Man on the Moon
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Milos Forman
Evan Diner
Johnny Legend
Matt Price
Natalie Webb
Vincent Schiavelli
Film Details
Technical Specs
Andy Kaufman, who died in 1984 at the age of 35, was considered one of the most innovative, eccentric and enigmatic performers of his time. A master at manipulating audiences, Kaufman could generate belly laughs, stony silence, tears or brawls. Whether inviting the audience out for milk and cookies or challenging women to inter-gender wrestling matches, he specialized in creating performances so real that even his close friends were never really sure where the real truth lay. Although described variously as "a nihilistic elf, a Zen guerilla, a dadaist comedian and the first true performance artist," Kaufman always preferred to think of himself as simply "a song and dance man." Kaufman grew from an Elvis impersonator to a performer who broke all the rules. By refusing to break character or let audiences in on the joke, he frequently pushed his art over the edge, leaving his audience alternately baffled and amused, but it was all part of the act.

Milos Forman
Evan Diner
Johnny Legend
Matt Price
Natalie Webb
Vincent Schiavelli
Mia Pitts
Jennifer Chavarria
Amy Tinkham
Caroline Gibson
Christina Cabot
Budd Friedman
Tracey Walter
Shirry Dolgin
Jeff Thomas
Mark Davenport
David Koechner
Karissa Seaman
Peter Bonerz
Lance Alarcon
Molly Schaffer
Gene Lebell
Caroline Rhea
Bill Reid
Fredd Wayne
Howard West
Maureen Mueller
Jason Bedig
Krystina Carson
James Sawyer
Heath Hyche
Patricia Scanlon
Earl Gardner
Deana Ann Aburto
John Yoakum
Howard Keystone
Raymond Bokhour
Courtney Love
Charlie Brissette
Reiko Aylesworth
Max Alexander
Tiffany Olson
Phil Perlman
Pat Senatore
Lonnie Hamilton
James Lum
Melissa Carrey
Will Lee
James Mccarthy
Kelly Jones
Brent Briscoe
Lea Sullivan
Kathryn Rossberg
Tamara Bossett
Michael Villani
Sid Mcginnis
Yoshi Jenkins
Miles Chapin
Norman Mamey
Hal Blaine
Billy Lucas
Marilyn Sokol
John Mitchell
Mews Small
Catherine Hader
Teresa Chapman
Sydney Lassick
Greg Travis
Mary Lynn Rajskub
Lukasz Gottwald
Brittany Colonna
Ron Sanchez
Mark Majetti
Phillip Feather
Kelleia Sheerin
Ladi Von Jansky
Conrad Roberts
Michelle E Swanson
Thomas Verdonck
Alex Iles
Robert O'donnell
D J Johnson
Eva Jenickova
Lindsay Lopez
Gerry Becker
Leonard Pickett
Bobby Borriello
Tara Nicole
Howdy Doody
Kristin K Willits
Doug Ford
Claudia Jaffee
Steven Williams

Jim Carrey
Tricia Lilly

Danny De Vito
David Thomasson
Randall Carver
Doris Eaton Travis
Maria Maglaris
Karen Martin
Cash Oshman
Greyson Pendry
Wendy Polland
Danielle Burgio
Jeanine Jackson
Greg Sutton
Alex Foster
David Elliott
Katie Miller
Cheryl Hardwick
Michon Sukaya
Betsy Chang
Robert Holeman
Patton Oswalt
Lewis Del Gatto
Bob Zmuda
Richard Belzer
Linda Cevallos
Tom Dreesen
Kelly Cooper
Alison Simpson
Robert Emmet
Tabatha Mays
Lance Russell
April Nixon
Leslie Lyles
Ed Mitchell
James Ross
Jessica Devlin
Bert F Balsam
Betsy Harris
Lisa Eaton
Tony Galla
Philip Lenkowsky
Melinda Songer
Brian Peck
Thomas Barney
Valerie Naranjo
Leon Pendarvis
Gerry Robert Byrne
Timothy Metzger
Frank Devito
Natalie Mills
Jeff Zabel
Michael Kelly
George Shapiro
Jerry Lawler
Rob Steiner
Jessica Moore
Melanie Vesey
Jacqueline Case
Steve Turre
K P Palmer
Melanie Gage
Angela Jones
Karen Blake Challman
Shawn Pelton
Pamela Abdy
Frank Marocco
Michael Lufkin
Penny Fisher
Tim Divers
Anton Fig
Thomas Armbruster
Chuck Zito
Isadore Rosenfeld

