Hark Bohm
Hark Bohm was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Bohm worked on a variety of projects during his early entertainment career, including "Angst vor der Angst" (1975) starring Margit Carstensen, "Der Kleine Godard" (1978) and "Moritz, Dear Moritz" (1978). He also contributed to "Nordsee Ist Mordsee" (1975), "Tschetan, der Indianerjunge" (1973) starring Marquard Bohm and "Zu boser Schlacht schleich' Ich heute nacht so bang" (1977). He continued to act in productions like "Der Kleine Staatsanwalt" (1986), the Jean-Pierre Léaud comedy "Ossegg - Oder die Wahrheit Uber Hansel und Gretel" (1987) and "Adrian und die Romer" (1987). Film continued to be his passion as he played roles in "The Merchant of Four Seasons" (1989) with Hans Hirschmuller, "Herzlich Willkommen" (1990) and the Hannes Thanheiser comedy "Erdenschwer" (1990). He also appeared in "Schtonk" (1992) with Götz George and "Zatyeryanny V Sibri" (1992). Bohm most recently acted in "True North" (2007) with Gary Lewis.