Batman Begins
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Christopher Nolan
Christian Bale
Michael Caine
Katie Holmes
Gary Oldman
Morgan Freeman
Film Details
Technical Specs
How does one man change the world? It's a question that haunts Bruce Wayne like the specter of his parents, gunned down before his eyes in the streets of Gotham on a night that changed his life forever. Tormented by guilt and anger, battling the demons that feed his desire for revenge and his need to honor his parents' altruistic legacy, the disillusioned industrial heir vanished from Gotham and secretly travels the world, seeking the means to fight injustice and turn fear against those who prey on the fearful. In his quest to elucidate himself in the ways of the criminal mind, Bruce is mentored by a mysterious man called Ducard in the mastery of the physical and mental disciplines that will empower him to fight the evil he has vowed to destroy. He soon finds himself the target of recruiting efforts by the League of Shadows, a powerful, subversive vigilante group headed by enigmatic leader Ra's al Ghul. Bruce returns to Gotham to find the city devoured by rampant crime and corruption. Wayne Enterprises, his family's former bastion of philanthropic business ideals, now rests in the hands of CEO Richard Earle, a man more concerned with taking the company public than serving the public good. Meanwhile, Bruce's close childhood friend Rachel Dawes, now an Assistant District Attorney, can't secure a conviction of the city's most notorious criminals because the justice system has been so deeply polluted by scum like crime boss Carmine Falcone. It doesn't help that prominent Gotham psychiatrist Dr. Jonathan Crane bolsters insanity defenses for Falcone's thugs in exchange for nefarious favors that serve his own devious agenda. With the help of his trusted butler Alfred, detective Jim Gordon--one of the few good cops on the Gotham police force--and Lucius Fox, his ally at the Wayne Enterprises' Applied Sciences division, Bruce Wayne unleashes his awe-inspiring alter-ego: Batman, a masked crusader who uses strength, intellect and an array of high tech weaponry to fight the sinister forces that threaten to destroy the city.

