La Conga Nights

1h 10m 1940

Film Details

Release Date
May 31, 1940
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Pictures Co.
Distribution Company
Universal Pictures Co.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 10m
Black and White
Film Length
7 reels


Steve Collins, an amateur vaudevillian who supports himself by driving a cab, meets Helen Curtiss, a small-town singer, as Helen is running out on her boardinghouse bill. Feeling sorry for the impoverished songstress, Steve takes her to his boardinghouse, which is run by Mama O'Brien, a bighearted landlady whose rooms are filled even though her boarder's pockets are empty. Mama's benevolence results in her inability to pay the rent, and as a result, her landlord, Henry I. Dibble and Associates, threatens eviction. At the Dibble office, Henry, a musical moron who is more interested in melodies than business, argues with Hammond, his business manager, and his four sisters over the fate of Mama's boardinghouse. Opposed to his sisters' plan to raze the building, Henry visits Mama's, where he hears Steve and the band practicing and decides to rent a room. Not realizing that Henry is her landlord, Mama glady accepts his money. One night, Mama, Henry and the rest of her tenants attend Steve and Helen's audition at the Gourd Club, where Henry gets so carried away that he spills buckshot on the floor, thus causing the pair to slip during their act. Fired for clumsiness, Steve chastises Henry and tells him of Mama's financial problems. In response, Henry suggests converting the boardinghouse into a nightclub, and Steve and Helen take his advice. Sensing great human interest potential in the story of the heartless landlord ousting the penniless performers, radio personality Jeepers Peepers decides to attend the opening. When Peepers broadcasts his story, Hammond and the Dibble sisters also decide to attend the opening of the Club Conga. As the entertainers prepare for their performance, a representative from the Dibble Company appears with an eviction notice, but when Henry points out that his signature does not appear on the notice, Hammond relents and the show goes on. Henry then announces that he is giving Steve and Helen the building as a wedding present.

Film Details

Release Date
May 31, 1940
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Pictures Co.
Distribution Company
Universal Pictures Co.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 10m
Black and White
Film Length
7 reels




Although a print of this film was not viewed, the above credits and plot summary were taken from a continuity included in the studio file. Though the film credits Hugh Herbert only with the role of Henry Dibble, Jr., he actually portrays the roles of the entire Dibble family in the picture.