David S Thompson




Producer (Feature Film)

Medal of Honor (2008)
Executive Producer

Film Production - Main (Feature Film)

Mark Twain (2001)
Project Director

Producer (Special)

The Kennedy Center: Mark Twain Prize -- Celebrating Whoopi Goldberg (2001)
Executive Producer
The President's Own (2001)
Executive Producer
The Irish Gala (2001)
Executive Producer
Mark Twain Prize -- Celebrating the Humor of Carl Reiner (2001)
Executive Producer
A Concert For America (2001)
Executive Producer
John Singer Sargent: Outside the Frame (2000)
Executive Producer
Speak Truth to Power (2000)
Executive Producer (Weta)
The Blues -- In Performance at the White House (1999)
Senior Production Executive (Weta)

Film Production - Main (Special)

A Tribute to Muddy Waters, King of the Blues (1999)
Project Director
Van Gogh's Van Goghs: Masterpieces From the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (1999)
Project Director
Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony (1999)
Project Director
The Washington Opera Production of "La Rondine" (1999)
Project Director
Frank Lloyd Wright (1998)
Project Director
Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery (1997)
Project Director
Thomas Jefferson (1997)
Project Director
Divided Highways: The Interstate and the Transformation of American Life (1997)
Project Director
Frederick Douglass: When the Lion Wrote History (1994)
Project Director

Film Production - Main (TV Mini-Series)

Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip (2003)
Project Director

Life Events
