The Paperboy
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Lee Daniels
Adam Sibley
Ned Bellamy
Peter Murnik
Edrick Brown
Nikolette Noel
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miami Times reporter Ward Jansen returns to his sleepy hometown of Lately, Florida, where a decades-old façade of Southern gentility strains against the sweeping social changes of the 1960s. Accompanied by his writing partner Yardley Acheman and sultry death-row groupie Charlotte Bless, Ward is chasing the career-making story of violent swamp rat Hillary Van Wetter, who claims to have been framed for the murder of a corrupt local sheriff. Drafting his younger brother Jack to serve as his driver, Ward tries to unravel the mystery of the crime, aided by a mountain of evidence Charlotte has amassed to prove Van Wetter's innocence. As the prisoner awaits the electric chair, the Jansen family's longtime maid Anita watches in alarm as Jack becomes more and more infatuated with the alluring Charlotte. But when Ward's investigation reveals a web of deception, it sets off an explosive chain reaction that pulls everyone involved into a quagmire of evil as dark as a Florida bayou.
Lee Daniels
Adam Sibley
Ned Bellamy
Peter Murnik
Edrick Brown
Nikolette Noel
Stephanie Jordan
Patrick O'connor

Nicole Kidman
Gary Clarke
Nicole Porche
Macy Gray
Nicole Barre
Carmen Barika
Lorrie Chilcoat
Faizon Love
Ava Bogle
Stephen Lewis
Rene J.f. Piazza
John Thompson
Phyllis Montana-leblanc
Zac Efron

Matthew Mcconaughey
John Cusack
Rahsaana Ison
Danny Hanemann
Kasia Wolejnio
J.d. Evermore
Paul Michael Fisher
Nealla Gordon
John Fertitta
David Oyelowo
Corrina Lyons
Leslie Hippensteel
Camille Balsamo
Scott Glenn
Grace Hightower
Kevin Waterman
Lydia Rooks
Jay Oliver
David Acosta
Amy Agzarian
Austin Alward
Kimberly Amacker
Troy Anderson
Richard Aponte-chong
Selena Arizanovic
Bianca Arvin
Aaron Askew
Gavin Atilano
Scott August
Kim Baker
Thorir Baldursson
Kevin Banks
Lawrence Barado
Stanton Barrett
Brad Baxter
Mitchell Baxter
Nicholai Baxter
Lauren Beale
Paul Belcher
Steve C. Bell
Roger Benischek
Zoltan Benyo
Peter Berky
Bill Billings
Bruce Billings
Scott Bivona
Amy Blacker
David Blair
John Blanchard
Eddie Bo
Eddie Bo
Ericka Bonilla
John Bosch
Pauline Boudreaux
Angela Boulet
Brian Bowles
Robert Bowman
Sean P. Braud
Channing Brenholtz
John Brizzi
Ted Bruckner
Tim Bryan
Harvey Bryson
Floyd Burks
Erica Callais
John Cameron
Arturo Cardelus
Henry F. Carlton
Gregory S. Carr
Dwight Carter
Joe Cassano
Ed Cathell
Ed Cathell
Kenneth Chancellor
John Chaney
Christie Chaplin
Adam Charity
Lincoln Chase
Krissopher Chevannes
Alex Cho
Lauren Chriceol
Lauren Claret
Linda Clifford
Tim Cohn
Ryan Collison
Caylin Colson
Sally Considine
Felipe Contreras
Duane Cooper
Scott Coulter
Marisa Creed
Peter Cromwell
Josh Crouchet
Josh Crouchet
Maria Czegledi
Alex Daigle
Lee Daniels
Lee Daniels
Leah Daniels-butler
Nikki David
Boaz Davidson
Mark A. Davis
Jan De Bont
Natasha Delahunt
Colette Delcroix
Nick Detisch
Kacee Devoe
Kyle Devriendt
Pete Dexter
Pete Dexter
Derek Di Biagio
Danny Dimbort
Annie Domingo
Sean Joseph Donnelly
Daniel T. Dorrance
David Dorretto
Lamont Dozier
Scott Drost
Ronald Dunbar
Johnny Eastlund
Ellen Ellis
Seth Ellis
Jessica Elvin
Jessica Elvin
Cassian Elwes
Becky Emerson
Dusty Emerson
Caroline Eselin
Nakina M. Eugene
Lynn Fainchtein
Chris Fanguy
Karri Farris
Tom Fatone
Gregory Faucett
Jamie Fernandez
Robert Fernandez
Cliff Fleming
Corey Fleming
Cory Fleming
Nicole Flowers
Claude Forest
Christine J Forgo
Andree Fortier
Anne Marie Fox
Richard L. Fox
Caryn Frankenfield
Larry Fuller
Shauna Galligan
Jeff Galpin
Jeff Galpin
Jim Gardner
Joshua Garza
Mark Gill
Moira Glace
Zoila Gomez
Christopher Grant
Al Green
Elle Greene
Jeffrey Greenstein
Thomas Austin Grehan
Mario Grigorov
Nathan Grubbs
Chris Gugisberg
Matt Haasch
Erroll Hanse
Kristopher Hardy
Chad Harris
Kim Harris
Brian Hayashi
Jack Hebert
Robert Hein
Anthony Henderson
Nona Hendryx
Nona Hendryx
Salvador Hernandez
Eric Hitt
Mambon Lewis Hodges
Brian Holland
Edward Holland
Annie Holstein
Billy Hopkins
Travis Howe
Steven Huerstel
Sofia Hujabre
Asger Hussain
Donovan Hux
Robert Illes
George Irgmire
Rahsaana Ison
Jerry Jacob
Francis James
Matt Jennings
Bobby Johanson
Kenneth Johnson
Wayne E. Jolla Sr.
William D. Jolly
Barbara Jean Kearney
Michael Keeler
Allan Keffer
Pal Klemm
Joe Klotz
Gladys Knight
Oleg Kondratenko
Gabriella Koran
Adam J. Korn
Ashley Kravitz
Annette Kudrak
Jon Kull
Michael Kurihara
Remmert H. Laan
Margaret Lancaster
John Landers
Kevin Langley
Jack Lazzaro
Hai Le
R Scott Lebell
Laura Lee
Nick Leon
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Limited Release in United States October 5, 2012
Based on the novel "The Paperboy," written by Pete Dexter and published by Random House in 1995.
Paul Verhoeven was previously attached to direct.
Sofia Vergara and Tobey Maguire were previously attached to star.
Project was previously in development at 20th Century Fox.
Project was previously set up at MGM and United Artists.
Limited Release in United States October 5, 2012