Paul Giamatti
Greg Prechel
Mando Guerrero
Pamela Abdy
Todd J Adelman
G. A. Aguilar
Kelly Aldrich
Lesley Aletter
Elle Alexander
Scott Alexander
Chris M Alvarez
Eric Amundsen
Dale E. Anderson
Julian Andraus
Kathleen Ankers
Tom Armbruster
Gene Autry
Kenny Aymong
James Babineaux
Brook Bacon
Bob Baker
Randall Balsmeyer
Bob Balzarini
Pat Banta
Marshall Barer
Chris Barnes
Michael Barry
Bobby Bass
Joseph E Bates
Jackie Baugh
Jim Belletier
Braden Belmonte
Richard Belzer
Tricia Bercsi
John Berger
Dan Berkowitz
Taylor Bernard
Leonard Bernstein
Martin Bernstein
William Berry
Adrienne Biddle
Brent Blom
Ron Bochar
David Bolton
Dotan Bonen
Peter Bonerz
Adam Boome
Jon Borchers
Tamara Bossett
Janet Brady
Charles Brewer
Charlie Brissette
Lee Ann Brittenham
Corey C. Bronson
Troy Brown
Edita Brychta
Peter Buck
Mike Buckman
Rob Burnett
Gary Burritt
Heather Burton
Alice Byrne
Gerry Robert Byrne
Gerry Robert Byrne
Gerry Robert Byrne
Jeffrey Cahill
Rod Calarco
Anita Camarata
Jamie Candiloro
Jennifer Caputo
Jerry Carita
Stephen Carr
Jimmy Carroll
Augie Carton
Randall Carver
Chris Centrella
Steve Chambers
Kam Chan
Mike Chapman
Ben Cheah
Nicky Chinn
Liz Chiz
Richard Chouinard
Alisa Christensen
Michelle Cisneros
Clara Cluck
Lisa Cofini
Cari Cohen
Missy Cohen
Katherine M Cohn
Caron Colvett
Jeff Conaway
Bob Conners
Bill Conti
Bill Conti
Bill Corso
Vince Cortez
Marko Costanzo
Christy Cotton
Michael A Crowley
Natasha Cuba
Michael Curry
Kenneth Darby
Beth Dary
David Davern
Charissie Davis
Velma Dawson
Sanjit De Silva
Danny De Vito
June Decamp
Luigi Denza
Tammy Dickson
Gaetano Donizetti
Howdy Doody
Gary Douris
Kathleen Driscoll-mohler
Richard Drown
Mitch Dubin
Francois Duhamel
Edward James Egan
Kathryn Eisenstein
David Elliott
Annie Ellis
Timothy Grant Engle
Jack English
Erik A. Erichsen
Chuck Eskridge
Cindy Evans
Skip Evans
Joe Facey
Dino Fekaris
Scott Ferguson
Emily Ferry
Chris Fielder
Larry Fioritto
Randall Flosi
Gerry Foley
Jay Fortune
Raymond Fortune
Stacey Foster
Bob Fox
Kaylin Frank
Ralph Fratianni
Budd Friedman
Rudolf Friml
Mary Gallagher
Nicole Gallardo
Wilma Gasrcadden-gahret
Thomas Gilligan
Ron Glenn
Harvey Goldberg
Lewis Goldstein
Oscar Gomez
Neil Gonzales
Sonia Gonzalez
Don Goodman
Patricia Grande
Richard Bob Greene
Nikki Allyn Grosso
Mando Guerrero
Peter G Hackman
Stephen Hagen
Oakley Haldeman
Oscar Hammerstein Ii
Winfield Han
George Frederick Handel
Gene Hara
Otto Harbach
Don Harback
Ian Harrington
Gregg Harris
Linnea Light Harris
Stan Harrison
Rosine Ace Hatem
Michael Hausman
Michael Hausman
Willo Hausman
Marilu Henner
Ruth Hernandez
Blake Hill
Linda Fields Hill
Judd Hirsch
Tony Hobbs
Michael Hofacre
Wally Holmes
Buddy Joe Hooker
Eddie Horst
Jimmy Hoyson
Kerry Hoyt
Max Hunt
Aimee Hyatt
Karis Jagger
Bob James
Bob James
Alexander Janko
David Jernigan
Shari Schwartz Johanson
Jon Mark Johnson
Rich Jones
Carol Kane
Larry Karaszewski
Andy Kaufman
Carol Kaufman
Film Details
Technical Specs
Vincent Schiavelli (1948-2005)
He was born on November 10, 1948 in Brooklyn, New York. After he studied acting at New York University's School of the Arts, he quickly landed a role in Milos Foreman's Taking Off (1971), and his career in the movies seldom dropped a beat. Seriously, to not recognize Schiavelli's presence in a movie or television episode for the last 30 years means you don't watch much of either medium, for his tall, gawky physique (a towering 6'6"), droopy eyes, sagging neck skin, and elongated chin made him a casting director's dream for offbeat and eccentric parts.
But it wasn't just a striking presence that fueled his career, Schiavelli could deliver the fine performances. Foreman would use him again as one of the mental ward inmates in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975); and he was hilarious as the put-upon science teacher, Mr. Vargas in Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982); worked for Foreman again as Salieri's (F. Murray Abraham's) valet in Amadeus (1984); unforgettable as an embittered subway ghost who taunts Patrick Swayze in Ghost (1990); downright creepy as the brooding organ grinder in Batman Returns (1992); worked with Foreman one last time in The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996); and was a dependable eccentric in Death to Smoochy (2002). Television was no stranger to him either. Although he displayed a gift for comedy playing Latka's (Andy Kaufman) confidant priest, "Reverend Gorky" in a recurring role of Taxi, the actor spent much of his time enlivening shows of the other worldly variety such as Star Trek: The Next Generation, Tales from the Crypt, The X Files, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
In recent years, Schiavelli curtailed the acting, and concentrated on writing. He recently relocated to the Sicilian village of Polizzi Generosa, where his grandparents were raised. He concentrated on his love of cooking and in 2002, wrote a highly praised memoir of his family's history as well as some cooking recipes of his grandfather's titled Many Beautiful Things. He is survived by two children.
by Michael T. Toole

Vincent Schiavelli (1948-2005)
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of the Silver Bear for Best Director at the 2000 Berlin International Film Festival.
Winner of the 1999 award for Best Actor (Jim Carrey) from the Boston Society of Film Critics.
Released in United States Winter December 22, 1999
Released in United States on Video May 30, 2000
Released in United States February 2000
Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (in competition) February 9-20, 2000.
Completed shooting November 24, 1998.
Began shooting July 27, 1998.
Released in United States Winter December 22, 1999
Released in United States on Video May 30, 2000
Released in United States February 2000 (Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (in competition) February 9-20, 2000.)