Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Brett Leonard
Traci Lords
Danny Goldring
Russell Crowe
Daniel Anderson
Allen Scotti
Film Details
Technical Specs
Los Angeles, 1999. The government's Law Enforcement Technology Advancement Center has developed a prototype for the ultimate police training device. A virtual reality simulator utilizes the latest artificial intelligence technology to test users' skills as they pursue the computer-generated criminal Sid 6.7, an unnerving composite of humanity at its worst. This sophisticated cat-and-mouse game has deadly consequences as Sid 6.7 finds a way to escape the boundaries of cyberspace. Ex-cop Parker Barnes is selected as the one with the best chance of stopping Sid 6.7. The stakes are heightened for Barnes when he discovers that one of Sid 6.7's personality components is the man who was responsible for the death of Barnes' wife and daughter. Assisted by criminal-behavior specialist Dr. Madison Carter, Barnes must hunt down the murderous Sid 6.7. in a chase that breaks the barriers between virtual reality and the real world on the eve of a brave new millennium.
Brett Leonard
Traci Lords
Danny Goldring

Russell Crowe
Daniel Anderson
Allen Scotti
Michelle Smith
Dustin Nguyen
Jordan Marder
Dwayne Chattman
David Asman
Lesa Noelle
William Fichtner
Jennifer Greenhut
Ahmed Ahmed
Monica Allison
Stephen Spinella
Eiko Nijo
Robert John Gomes
Heidi Schanz
Kevin Lapresle
Mari Morrow
Mara Duronslet
Ed Marques
Brogan Young
Alanna Ubach
Una Damon
Anthony C Hall
Susan Mohun
Laura Leigh Hughes
Gaura Buchwald
Michael Buffer
Robert Lucas
Juan A Riojas
Kelly Lynch

Louise Fletcher
Randall Fontana
Amy Smallman
Mary-rachel Foot
Cheryl Lawson
Steve R Barnett
Eric Bernt
Miracle Vincent
Gary Anthony Sturgis
Costas Mandylor
William Forsythe
Christopher Murray
John Walcutt
Virginia Watson
Kaley Cuoco
Beverly Cohen
Brit Thompson
Miguel Najera
J Gordon Noice
Michael B Silver
Margot Hope
Marva Hicks
Tony Winters
Kevin Loreque
Rolando Molina
Kevin O'connor

Denzel Washington
Karen Annarino
John K Adams
John Agalsoff
Rick Alexander
Caroline Allen
Karen Annarino
Pete Anthony
Deborah Aquila
Lori Ashcraft
Christopher Bailey
Sidney R. Baldwin
Fritz Banks
Alan Baptiste
Bruce Barlow
Angela Barnes
Bob Baron
Alex Barraza
Steve Battaglia
Carol Bauman
Roy Bean
Anna Behlmer
Michael A Benson
Richard Berger
Sandy Berman
Eric Bernt
Lucia Bianca
Patrick Blymyer
Bob Bornstein
Tim Boxell
Joseph Brennan
Jenny Bright
Malcolm Brown
Tracy Brown
Clyde E Bryan
Brian Buongiomo
Todd Busch
Brian Callier
Robert J Carlyle
Susan L Carpenter
Diana Carroll
Michael Castellano
Thomas Causey
Clete Cetrone
Albert Cho
Lisa Citron
Kenneth C Clark
Jamie Clay
John T Connor
David Cornelius
Kirk Corwin
Richard Corwin
Mike Cosola
Anne Couk
Tony Criscione
Erwin M Cukurs
Christine Danelski
Stewart Daniels
Steve Danton
Mark T Davis
Sandy De Crescent
Albert Delgado
Brian Dewe
Thomas P. Dillon
Shane Dixon
Sharon Donahue
Bruce Donnellan
Jessica Drake
David Drzewiecki
Ken Dufva
Richard Dungan
Stephan Dupuis
Kelly Durkin
John Michael Eaves
Ousaun Elam
James F Ellis
Shawn Esposito
Andy Evans
Gimel Everett
David Fay
Tammy Fearing
Kent Feeler
David Fein
Robert Fernandez
Gina Fiore
Brenton Fletcher
William Fobert
Patrick J. Foley
Christina Fong
Stephen Foody
Lisa Foster
Martin Foster
Cameron Frankley
Rick Freeman
Alex Frisch
Warren Fuller
Gina Galvan
Orlando Garcia
Gary Gegan
Michael A. Genne
Georg Gerber
Georg Gerber
Linda Sue Gerber
Lance Gilbert
Lance Gilbert
Troy Gilbert
Meredith Gold
Rob Gomes
Scott Grusin
David Gutman
Scott G G Haller
James Halty
Ira M Hammons-glass
Dennis Harper
John Harrington
Barbara Harris
Stan Harrison
Jay R. Hart
Kevin Saunders Hayes
Susan Hellmann
Arnaud Hervas
Joe Hicks
Bruce Robert Hill
Voni Hinkle
Jay M Hirsch
Joseph Hodges
Simon Holden
Frank Holgate
Polly Holmes
Sam Homans
Eileen Horta
Charlotte Huggins
William Ibrahim
Michael Jamison
Francine Jamison-tanchuck
Mary H Janson
Christopher Johnston
Ilt Jones
Leslie Jones
Gene Kearney
Elizabeth Maxwell Keith
Stan Kellam
Brendan Kennedy
Christopher Kennedy
Sanford Kennedy
Steve Kennedy
Erma Kent
Kelly Kerby
James J Keys
Scott C. Keys
Gary B Kibbe
Scott Kilburn
Mark Kilian
Richard Kite
Rob Kobrin
Emily Koch
Howard W. Koch Jr.
Arthur Kohlhoff
Marcus Kraus
Robyn L Kreger
Sam Lafata
Norman Lang
Jennifer Law-stump
Foongy Lee
Kelvin Lee
Cyndi Levine
Michael Lewis
Victoria Lewis
Daniel Licht
Michele Dani Linse
James Lorimer
Ricardo Lozier
Matt Luber
Newton C Lucas
Gary Lucchesi
David Luckenbach
William Luckey
Michelle Lyman
Elton L Macpherson
Larry Mah
Mark L. Mangino
Tim Marshall
Ned Martin
Dan Mcdonald
Tim Mcgovern
Thomas J. Mcgowan
Robert Mcminn
Dennis Mcneill
John C. Meier
John C. Meier
George Merkert
Scott Milan
Karen Miller
Franklin W Mills
Michael Mills
Theresa Repola Mohammed
John Monsour
Craig Mullins
Ray Neapolitan
David J Negron
Andy Nelson
Hoyt Lee Ng
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video February 13, 1996
Released in United States Summer August 4, 1995
Began shooting January 25, 1995.
Completed shooting May 9, 1995.
Released in United States on Video February 13, 1996
Released in United States Summer August 4, 1995