Superman:The Movie

Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Robert Lynn
Christopher Reeve
Marlon Brando
Margot Kidder
Gene Hackman
Susannah York
Film Details
Technical Specs
On the eve of his planet's destruction, a scientist sends his son to Earth, where the baby is found and adopted by the Kents, who name him Clark. The boy soon learns that he has powers that other humans do not possess and determines that he will use them for good. Clark Kent grows up and moves to Metropolis, where he works as a mild-mannered newspaper reporter, moonlights as the caped hero known as Superman and is tested by the evil Lex Luthor who plans to kill him and take over the world.
Robert Lynn
Jonathan Barry
David Tomblin
Richard Donner
John Glen
David Lane
Christopher Reeve

Marlon Brando
Margot Kidder

Gene Hackman

Susannah York
John Cassady
Michael Ensign
Weston Gavin
Jack O'halloran
Lawrence Trimble
Sarah Douglas
Vass Anderson
John F Parker
Penelope Lee
Bo Rucker
Keith Alexander
Rex Reed
Paul Avery
John Ratzenberger
Raymond Thompson
Joyne Tottman
David Petrou
Robert O'neill
Brad Flock
Jeff East
Sue Shifrin
Matt Russo
Ray Hassett
James Brockington

Phyllis Thaxter
Diane Sherry
Billy J Mitchell
Phil Brown

Maria Schell
David Neal
Leueen Willoughby
Jill Ingham
Michael Harrigan
The Philharmonia Orchestra Of London
Pieter Stuyck
Chief Tug Smith
David Calder
Alan Tilvern
Stephen Kahan

Glenn Ford
Antony Scott
Miquel Brown
Robert Whelan
John Cording
Rex Everhart
Frank Lazarus
Robert Henderson
Randy Jurgenson
Brian Protheroe
David Baxt
Colin Etherington
Larry Lamb
Bill Bailey

Terence Stamp
Marc Mcclure
Jeff Atcheson
Benjamin Feitelson

Ned Beatty
Michael Gover
George Harris
Lee Quigley

Harry Andrews
Robert Macleod
Alan Cullen
Aaron Sholinski
James Garbutt
Burnell Tucker
Chuck Julian

