Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Cody Cameron
Bill Hader
Anna Faris
Andy Samberg
James Caan
Terry Crews
Film Details
Technical Specs
Inventor Flint Lockwood thought he saved the world when he destroyed his most infamous invention - a machine that turned water into food, causing cheeseburger rain and spaghetti tornadoes. But Flint soon learns that his invention survived and is now creating food-animals - "foodimals!" Flint and his friends embark on a dangerously delicious mission to battle hungry tacodiles, shrimpanzees, hippotatomuses, cheespiders and other foodimals to save the world - again!

Bill Hader
Anna Faris
Andy Samberg

James Caan
Terry Crews
Will Forte
Kris Pearn
Benjamin Bratt
Matthew W Taylor
June Christopher
Khamani Griffin
Bridget Hoffman
Kristen Schaal
Wendy Hoffmann
Elisa Pensler-gabrielli
Marina Squerciati
Shane Sweet
Steve Alterman
Jackie Gonneau
Walter Jones
David Sheinkopf
Craig Kellman
Ashley Lambert
Melissa Sturm
Al Roker
Tania Gunadi
David Cowgill
Cody Cameron
Peter Siragusa
Scott Menville
Eddie Frierson
Kelly Stables
Neil Patrick Harris
Ian Abando
Lia Abbate
Brian Adams
Jon Aghassian
Ben Aguillon
Kurt Albrecht
Mike Alkan
Manuel Almela
Devin Anderson
Jesse Andrewartha
Kevin Anyaeji
Neil Atkins
Kilian Aulenbacher
Thai Bach
Nick Bali
Michael Ball
Yohan Bang
Alfredo Barcia
Judi Barrett
Jean-françois Barthelemy
Lynn Basas
James Battersby
Brooke Beane
Dana L Belben
Richard Bell
Jeffrey Benjamin
Rachael Katherine Bennett
Blake Berger
Jeffrey Bernstein
John Bevelheimer
Joshua Beveridge
Shane Birdsill
David Blais
Steve Blakey
Brian Blasiak
David Bleich
Brendan Body
Kirk Bodyfelt
Lydia Bottegoni
Katherine Bouglai
Shad Bradbury
Tim Brade
Tim Brandt
Rob Bredow
Jared Brient
Nigel Broad
Hoffman Brow
Steven Browning
Armin Bruderlin
Alyssa Brule
Tom Bruno
Chris Burdorf
Tom Y Burns
John Butiu
Andy Byrne
Gredel Berrios Calladine
Gustavo Calle
Cody Cameron
Dan Camp
Rosa Behrens Camp
Anna Cardillo
Johnny Cardona
Simon Carlile
Chris Carpenter
Beau Casey
Andrea Castagnoli
Joseph Cavanaugh
Wesley Chandler
Paul Chandler Carrera
Joey Chang
Blandine Chanteur
Roger Chao
Joshua Chapel
Francois Chardavoine
Alan Chen
Eric Cheung
Arun P Chidambaram
Joy Chung
Lester Chung
Benjamin I Cinelli
Alessandro Ciucci
Patrick Clark
Shawn Clark
Jocelyn Cofer
Moti Cohen
Tim Coleman
Antwoine Collins
Zachary Connolly
Elisabeth Franklin Constantine
Stefaan Contreras
Alex Conty
John T Coomey
Shelli Rae Coppoolse
Simon Corbaux
Bertrand Cordier
J C Cornwell
Dan Cortez
Sean Corzo
Tom Cosolito
Murilo Coutinho
Stephane Couture
Matt Cowie
Joe Creswell
Stamford Cullen
Rahul Dabholkar
John Francis Daley
Larry Danielle
Tennessee "coco" Daniels
Sumit Das
Alan Davidson
Marc-andre Davignon
Matt Davis
Matt Davis
Jana Day
Jean Paul De Coster
Gerardo De La Cruz
Filip De Wilde
Trey Decamp
Suri Denduluri
Christina Desilva
Thomas Devorsine
Samuel Devynck
Mike Dharney
Joseph Dilallo
Benjamin Dines
Mitch Dobrowner
Andrew Dorfman
Dale Drummond
R Stirling Duguid
Ryan Duhaime
John Dunn
Yann Dupont
Antoine Durr
Sean D¿souza
Dwayne Lance Elahie
Brent Elliott
Gwendelyn Enderoglu
Avner Engel
Scott Englert
Daniel Erickson
Jules Eschliman
Mathilde Fabry
Eva Fan
Tony Ferdinand
Robert Fisher
Nathan Fitzgerald
Cesc Pujol Font
Michael Ford
Matt Forman
Kristy Lynn Fortier
Fernando Franco
Kayla Franklin
Vic Fraser
Regaye M Fulcher
Denise Blakely Fuller
Alex Galindo
Glenn Gannon
Carlos Carvajal Garcia
Tasio Garcia
Pedro Daniel Garcia Perez
Christine Gatchalian
Mark Gelfuso
Jason George
Robin George
Pooya Ghobadpour
Maria Giannakouros
Ruth Gibson
Tad Gielow
Ryan J Gilleland
David Gimenez
Paul Gimm
Matt Giovingo
Maribeth Glass
Kiel Gnebba
Jonathan Goldstein
Allen Gonzales
James M Goodman
John K Goodman
Amy Gordon
Dean Gordon
Julie Bernier Gosselin
Dipankar Goswamy
Anett Gough
Dhruv Govil
Stephanie Greco
Daniel Greenstein
Isobel Griffiths
Larry Gritz
John T Grod
Chris Guardino
Dawn Guinta
Glen Gustafson
Daniel Gutierrez
Derek Haase
Chrissy Habblett
Brian Hall
Justin Hammond
Todd Hara
Robin Harlan
Jim Harnish
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Wide Release in United States September 27, 2013
Released in United States on Video January 28, 2014
Wide Release in United States September 27, 2013
Sequel to "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" (USA/2009) directed by Chris Miller and Phil Lord.
Released in United States on Video January 28, 2014