Suzanne Baron



Accomplished crafstswoman noted for her seamless cutting style. Baron co-edited her first feature, Jacques Tati's "Mr. Hulot's Holiday," in 1951 and went on to work on a wide range of films, from the documentaries of Jean Rouch to the Hollywood films of Louis Malle. She has also collaborated with Frederic Rossif, Andre Delvaux and Volker Schlondorff....


Accomplished crafstswoman noted for her seamless cutting style. Baron co-edited her first feature, Jacques Tati's "Mr. Hulot's Holiday," in 1951 and went on to work on a wide range of films, from the documentaries of Jean Rouch to the Hollywood films of Louis Malle. She has also collaborated with Frederic Rossif, Andre Delvaux and Volker Schlondorff.

Life Events


First feature as co-editor, Jacques Tati's "Mr. Hulot's Holiday"


Short film directing debut, "Afrique de la legende"
