Nothing But the Truth
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Rod Lurie
Phil Darius Wallace
Craig Wright
Merle Dandridge
Michael Detroit
Jenny Odle Madden
Film Details
Technical Specs
Washington, DC political journalist Rachel Armstrong writes an explosive story about a government scandal in which she reveals the name of a covert CIA agent. When a special government prosecutor demands she divulge her source, she refuses and finds herself behind bars, struggling to defend the principles she has based her career upon.
Rod Lurie
Phil Darius Wallace
Craig Wright
Merle Dandridge
Michael Detroit
Jenny Odle Madden
Ashley Leconte Campbell
Scott Williamson
Blake Brooks
Rod Lurie
Brent Shrewsbury
William J. Immerman
Robert P Campbell
Teri Itkin
Erin Dangler
Jim Palmer
Joseph Murphy
Preston Bailey
Garnet Brooks
Vera Farmiga
Noah Wyle
Floyd Abrams
Kelly Holleman
Kristen Shaw
Julie Ann Emery
Courtney B. Vance
Antonio Morton
Kate Beckinsale
Randall Hartzog
Clay Chamberlin
Michael O'neill
Jennifer Mccoy
Pamela Jones
David Schwimmer
D'army Bailey
Robert Harvey

Matt Dillon
Darcy Healy
Verda Davenport
Jon Sparks
Lowell Perry
Jamey Sheridan
Dan Abrams
Angelica Torn
Angie Gilbert
Allen Overton Battle
Jeffrey W Bailey
Kristen Bough
Janie Paris
David Bridgewater

Alan Alda
Carol Russell-woloshin
Elizabeth Annewilson
Angela Bassett
Floyd Abrams
Leslie Adler
Daniel Aguilar
Julie Altus
Sona Amroyan
Kristen Anacker
Jeff L Anderson
Mike Avalon
Carli Barber
Anthony Beaudoin
Chad Beck
Gloria Belz
Sharon Bicks
Harry Bond
Eddie Bonin
Cathy Boulden
Rachel Boulden
Deborah Bowden
Sarah Boyd
Yvette Boykins
Shaun Brode
Steven Brooksbank
Coby Brown
Coby Brown
Dennis A Brown
Joy Truly Brown
Zane Bruce
Peter Budd
Robert A Bullard
Jerald Burns
Lee Butler
Janice Byrd
David Camarena
Daniel Campbell
Thad Carlile
Kate Carlin
Kerry Carmean
Ed Cathell
Bonnie Chaney
Jean Chemay
Krissopher Chevannes
Delia Circelli
Mike Clark
M Drew Clarke
Kenny Cole
Rick Colosimo
Gareth Cook
Jim Alan Cook
Fred Cooper
Darian Corley
Dayle Corley
Patty Covarrubias
Jon Craig
Arthur B Crutcher
Jimmy Cutey
Rebecca Cutter
Andrew D'addario
Trent Dabbs
Trent Dabbs
Steven Davis
Ben Decarlo
James Degallegos
Seoung Dig
Courtney Drewes
Courtney Drewes
Will Drummond
Robert Duke
Andrew Dunlap
Scott Van Dutton
Ezra Dweck
Adam Ealovega
Kevin J Edelman
Monte Emery
Randy Erickson
Dillan Esco
Roger Evans
Tracy S. Facelli
Farnaz Fahid
Lynn Falconer
John K. Farr
Mara Farrington
David Feldman
Meliza Fermin
Anna Ferrarie
Kevin Fink
Christina Fiorenza
Shana Fischer Huber
Ed Fitzgerald
Paul Flinchbaugh
Bob Foster
Jennifer Fowler
Ken Fralich
Maike Frame
Camille Freer
Scott Friedland
Eric J Friedman
Marc Frydman
Diego Galtieri
Tommy Gilbert
Kelli Gillam
Shelly Gillette
Don Givens
David Glasser
Kristine Golashesky
Jim Goldthwait
Kip Gordon
Leigh-anne Graham
Frank Gray
Jill Greenblatt
Rachel Leah Greene
John Greenway
Glynna Grimala
Larry Groupé
Larry Groupé
Larry Groupé
Kacie Haggerty
Adrienne Hamalian-mangine
David A Harp
J T Harrell
Ben Hasler
Charles Havelka
Christian Hawkins
Noel Hazen
Dan Hegeman
Judy Henderson
Pablo C Herrera
Mitch Herron
Loc Hoang
Kelly Hoover
Xavier Horan
V. Nalla Black Houston
David Howe
James Howe
Samantha Hughes
Shemeeka Hurns
William J. Immerman
Tracy Jackson
Kevin Janicelli
Tony Jenzano
Bobby Johanson
Kristin Johnson
Bobby Jones
Karla Jones
Ian Melvin Kam
Michael Kleiman
Peter Koola
Daniel Kumiega
Cleve Landsberg
Martin Lane
Erika Ingrid Lilienthal
Alfonso Lopez
Barbara Lorenz
Rod Lurie
Rod Lurie
Rod Lurie
Anna Mackenzie
Josh Malloy
Chris Martin
Liz Maxwell
Max Maxwell
Michael L Maxwell
Mike Maxwell
Kevin May
Shea Mcalister
Kimberly D Mccray
Pat Mcguiness
Chuck Mcsorley
Jay Meagher
Frank Mejerski
Marguerite Mello
David Mellow
Steve Michaelson
Curt Miller
Joshua Miller
Julie Milstead
Carrie Mitchum
Steve Moffitt
Dane Moore
Leslie Morales
Charles Muir
Carole Nance
Justin Nance
Nathan Nazario
Christina Newton
Matthew Nichols
Matthew Nichols
Trevor Nichols
Robert Nickelberry
Riley Ordoyne
Monica Pacheco
Amanda Paller
Tanoa Parks
Reid Paul
Michelle Pazer
Paula Pearcy
Randy Pease
Annie Pemberton
Lisa Penarow
Marissa Pincus
Tiffany Pounders
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter December 17, 2008
Released in United States December 19, 2008
Released in United States on Video April 28, 2009
Released in United States Winter December 17, 2008 (NY, LA)
Released in United States December 19, 2008 (Los Angeles)
Released in United States on Video April 28, 2009