John Lee Hancock

Tom Hanks

Emma Thompson
Colin Farrell

Paul Giamatti
Laura Waddell
Claire Bocking
Mia Serafino
Melanie Paxson
Andy Mcphee
Joel Prihoda
Bob Rusch
B.j. Novak
Fuschia Katherine Sumner
Paul Tassone
Jason Schwartzman
David Paterson
Jerry Hauck
Demetrius Grosse
Lily Bigham
Michael Swinehart
Luke Baines
Ronan Vibert
Ruth Wilson

Rachel Griffiths
Michelle Arthur
Annie Buckley
Steven Cabral
Bradley Whitford
Kathy Baker
Dendrie Allyn Taylor
Kimberly D¿armond
Ava Acres
Julie Andrews
Tamara Andrews
Audie Aragon
Sam Avila
Ryan Babbs
Samantha N Bahramian
Dana Baker
James Cody Baker
Lori A Balton
Melanie Banders
Matthew Bardocz
Nikki Barrett
Wyatt Bartlett
Ray Bauduc
Les Baxter
Susan Benjamin
Bill Bernstein
Jerry Bertonlami
Melissa Bickerton
Paul Birk
Kate Biscoe
Sally Boldt
Rebecca Boyle
Charles Brewer
Mark Bristol
Thomas Bromhead
Lawson Brown
Jeanette Browning
Derlin Brynford-jones
Nanrose Buchman
Rudi Buckle
Chris Campbell
Lorrie Campbell
Alexandre Cancado
Eyan Candini
Bridget Cardenas
Nick Carson
Jerry Casillas
Tony Castagnola
Joe Censoplano
Martin Charles
Ray Charles
Mike Chiado
Catherine Childers
Steve Christensen
Florence Chung
Frank Churchill
Vincent Cirelli
Ian Collie
Kay Colvin
Jason Conmay
Kit Conners
Joe Conniff
Michael Connor
Jeremiah Cooke
Jonah Coombes
Marc Cooper
Michael Corenblith
Cory Cosper
David Cowgill
Rick Cox
Clark Credle
Bob Crosby
Jennifer Crystal
Fiona Cush
Hannah D'angerio
Bill Dance
Mack David
Michelle A De Mayo
Yann Delpuech
Deborah Lamia Denevar
Brian Dennis
Mike Derry
Judi Dickerson
Giovanni Digiorgio
Brian Dinkins
Kenneth Dodson
George Doering
Jon Donahue
Daniel Dorowsky
Frank Dorowsky
Michael Dorowsky
Terri Douglas
Robin Atkin Downes
Jessica Drake
Natalie Duarte
Francois Duhamel
India Dupre
Desmond Eason
Lindsey Ellis
Dexter Everitt
Claudine Farrell
Marc Ferrari
Arthur Fiedler
Will Field
Lisa Fiorito
David E Fluhr
Ian Fox
Taryn Francis
Stefan Fraticelli
Eddie Frierson
Erick Garibay
Richard Gartrell
Tom Gates
Alina Gatti
Ros Gentle
Jeff Gersh
Ray Gilbert
Craig Gleason
Jack P Glenn
Jackie Gonneau
Lenny Gordon
Ray Gordon
Claudette Grand
Benjamin Grayson
Dan Greco
Jennifer Greenberg
Alex Gustin
Edward Gutierrez
Jennifer Gutierrez
Tommy Gutman
Joe Guzman
Bob Haggart
John Henry Hancock
Willa Grace Hancock
Tom Hanks
Paula Harris
Rick Harris
Terence Harris
Geno Hart
Morgan Heller
Michael Herron
Julie Hewitt
K.c. Hodenfield
K.c. Hodenfield
Al Hoffman
Sandy Holt
Catherine Hughes
Orlando O Hurtado
Warwick Hutton
Lori K Ikeda
Clint 'c.j' Izzo
Nick Jameson
Jon Johnson
Justin Johnson
Deborah Jones
Roberto Castillo Jr
Yuka Kadono
Doc Kane
Emily Katz
Andrew C Keeter
Mary Ann Kellogg
Randy Kerber
Randy Kerber
Alex Khan
Gregory King
Andrea Knaub
Nick Kokich
Allison Korrey
Matthew Tucker Korte
Ronna Kress
Emily Kropp
William Kruzykowski
Chris Kuhl
Thom Lairson
Christine Langan
Vanessa Lapato
Tim Lauber
Larry Laurent
Melanie Lawson
Josh Lay
Ernest Lee
Pauletta Lewis
Marylou Lim
Jerry Livingston
Mark Livolsi
Anne Lockhart
Matthew Loomis
Rudy Lopez
Jamie Lozano
Troy Lum
Bonnie Mackie
Joseph Magee
Scott Maginnis
Larry Mah
Mike Majesky
Kelly Malone
Kristen Maloney
Kelly Marcel
Robert Martinez
Andrew Mason
Tess Masters
The Swing Masters
Frances Mathias
Glenn Mathias
David Matusek
Daniel May
Daniel May
Cullen Mccarthy
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Limited Release in United States December 13, 2013
Wide Release in United States December 20, 2013
Released in United States on Video March 18, 2014
Released in United States 2013
Released in United States on Video March 18, 2014
Wide Release in United States December 20, 2013
Limited Release in United States December 13, 2013
Project was included on the 2011 Black List.
Released in United States 2013 (Galas & Tributes)