Wojciech Kilar
Wojciech Kilar built up his entertainment career by putting his musical skills to use in the world of Hollywood. Kilar began his entertainment career with his music featured in films like the Barbara Wrzesinska drama "The Structure of Crystal" (1969), "Rejs" (1970) and the Josef Duriasz historical drama "Lokis" (1970). His music also appeared in "Zycie Rodzinne" (1971) with Daniel Olbrychski, the drama "Iluminacja" (1973) with Stanislaw Latallo and the drama "A Woman's Decision" (1977) with Maja Komorowska. In the eighties, Kilar's music continued to appear on the silver screen, including in films like "Blaubart" (1984), "Le Pouvoir du Mal" (1985) and the drama "Kronika wypadkow milosnych" (1986) with Paulina Mlynarska. His work was also in the Daniel Olbrychski period drama "The Promised Land" (1988). Kilar's music was also featured in the dramatic adaptation "Death and the Maiden" (1994) with Sigourney Weaver, "In Full Gallop" (1996) with Maja Komorowska and "Fantome avec chauffeur" (1996) with Philippe Noiret. His music was also featured in "Our God's Brother" (1997). Kilar was most recently credited in the Jean Martin animated adaptation "Le Roi et l'oiseau" (2014). Kilar was nominated for an Anthony Asquith Award For Achievement In Film Music BAFTA Award for "The Pianist" in 2002. Kilar passed away in December 2013 at the age of 81.
Music (Feature Film)
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