Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Jon Turteltaub
John Travolta
Kyra Sedgwick
Robert Duvall
Forest Whitaker
Daniel Zacapa
Film Details
Technical Specs
Everybody in the small town of Harmon knows George Malley as a nice guy, a good auto mechanic, and a dependable friend. But on his 37th birthday George begins to change. As a result of an extraordinary occurrence, George's seemingly unremarkable life takes a mystifying and wonderous turn. George has a sudden insatiable appetite for learning, and begins to comprehend the beauty and intelligence of the universe. Suspicious about the new-found power of George's mind, and apprehensive of the riddle he has become, George's life-long friends begin to turn away from him. But with the love and support of the cautious, yet caring, Lace, George is able to see the larger picture of his place in the scheme of things, and to trust the remarkable path of his life.
Jon Turteltaub

John Travolta
Kyra Sedgwick

Robert Duvall

Forest Whitaker
Daniel Zacapa
Tony Genaro
Vyto Ruginis
Troy Evans
Joseph A Nicosia
Beth Kennedy
Claudia Crespin
Brent Spiner
Kenneth Montante
Sean O'bryan
David Gallagher
Mariann V Carothers
Jewel Benedict
Jeffrey Demunn
Mark Soper
Dan Partain
Will Prater
Tony A Mattos
Sage Callaway
James Anthony Cotton
Carl Parker
Ellen Geer
Susan Merson
Isaac Reiswig
Michael Milhoan
Justin Dipego
Anni Long
James Keane
Betsy Berryhill
Mark Valim

Richard Kiley
Jack Chouchanian
Richard Gross
Bruce A Young
Michael Forner
Cab Covay
Eric Tignini
Robert Lucas
Elisabeth Nunziato
Tom Fridley
Ashley Buccille
Alicia Accardo
Matt Adler
Michael Alexander
Theron Alford
Frida Aradottir
Audie Aragon
George Bamber
Charles Bazaldua
Dale Becker
David Behle
Tiger Bela
Nikki Bell
Bill Bernstein
John Beverley
David Blitstein
Christine Bloomingdale
Beau Bonneau
Barbara Boyle
Paul Boyle
Julian Bratolyubov
Michael Broomberg
Michelle Buhler
David Cadiente
Jeff Cadiente
Mageara Cameron
Randy Cantor
Don Capoferri
George Cassell
Jerome Chen
Jack Chouchanian
Allegra Clegg
Chris Cornwell
Betsy Cox
Sheigh Crabtree
James P Cullen
Hallie D'amore
Elaine Davis
Heather Davis
Robert Dawson
Gary Deaton
Sara B Dee
David C Denison
Michael B Dermer
Gerald Dipego
Norm Dlugatch
Holly Dorff
Gary Dowlin
Tzarina V Edillon
Joseph G Emanuele
Peter Evangelatos
Julia Evershade
Richard Fernandez
Efrain Figueroa
Greg Finley
Michael Gastaldo
Howell Gibbens
Dominic Gonzales
Vivian Gosnell
Robert Gray
Bruce Green
Sheree Green
Khan Griffith
Kimberly Guenther
Mark Hadland
Bob Hall
Geoffrey D. Hansen
D J Harder
Barbara Harris
Barbara Harris
Anita Hart
Jay R. Hart
Michael Herbick
Phil Ho
Bill Hollibaugh
Mark Cordell Holmes
Ivo Horvat
Scott A Howell
Douglas W Hunt
Robert C Jackson
Debra James
Rod Janusch
Jennifer Jasper
Ronald Judkins
Michelle Juskowitz
Susan V Kalinowski
Doc Kane
Jack Keller
Michael R Kern
Mara Kerum
Ian Kincaid
Martin A Kline
David Kramer
Jonathan D Krane
Cynthia K Lagerstrom
Jennie Marie Latham
Paul Lazebnik
Gerald R. Lehtola
Christopher Leone
Robert J Litt
Kamala Lopez-dawson
Kimberlee M Lucas
Mark Mangini
Joel Marrow
Maria Helena Martins
Liz Matthews
Robert Mccann
Lori Mcclellen
Donald Mcmillan
Susan Mieras
Bruce Alan Miller
Robin L Miller
Mary Mooney
Raquel Morales
Leslie Morris
Robert J Morton
Kathleen M Murray
Stephanie Murray
Diana Myers
Thomas G Nead
Charles J. Newirth
Charles J. Newirth
Thomas Newman
Thomas Pasatieri
Randol Perelman-taylor
Mike Perry
Wally Pfister
Mark V Phillips
Jolanta T Piwowarczyk
Spencer Proffer
Ken Ralston
David Randolph
Dale Raoul
Noreen Reardon
David Rennie
Mark Riccardi
John Richards
Jaime Robbie Robertson
Jody Rogers
Zade Rosenthal
Renee Rousselot
Lori Rowbotham
Joan Rowe
Dennis Sands
Douglas V R Shellow
Allen Sides
Guy J Snow
Erik Stabenau
Rebecca Stefan
Cheryl A Stone
Garreth Stover
Susan Such
Terry Sullivan
Michael Taylor
Eric Tignini
Ailleen Timmers
Elliot Tyson
Scott Weber
Paul Wertheimer
Dwight Williams
Tom Winslow
Philip Wood
Ian Wosiski
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video January 14, 1997
Released in United States Summer July 3, 1996
John Travolta reportedly received $8 million for this film.
John Travolta reportedly received $8 million for this film.
Began shooting October 9, 1995.
Completed shooting December 22, 1995.
Released in United States on Video January 14, 1997
Released in United States Summer July 3, 1996