One Night At McCool's
Brief Synopsis
Film Details
Technical Specs
A story told from three different points of view that ultimately become one... It all started one night at McCool's--three unsuspecting men and one woman with a dream are brought together... McCool's bar was hopping that night. Randy worked there, tending bar. Lawyer Carl was there until past closing. Detective Dehling got there once McCool's became a crime scene. Was it the dead body that tied these men together? Not as tightly as the live wire who was also there that night: the stunning woman aptly named Jewel. Before the night was over, she had become all the three men could think about: she moved in on/with one, made the other forget his (living) wife, and made the third forget his (dead) wife. As one of the men would point out in a rare moment of clarity, "The sex and the violence, all in one night--it's a little much." With a woman like Jewel, there was more to come. Jewel was more trouble than these three men were worth... and what she wanted was bigger than all of them put together.
Harald Zwart
Liv Tyler
Leo Rossi
Eric Ware
Paul Reiser
Kelly Slater
Tim Dezarn
David Kronenberg
Sandy Martin
Veslemoey Ruud Zwart
Eric Schaeffer
Michael Kronenberg
Gary Brussell

Michael Douglas
Ric Sarabia
Richard Jenkins
Andrew Dice Clay
Jeanne Mccarthy
Andrea Bendewald
Reba Mcentire
Jason Bedig
Donille Artese
Roscoe Despain
Rob Neukirch
Harry Van Gorkum
Anthony Winsik
Mary Jo Smith
Rad Milo
Earl Carroll

John Goodman

Matt Dillon
Peter Afterman
Bonnie Alden
Pedro Aleman
Michael Allegro
Fran Allgood
Christian Andersen
Colin Anderson
Colin Anderson
Dale E. Anderson
Pete Anthony
Alex Apple
David Arnott
Jeff Atmajian
Rick Baca
Brook Bacon
Leo Baker
Brian Basham
Ron Bedrosian
Anne Berger
William E. Bess
Juel Bestrop
Lisa Bonaccorso
Robin Borman-wizan
Justin Bourret
Tim Boyle
Tim Boyle
Tim Boyle
Harry Brady
Danny Bress
Sharleen Bright
Kate Brownlee
Denny Caira
Bruce Cannon
Blythe Cappello
Charisse Cardenas
Johnny Cash
Catherine Cavadini
Mark Hunshik Choi
Michael Chonos
Dennis R Clark
Jessica Clements
Dawn Clounch
William R Cockrell
Loren Corl
Andreas Crawford
John Crimmins
Chris Cussen
William Daimant
Sandy De Crescent
Richard Dean
Stephen P Del Prete
Ric Delgado
Larry Dias
Paul A Dicocco
Dan Diprima
Norm Dlugatch
Holly Dorff
Michael Douglas
Richard Dwan
Daniel Eisenberg
Lisa Ekdahl
Robiy Ellison
Victor Ennis
Zeljko Erlic
Carlos Escobar
Sam Escobar
Steven E. Eyrse
Paula Fairfield
Greg Finley
Stephanie Flack
Jay Floyd
Charles W Francis
Adam Fratto
Wally Frick
Andy Friend
Lisa Gabaldon
Maritza L Garcia-roddy
Robert Garlow
Serge Genitempo
Nerses Gezalyan
Brandon S Gilgen
Timothy B Graham
John J. Grant
Whitney Green
Whitney Green
Carlos Guaicochea
Ed Gutentag
Ed Gutentag
Pal Bugge Haagenrud
Dick Hansen
Tabby Hanson
Tommy Harper
Barbara Harris
Craig Harris
Shannon Hart
Marie Healy
Gregory A. Hedgepath
Alisa Hensley-lane
Jim Heritage
Jim Heritage
Phil Hetos
Tracey Ann Hiete
Tony Hobbs
Melissa Hofmann
Nancy Honeycutt
Julian Hyde
Lisa Jaime
Nick James
Nathan Jones
Stacy Jorgensen
Gary E Kincaid
Peyton Kirkpatrick
Mark Lapotsky
Carolyn Lassek
David S. Lazan
Lee W. Lebaigue
David Leitch
Cary Levine
Karl Walter Lindenlaub
Karl Walter Lindenlaub
Jose Luis Lopez
Elizabeth Ludwick
David Lujan
Michael Magill
Jerry L. Marshall
Rangel Mata
Peter Mavromates
Jeanne Mccarthy
David Mccharen
Scott Mcgeo
Brynn Mcquade
James Methany
Jamie Midgley
Lydia Milars
Ellen Mirojnick
Robert Mitas
Ron Morgan
James Moriana
Philip D Morill
Bonnie Morris
Kelsey Mulrooney
Barbara Murphy
Carla Murray
Stephanie Murray
George Nemzer
Charles Newhart
James C Norton
Jeffrey O'brien
Joseph Ondrejko
Kim Ornitz
Jose Ortiz
Joan Osborne
Maggie Ostroff
Alex Payne
Lisa Penaranda
Thomas A Pendell
Michael Perman
Manny Perry
Mary-linda Phillips
Dave Powledge
Van Quattro
Eric Ramirez
David Randolph
David Raymond
Rex Reddick
Flumencio Renteria
Dan Riffel
Felix A. Rivera
Steve Rizzo
Jimmy N. Roberts
David A Rochow
Theresa Roehner
Arturo Rojas
Rebecca Roka
Tim Roslan
Danny S Rowe
Geoffrey G. Rubay
Kevin Rubottom
Michael Runyard
Freddie M Saba
Paul Santoni
Ellen H. Schwartz
Vernon Scott
Allison Lyon Segan
Stan Seidel
Stan Seidel
Marc Shaiman
Mike Shannon
Brad Sherman
Coke Simon
Jay Sircy
Jim Small
Mary Smith
Mychal Smith
Steve Sorkin
Aaron Alexander Spann
John Srednicki
Randy Starr
Joe Steele
Jon Gary Steele
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring April 27, 2001
Released in United States on Video September 25, 2001
Released in United States 2001
Shown at Deauville Festival of American Film (Avant Premieres/Previews) August 31 - September 9, 2001.
Shown at U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, Colorado February 28 - March 4, 2001.
Completed shooting October 15, 1999.
Began shooting August 16, 1999.
Released in United States Spring April 27, 2001
Released in United States on Video September 25, 2001
Released in United States 2001 (Shown at Deauville Festival of American Film (Avant Premieres/Previews) August 31 - September 9, 2001.)
Released in United States 2001 (Shown at U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, Colorado February 28 - March 4, 2001.)