Christopher Nolan
Christian Bale

Michael Caine
Katie Holmes

Gary Oldman

Morgan Freeman
Rutger Hauer

Liam Neeson
Cillian Murphy
Tom Wilkinson
Tim Booth
Tom Wu
Jack Gleeson
Leon Delroy Williams
Alex Moggridge
Jonathan D Ellis
Patrick Pond
Karl Shiels
Chike Chan
Risteard Cooper
Ken Watanabe
Emmanuel Idowu
Lucy Russell
Mark Boone
Martin Mcdougall
Khan Bonfils
Ilyssa Fradin
John Kazek
Cedric Young
Martin Tillman
Noah Margetts
Omar Mostafa
Vincent Wong
Mark Straker
Gus Lewis
Joseph Rye
Charlie Kranz
Karen David
Tj Ramini
Ronan Leahy
David Murray
Joe Hanley
Ruben Halse
Rade Serbedzija
Roger Yuan
Tom Nolan
Richard Brake
Kwaku Ankomah
David Bedella
Flavia Masetto
Tamer Hassan
Sarah Wateridge
Spencer Wilding
Matt Miller
Soo Hee Ding
Emily Steven-daly
Tenzin Gyurme
Jo Martin
Charles Edwards
Philip Curr
Larry Holden
Shane Rimmer
Jamie Cho
John Judd
Colin Mcfarlane
Gerard Murphy
Jordan Shaw
Jeff Christian
Catherine Porter
Richard Laing
Alexandra Bastedo
Stuart Ong
Roger Griffiths
Rory Campbell
Jeremy Theobald
Darragh Kelly
Stephen Walters
Kiernan Hurley
Timothy Deenihan
Turbo Kong
Sara Stewart
Troy Borisy
Dave Legeno
Nadia Cameron
Fabio Cardascia
Earlene Bentley
Mel Taylor
Mark Smith
Andrew Pleavin
Joe Sargent
Poppy Tierney
Con Horgan
Thomas Jesty
Terry Mcmahon
Linus Roache
Jeff Tanner
Christine Adams
Patrick David Nolan
Rodney Ryan
Tenzin Clive Ball
Emma Lockhart
Jay Buozzi
Dominic Burgess
Mark Chiu
John Nolan
Aurelia Abate
Holly Acton
Deena Adair
Steve Adelson
Jeanette Agaronoff
Adam Aitken
Andy Aitken
Laura Albert
Clare Aldington
Diccon Alexander
Jennifer Alford
Douglas Allam
Wade Allen
David Allum
Stephen Andrzejewski
Justine Angus
Imran Ansari
Annabel Arden
Hideki Arichi
Bruce M Armstrong
Nina Armstrong
Scott Armstrong
John Arnitt
Sam Arnopp
Martin Asbury
Stewart Ash
Nadia Assid
Rick Avery
Tim Baier
Dean Bailey
Wayne Baker
Fiona Baldwin
Lorne Balfe
Murray Barber
Jeeda Barford
Jonathon Barrass
Bebe Barrett
Chris Barrett
David Basalla
Peter Bebb
Joanna Beckett
Rosie Bedford-stradling
William Beenham
Steve Begg
Alistair Bell
Michael Bell
Camille Benda
Steve Benelisha
Bruce Benson
Becky Bentham
Hege Berg
Ute Bergk
Rodney Berling
Barry Best
Brian Best
Dan Bethell
Cheryl Bickerton
Karen Bicknell
Svanur Bjarnason
Hans Bjerno
Jon Kjartan Bjornson
Nigel Blake
John Blakeley
Josh Bleibtreu
Jane Body
Arrigo Boito
Jed Bolton
Nick Bonathan
Andrew Booth
Harry Boxell
Dameon Boyle
James Boyle
Guy Bradley
Sam Breckman
Anna Bregman
Richard Briscoe
Toby Britton
Nicola Brodie
Alan P Brooks
Jon R Brown
Richard Brown
Steve Brown
Derek Burgess
Peter Burgis
Chris Burn
Frank P Calzavara
Rudy Calzavara
Claudio Campana
Jennifer Campbell
Duncan Capp
Keith Carey
Gavin Carruthers
Alison Carter
Darryl Carter
Elaine Cartwright
Aaron Caskey
Elli Cassatta
Stephane Ceretti
Lisa Chadwick
Simon Changer
Neil Chaplin
Nicolas Chevallier
Calvin Chin
Nick Chopping
Brian Christensen
Chumphae Chuchuen
Graham Churchyard
Paul Clancy
Roy Clarke
Al Clay
Paul Clegg
Jeff Clifford
Lisa Clifford-owen
Emily Cobb
Debra Coleman
Ed Colyer
Peter Connelly
Gary Connery
David Cook
Steve Cook
Ben Cooke
Chris Corbould
Bertrand Cordier
Scott Corgan
Michelle Corney
James Cornish
Will Correia
Stella Christy Cottini
George Cottle
Ken Court
Hal Couzens
Dayne Cowan
Theresa Cowell
Vicky Coxon
Al Crate
Steve Crawley
David Cronnelly
Tom Crooke
Ciaran Crowley
Nathan Crowley
Mark Cullis
Stuart Curran
Jason Curtis
Sean Danischevsky
Tobiasz Daszkiewicz
Christian David
Wayne Day
Michael P Deal
Brad Dechter
Andie Derrick
Theo Diamantis
Justo Dieguez
Richard Diver
Ramin Djawadi
Harriet Donington
Peter Dorme
Janie Dowding
Simon Downes
Nick Dudman
Nick Dudman
Nathan Duncan
Piers Dunn
Robert Eames
Peter Edge
Jake Edmonds
Peter Edmonds
Judith Edwards
Julia Eggerton
Sander Ellers
William Elsdale
David Eltham
Simon Emanuel
Sam Engelen
Rick English
John Ensby
Raul Esparza
Daniel Evans
David Evans
Mark Evans
Perry Evans
Warren Evans
Kathy Ewings
Iain Eyre
Stuart Farley
Eddie Fernandez
Tim Field
James Fierro
Nick Finlayson
Neil Finnighan
Glory Fioramonti
Cliff Fleming
Micky Flynn
Gene Foad
Patrick Foad
Claire Folkard
David Forman
Geoff Foster
Glenn Foster
Matthew Foster
Bruce L. Fowler
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Cinematography
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer June 15, 2005
Released in United States on Video October 18, 2005
Based upon "Batman" characters created by Bob Kane and Published by DC Comics.
Laurence Fishburne was previously in discussions for the recurring supporting character of Lucius Fox.
Warner Bros. is also developing two other separate Batman projects; "Batman: Year One" with Darren Aranofsky and Frank Miller, "Batman Vs. Superman."
Batman Begins simultaneously released to IMAX® and conventional 35mm theatres.
James Newton Howard and Hans Zimmer collaborated on the film's soundtrack.
Released in United States Summer June 15, 2005
Released in United States on Video October 18, 2005