Battlefield Earth
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Roger Christian
Jim Meskimen
Anderson Chet Bradshaw
Kim Coates
Andrew Albert
Tim Post
Film Details
Technical Specs
In the year 3000, 1000 years after the Psychlos, an alien race ruled by the ruthless Terl, have conqured Earth. Young rebel Jonnie Goodboy Tyler, comes out of hiding in the mountains near Boulder, Colorado only to find that most of the human race has been killed or turned into "man-animal" slaves who work tirelessly to fulfill Terl's plan -- to mine Earth of all its valuable resources and return to Psychlo a rich man.
Roger Christian
Jim Meskimen
Anderson Chet Bradshaw
Kim Coates
Andrew Albert
Tim Post
Derrick Damon Reeve
Christopher Freeman
Michael Macrae
Andrew Campbell
Noel Burton
Sean Hewitt
Nadine Corde
Robert Higden
Michael Byrne
Russell Yuen
John Topor
Barry Pepper
Christian Tessier
Earl Pastko
Rejean Denoncourt
Marie-josée Croze
Jason Cavalier
Alan Legros
Kelly Preston
Todd Mcdougall
Shaun Austin-olsen
Richard Tyson

John Travolta
Michel Perron
Sylvian Landry
Mulumba Tshikuka

Forest Whitaker
Sabine Karsenti
Tait Ruppert
Kasia Adamik
Erik Ajduk
Ashok Amritraj
Christopher Aud
Marie-elaine Bailly
Thomas Bartke
Kevin Bartnof
Joseph Baugniet
Harold Belker
Jocelyne Bellemare
Peter Benison
Lev Bereznycky
Karla Bluteau
Christopher Bobyn
Oana Bogdan
Jaques Bouchard
Roger Bourgouin
Paul Boutin
Joseph Lang Browns
David E Campbell
Rick Canelli
Don Carmody
Guylaine Chagnon
Francesca Chamberlain
Penny Charter
Elia Cmiral
Suzie Coutu
Casey Crabtree
Mick Cukurs
Gloria D'alessandro
Caroline Daoud
Chris Dawson
Anne Laure D Debay
Steve Dellerson
Fabrice Descurninges
Laverne Dewberry
Mariano Agostino Diaz
Jim Dirker
Teri E. Dorman
Josee Doucet
Anson Downes
Luc Doyan
Alain Dufresne
Jean-francois Duplat
Marcel-pierre Dussol
André Duval
John Paul Fasal
Linda R Favila
David Fedele
Harry Fichter
Mary Fichter
Mike Flicker
Patrick J. Foley
Maurice Forget
Angele Gagnon
Anne Galea
Jessica Gallavan
Walter Gasparovic
Nicole Germain
Alain Giguere
Nadine Gilliot
Eric Gotthelf
Brigitte Goulet
Francey Grace
Robert Guertin
Simon Guillault
Charles Hamilton
Catherine Handfield
Joanne Harwood
Erik Henry
Dan Hiland
Frank Holgate
James A Holt
David H Horton
Rick Hromadka
Brad Hruboska
L Ron Hubbard
Geoff Isherwood
Kevin Ishioka
Michael Anthony Jackson
Patrice Jacques
Mark Johnson
Adam Johnston
Dimitri Kaliviotis
Andrea Kenyon
Adrian Knight
Martina Kohl
Andy Kopetzky
Jonathan D Krane
Claude Lafrance
Robert Lalonde
Brandon Lambdin
Nicole Lapierre
Jacky Lavoie
Tom Lay
James Lebrecht
Patrick Lee
Auree Tommi Lepage
Carl Lessard
David Loveday
Steve Lucescu
Erik Lundborg
Corey Mandell
Nicolas Marion
Richard Martin
Stephan Martiniere
Deborah Mcnulty
Doug Meerdink
Jean-francois Mignault
Christian Minkler
Derrick Mitchell
Nathalie Moliavko-visotzky
Claudia Monseau
Russell Moore
Adrien Morot
Robert J Morton
Christopher Munyon
David J Negron
John Nutt
Giles Nuttgens
Thomas J. O'connell
Maryse Papineau
Claude Part
Brian Penny
Jayson Philapil
Jean-francois Plourde
Ken S Polk
Conrad Pope
Troy Porter
Bob Pritchett
Brent Radford
Robert W Redpath
John T Reitz
Mark Riccardi
Martin Rivest
J.p. Romano
Patrick Rousseau
Gregg Rudloff
Emma Russell
Lea Russell
Robin Russell
Elie Samaha
Maite Sarthou
Florian Schereck
J. David Shapiro
Richard Shean
E James Small
Andrew M Somers
Kate St Pierre
Lynn Stalmaster
Tracee Stanley
Robert Stecko
Andrew Stevens
Jeff Sturgill
Steve Switaj
Patrick Tatopoulos
Patrick Tatopoulos
Michael Tinger
John Travolta
Lucie Tremblay
Patrice Tremblay
Chris Trice
Celine Turcotte
Joseph Viskocil
Matthew Walsh
Marc Wenderoff
David Werntz
Pete White
John Whynot
Matthew Willis
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring May 12, 2000
Project was previously in development at MGM Pictures.
Project was previously in development at 20th Century Fox.
Began shooting July 5, 1999.
Completed shooting September 25, 1999.
Released in United States Spring May 12, 2000