King Kong Lives
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
John Guillermin
Brian Kerwin
Linda Hamilton
John Ashton
George Yiasoumi
Peter Michael Goetz
Film Details
Technical Specs
A giant ape, King Kong, which was shot and fell off the World Trade Center, appears to be alive but is in coma for 10 years and desperately needs a blood transfusion in order to have an artificial heart implanted. Suddenly, in the rainforest, another gigantic ape is found. This time a female. She is brought to the USA, and the heart is successfully implanted. But then King Kong, having felt a female ape, breaks loose.

John Guillermin
Brian Kerwin
Linda Hamilton
John Ashton
George Yiasoumi
Peter Michael Goetz
Leon Rippy
Ted Prichard
Shannon Rowell
David Devries
Rod Davis
Alan Sader
Marc Clement
Jack Maloney
Margaret Freeman
Elizabeth Hayes
Frank Maraden
Mac Pirkle
Jeffrey Ford
Gary Kaikaka
Jimmie Ray Weeks
Debbie Mcleod
Robin Cahall
Natt Christian
Duke Ernsberger
Lou Criscuolo
Peter Elliot
Larry Sprinkle
Mary Swafford
Jeff Benninghofen
Hope Nunnery
Wallace Merck
John D Kretschmer
Dean Whitworth
Lydia Smith
J Michael Hunter
Jimmy Wiggins
Richard Rhodes
Jayne Linday-gray
Bernard Addison
Bonnie Cook
Don Law
Michael Forest
Hershel Sparber
Jim Grimshaw
Dandy Stevenson
Michael Mclendon
Derek Pearson
Tom Parkhill
Mike Starr
Larry Souder
Winston Hemingway
Scott L Alexander
Tom Anderson
Rick Ash
Morris Atkins
Arona Barnes
Robert Bass
Ken Bates
Frank Batt
Matt Earl Beesley
Michael Bell
Antoinette Bonsignore
Teresa Book
Roger Bowles
Michael Brewster
Robin Browne
William Bryan
David Bubb
Jeff Burks
Shaw Burney
Cathy Butler
Daniel Candib
Clifford Capone
Tom K Carlin
Roberto Carlos
Fred Carter
Casey Cavanaugh
John Cazemiro
Frank Ceglia
Jonathan Chibnall
Dan Chichester
Ty Church
Kenneth Clarke
Mike Cobos
Ralph Cobos
Kathryn Colbert
Myles Connell
Brian Cooke
Malcolm Cooke
Merian C. Cooper
John Copeman
Monty Cox
Tom Cranham
Chris Crump
Samuel C Crutcher
Bud Davis
Bud Davis
Chrissie Davis
Esty Davis
Martha De Laurentiis
Giannetto De Rossi
Grazia De Rossi
Christian P Della Penna
Joe Digaetano
Don Digirolamo
Lisa Dismukes
Roberta Doheny
Dean Drabin
Eamonn Dunne
David Edwards
John C. Ferguson
Roe Fonvielle
Richard Foreman
Dean Gates
Greg Gault
Joe Gilbride
Jeffrey Ginn
Robert W Glass
Ronald D. Goldstein
Cindy J Gray
Jim Grimshaw
Scott Grusin
Michelle Guillermin
Robert Habros
Chip Hackler
Mayta Haley
Randy Hall
Allan Hamilton
Bill Harrison
Chuck Hart
Herbert Harton
Jordan Hawley
Gary Hecker
Yvonne Hegney
George Hill
Pat Hill
Garrett Hogan
Andrew Holder
Rodney Hollis
Sadie Holt
James L Honore
Bobby Huber
Dr. Raymond Hunt
Walter Huse
James J Isaacs
Donna Isaacson
Gordon Izod
David Jones
Petko Kadiev
David P Kelsey
Alec King
Steve Kirshoff
Robert Knudson
Kerry Kohler
Kevin Konival
Peter Kromper
John Kuhlman
A. Welch Lambeth
Delores Lane
Alan Lasky
Tantar Leviseur
Joe Lombardi
Steve Lombardi
Barbara Long
Lyn Lucibello
John S. Lyons
Edward Malone
Richard Malzahn
Marco Mazzei
Regina Mcleod
Richard Medina
Sergio Melaranci
Joseph Mercurio
Colin Miller
Alec Mills
Marty Montagne
Jeff Moore
Bruce Moriarty
Bruce Moriarty
Bernardo Munoz
Peter Murton
Simon Murton
Barry A Nolan
Beth Nufer
Linda Pacic
Barbara Page
David Pamplin
John Paterson
Les Pendleton
Gene Poole
Ken Powell
Steven Pressfield
Don Pulford
Fran Raines
Allessandro Rambaldi
Carlo Rambaldi
Carlo Rambaldi
Vittorio Rambaldi
Dick Ramirez
Olivia Ramirez
Gus Ramsden
Tony Reading
Larry Reid
Charlene Richards
Artist Robinson
Dar Robinson
Roxanne Robinson
Bill Rog
Hugh Scaife
Rod Schumacher
Dennis R. Scott
John Scott
Paul Sebastian
David Sharp
Rosalind Shingleton
Ronald Shusett
Ronald Shusett
William Siler
Jethro Singer
Ron Sistare
Eric W Skipper
Earl Smith
Karen Smith
Steven Spier
Stefan Stanskowski
Joe Starr
David Stephenson
Rina Sternfeld-allon
Alicia M Stevenson
Lorraine Teachey
Ed Thompson
Noel Tomlinson
Charles Torbett
Lucio Trentiti
Tom Trovato
Mike Tucker
Danielle Verese
Tim Viereck
Peter Voysey
Edgar Wallace
Robert Webber
Jean Wessner
Johnny West
Rosemarie Wheeler
Les Wiggins
John Wildermuth
David S Williams
Franklin Williams
Alonzo V Wilson
John Wood
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter December 19, 1986
Sequel to "King Kong" (1976), directed by John Guillerman.
Began shooting March 31, 1986.
Completed shooting June 30, 1986.
Released in United States Winter December 19, 1986