Frankie and Alice
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Geoffrey Sax
Halle Berry
Matias Hacker
Alexis Ioannidis
Vanessa Morgan
Matt Frewer
Film Details
Technical Specs
In 1970s Los Angeles, Frankie, an African American go-go dancer with dissociative identity disorder struggles to remain her true self while fighting against two very unique alter egos: a seven-year-old child named "Genius" and a Southern white racist woman named "Alice." In order to stop the multiple voices in her head, Frankie works with a psychotherapist to uncover and overcome the mystery of the inner ghosts that haunt her.
Geoffrey Sax

Halle Berry
Matias Hacker
Alexis Ioannidis
Vanessa Morgan
Matt Frewer
Kathryn Kirkpatrick
Kennedy Goodkey
Joey Bothwell
Colin Foo
Calvin Lee
Richard Cohee

Stellan Skarsgård
James Kirk
Rod Conway
Paul Puzzella
Joanne Baron
Rosalyn Coleman
Alex Diakun
Adrian Holmes
Brian Markinson
Andrew Francis-bain
Cheryl Adams
Melanie Papalia
Sean Tyson
Christina Schild

Tully Marshall
Steffan Chavarria
Eric Pollins
Xantha Radley
Primo Allon
Harvey Gold
Ben Cole
Phylicia Rashad
Michalya Eve Mckenzie
Emily Tennant
Kenneth Yanko
Scott Lyster
Darryl Scheelar
Katharine Isabelle
Chandra Wilson
Kira Clavell
Anne Marie Deluise
Troy Rudolph
Megan Charpentier
Tony Alcantar
Corrie Alexander
David Alexander
Marina Alstad
Gordon Anderson
Mark Appleby
Jun Asido
Sergei Bachlakov
Steve Baine
Ian Ballard
James Bamford
Ildiko Barritt
Ildiko Barritt
Bob Bedard
Behjat Benam
Yves Bernadette
Halle Berry
Frank Biasi
Thomas Billingsley
Sandra J Blackie
Scott Blackie
Deryck Blake
Kim Blank
Richard Boisvert
David Boulton
Susan Boyd
Johanna Breeland
Murray Brown
Ken A. Butler
Scott Calderwood
Jon Campfens
Callysta Card
Stephen Carr
Ruth Carter
Louis Casado
Feizal Cassamalli
Tina Caveno
Kelly Charlton
Dean Choe
Kathy Choi
Allison Chretien
Jill Christensen
Trevor J W Christie
Vincent Cirrincione
Christopher Cleator
Jessica Clothier
Richard Coleman
Steve Copley
Robert Crocco
David Crone
Charles Crossin
Rob Dampier
Gordon Davidson
Chris Deaver
Ken Decker
Alan Degraaf
Simon Dekaric
John Dekker
Linda Del Rosario
Scott Delaplace
Pete Denomme
Roderick Deogrades
Laurie Dobbie
Nicholas Dodd
Wray Douglas
Dylan Dowd
Dana Dube
Pat Duchesne
Andrew Dudman
Natasha Duprey
Kasia Dzieciolowska
Cheryl Edwards
Cheryl Edwards
Amir Eftekhari
Sam Englund
Rick Fearson
Chris Carter Feilden
Moira Fentum
Brendan Ferguson
Brendan Ferguson
Olga Fitzroy
Jim Fleming
Wendy Foster
Joann Fowler
Ellie Fox
Alan Freedman
Sandra-ken Freeman
Gary French
Dave Fritz
Barbara Gasior
Paul Germann
Barry Gilmore
Philip Goldberg
Christopher Gordon
Dana Goudet
Isobel Griffiths
Ben Grossman
Rob Gyorgy
David Halliday
Jeff Harris
Robert Hayley
Robert Hayley
Gundrun Heinze
Michelle Hendriksen
Trevor Herrmann
Norma Hill-patton
Marlene Hoeslich
Steve Holloway
Katy Horsely
Dave Hospes
Alain Hudon
Tanya Hudson
Michael Huntley
Janette Hyland
Nico Ilies
Randy Jablonka
Marilyn Jang
Oscar Janiger
Caldwell Jeffery
Leigh Francis Jenkins
Carl Jensen
Ithon Harrison Johns
Craig Jones
Geoff Jordan
Jesse Joslin
Kevin Kasper
Jane Katherine-watson
Jeremy Kay
Juli-ann Kay
Marko King
Mary King
Andrew Klaasen
Brenda Knight
Jason Koenig
Kelly Konno
Jason Kozsurek
Daniel Krieger
Keren Kurtz
Adam Labadie
Jason B. Landels
Mark Lane
Christopher Daniel Lasko
Jon Lavender
John Le Roy
Andrew Learmonth
Michael Levy
Andrew Lockington
Jef Lonn
David Lourie
Johnny Mack
Margo Macpherson
Kit Mallet
Cory Mandel
Margaret Mansell
Gwendolyn Margetson
Matt Margolis
Hugh Marsh
Todd Masters
Jim Mcbride
Kevin Mcbride
Brian Mccaig
Keith Mcculloch
Kacey Mcdougall
Thom Mcintyre
Margo Kagznska Mckenzie
Chris Mcleod
Ed Mcmahon
Trevor Metz
Adam Miller
Dan Miller
Jeff Mohs
Darren Moore
Dean Morin
Lindsay Morris
Mark Neumann
Scott Nicholson
Len Nordine
John O'toole
Nicole Oguchi
Rob Ohara
Jak Osmond
Sean Oxenbury
Dave Paddon
Bill Pankiw
Neil Parfitt
Richard Paris
Beau Parsons
Andy Pascoe
Dennis Patterson
Ivor Peterson
Michele Picard
Brent Pickett
Michael Prokop
Trevor Purvis
Greg Pyne
Hardeep Rai
Abhi Rastogi
Brian Reid
Barry Rennie
David M Richardson
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Limited Release in United States February 4, 2011
Limited Release in United States Winter December 24, 2010 (Los Angeles)
Limited Release in United States February 4, 2011 (New York and Los Angeles)
Limited Release in United States Winter December 24, 2010
Released in United States April 4, 2014
Released in United States April 4, 2014
Released in United States on Video August 12, 2014
Released in United States on Video August 12, 2014