Yours for the Asking
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Alexander Hall
George Raft
Dolores Costello Barrymore
Ida Lupino
Reginald Owen
James Gleason
Film Details
Technical Specs

Johnny Lamb runs a covert casino at a Miami farm, where Lucille Sutton asks him to take her jewelry in exchange for a bet, as she hopes for a windfall with which to pay her mortgage. Knowing she cannot win, Johnny refuses to accept her jewelry, and after beating up gambler Slick Doran and his compatriots for holding up his dealers, Johnny takes Lucille home. He is so impressed with her mansion that he goes into partnership with her, opening a sophisticated casino in her house, despite resistance from his friends Bicarbonate, Honeysuckle and Saratoga, who believe she is a snob who will ruin him. They are so convinced of Johnny's ultimate ruination, that they hire con artists Gertie Malloy and Dictionary McKinney to impersonate socialite Nancy Carstairs, and her uncle Col. Evelyn Carstairs, to seduce Johnny and then dump him, hoping this will rid him of Lucille. Ensnared by Gertie, Johnny asks Lucille to help him to improve his manners to impress his new girl friend. Lucille complies, although she has fallen in love with Johnny herself. Lucille discovers Gertie's ruse soon enough, however, and Gertie and Dictionary plan to get out of town quickly by pretending Gertie has fallen ill and needs to go to a warmer climate. Convinced that the "Carstairs" are down on their luck, Johnny plans to loan them fifteen thousand dollars. Saratoga, Bicarbonate and Honeysuckle mistakenly believe the money is for Lucille and confront her, but she is tired of their insinuating behavior and warns them to watch out for Gertie, rather than her. When Johnny discovers that a family heirloom of the "Carstairs" is worthless, he realizes he has been tricked and exposes Gertie and Dictionary as frauds, after which he hears of his friends' deal with them. Johnny fires Saratoga, Bicarbonate and Honeysuckle, believing they framed him for his money. Lucille's unrequited feelings for Johnny prompt her to ask him for her final check that night. Johnny, however, has had a change of heart and now wishes to operate a legal, daytime business. Within earshot of Johnny, Saratoga, Honeysuckle and Bicarbonate apologize to Lucille for their mistrust, and after Johnny and Lucille accept their apologies, and Lucille leaves. Johnny suddenly realizes that he loves Lucille and goes after her.


Alexander Hall

George Raft

Dolores Costello Barrymore

Ida Lupino

Reginald Owen

James Gleason

Edgar Kennedy

Lynne Overman
Richard "skeets" Gallagher

Walter Walker
Robert Gleckler
Richard Powell
Louis Natheaux
Keith Daniels

Huntley Gordon
Ralph Remley
Betty Blythe
Olive Tell
Charles Requa
John Barrett
George Green
Eddie Becker
Dave Harris
Alex Mcdonald
Sally West
Marie Wells
Arthur Stuart Hull
Henry Roquemore
John "jack" Byron
Harry C. Bradley
Albert Pollet
Edward Peil Sr.
Max Barwyn
Francis Sayles
Bud Herbert
Tookie Spreckles

Phillips Smalley
Florence Wix
Jean Fowler
Rosemary Theby

Bess Flowers
Edmund Mortimer
William Arnold
Fred Minter
Tom Curran

Bud Flanagan
Connie Lupino
Roland Anderson
Travis Banton
John Cope
Hans Dreier
James Dugan
A. E. Freudeman
Lewis E. Gensler
Eve Greene
William Lebaron
Harry Lindgren
William R. Lipman
Philip Macdonald
Boris Morros
James Smith
Theodor Sparkuhl
Harlan Ware
William H. Wright
Adolph Zukor

Film Details
Technical Specs

According to the Screen Achievements Bulletin, Lipman and Wright's original story was called "The Duchess", which was also the pre-release title of the film. A Hollywood Reporter news item notes that Jeanne Perkins, a "Paramount student player," received her first screen role in this film. Connie Lupino was Ida Lupino's mother. The pressbook indicates some scenes were filmed at Coronado Island, CA, where Groucho Marx and Charlie Ruggles were filmed in background scenes at the beach.