Jackie Cooper

Trevor Howard
Norman Warwick
Oz Clarke
John Hollis
Valerie Perrine
Mark Wynter
Roy Stevens
David Skeaping
Lise Hilboldt
Ray Evans
Russell Enoch
Vincent Marzello
John Easton Stuart
Norwick Duff
Betty Adamson
Betty Adamson
George Akers
Patti Allen
Peter Allwork
Peter Allwork
Ted Ambrose
Darrell Anderson
Howard Anderson
Elvira Angelinetta
Ronnie Anscombe
Diane Appleby
Ernest Archer
Vic Armstrong
James Aspinall
Jack Atcheler
Bob Bailin
Stuart Baird
Trudy Balen
George Ball
Sally Ball
Louis Barlia
Jonathan Barry
Joy Bayley
Bill Beavis
Ivor Beddoes
David Beesley
Max Bell
Phillip Bennett
Robert Benton
Peter L Bergquist
Peter Biggs
Yvonne Blake
Norman Bolland
Bert Bosher
Dennis Bosher
Derek Botell
Reg Bream
Patrick Brennan
Leslie Bricusse
Bill Brodie
Geoff R. Brown
Jamie Brown
Timothy Burrill
Ron Burton
Dick Butler
Roy Button
Patrick Cadell
John J Campbell
Michael Campbell
Ray Caple
Roy Carnon
Pat Carr
Jack Carter
Alan Cassie
Al Cerullo
Roy Charman
Michael Chevalier
Colin Chilvers
Larry Cleary
Chris Coles
Kenneth Coles
Robert E Collins
James A Contner
Denys Coop
Trevor Coop
Austin Cooper
George Lane Cooper
Jack Courtland
Jane Cox
Stuart Craig
Sylvia Croft
Rita Davison
Leslie Dear
John Deaton
Jimmy Devis
Leslie Dilley
Jane Dixie
Norman Dorme
Mike Drew
Michael Dryhurst
Michael Dunleavy
Tony Dunsterville
Michael Duthie
Des Edwards
Sue Edwards
Sheldon Elbourne
Iloe Elliott
Michael Ellis
Norman Enfield
Ray Evans
Roy Evans
Neil Farrell
Stuart Fell
Jeanne Ferber
Doug Ferris
Stan Fiferman
Joe Fitt
Roy Ford
Cyril Forster
John Foster
Maurice Fowler
Mike Fox
Edward Francis
Graham Freeborn
Kay Freeborn
Stuart Freeborn
Dominic Fulford
Dominic Fulford
Josie Fulford
Rodney Fuller
Norma Garment
Alan Gatward
Yves Gaumont
Ginger Gemmell
George Gibbs
Helen Gill
Barbara Gillett
Maurice Gillett
Ed Gimmel
Geoff Glover
Ron Goodman
Bud Grace
Jerry Grandey
Ann Green
Leonard Green
Liz Green
Michael G Green
Chris Greenham
Charles F Greenlaw
Richard Hackman
Jean-francois Hall
Darby Halpin
Peter Hammond
Tim Hampton
Bob Harman
Peter Harman
Jim Harris
John Harris
Norman Hart
Norman Hart
Graham V Hartstone
Bob Hathaway
Sue Hausner
Gordon Hayman
Norma Hazelden
Graham Henderson
Reginald Hill
Michael Hook
Mike Hopkins
Peter Howitt
Peter Jacobs
Allan James
Austen Jewell
Alf Joint
Stan Jolley
Tim Jordan
Andrew Kelly
Harry Kersey
Cathy Kevany
Margot Kidder
Les Kimber
Robert Kindred
Brian King
Katya Kolpaktchy
Tadeusz Krzanowski
David Lane
Louis Lane
Steve Lanning
John Lanzer
Christopher Large
Wendy Leech
Nicolas Lemessurier
David Lenham
Adeline Leonard
Liz Lettman
Dick Liebegott
Jack Lowen
Harry Lowers
Jeff Luff
Douglas Luke
Keith Lund
Bob Macdonald
Peter Macdonald
Nick Maley
Tom Mankiewicz
Charles Marriott
Brian Marshall
Angela Martelli
Doris Martin
Domenic Mastrippolito
John May
Gordon K. Mccallum
Gordon K. Mccallum
Jennie Mcclean
Patricia Mcdermott
Derek Meddings
Derek Meddings
Ray Meehan
Simon Milton
Photo Collections
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Editing
Best Score
Best Sound
Superman: The Movie
Superman, the comic strip character, first appeared in 1938. Over the next two decades, radio productions, movie serials, a 1951 feature and a famous TV series followed, meaning that Superman was always around in one form or another from the moment of his creation. By the time the mega-budget, A-level Hollywood feature arrived in 1978, such a movie might have seemed overdue, but the truth is that comic strip movies - which we now take for granted - were simply unheard-of in the 1970s.
But producers Ilya Salkind and Pierre Spengler were so confident in their production that they got Warner Bros to pony up a then-astronomical $55 million by the time all was said and done - a gamble that paid off handsomely when Superman (1978) became a worldwide hit, ratcheted three Oscar® nominations (editing, sound, score) and spawned a franchise of three sequels. Everything about Superman was big: the budget, the scope of the production, the casting, even the music and the end-titles which ran a then-record seven minutes. A sizable amount of footage for Superman II was shot at the same time as the first film. But before shooting was completed for the sequel, director Richard Donner was fired and replaced by Richard Lester, who reshot most of the original footage.
The appeal of Superman was its old-fashioned, action hero approach. Director Richard Donner recognized this immediately, saying at the time, "The minute you lose the truth or make fun of it or begin to parody it, you destroy the line of tension, the honesty." The first script draft Donner read "was like 400 pages. It was ridiculous. They had Superman flying down looking for Lex Luthor, but he stops Telly Savalas on the street, who says, 'Who loves ya baby.' It was just sickening. It had no approach, no sense of its own verisimilitude - its own life in the reality of what Krypton was, what Smallville was, what the transition to Metropolis was going to be." The director's biggest challenge was to convincingly making a man fly. "Everything in those days was done either with miniatures, green/blue screen, or rotoscope - it was the state of the art, but it was totally naive in comparison to what you can do today."
On a more subtle level, Donner "had to convince the audience that the man who was playing that role could fly. And I could not believe Redford or Newman in blue leotards and a red cape, flying." Established stars like Redford were the studio¿s top choices for the role, but Donner convinced them to go with unknown 24-year-old Christopher Reeve, whose lack of star baggage would allow audiences to more easily believe him. To make up for Reeve's newcomer status, the rest of the cast featured prominent supporting players like Gene Hackman, Glenn Ford, Trevor Howard, Terence Stamp, and most famously, Marlon Brando as Superman's father Jor-El.
Brando was paid an unheard-of $3.7 million for only 12 days of work and 10 minutes of screen time. Donner later said, "Knowing how little time we had with Brando, I'd even been figuring out what it would cost us every time he went to the lavatory." By all accounts, Brando did not enjoy making this movie. He refused to memorize most of his lines in advance. In the scene where he puts infant Kal-El (Superman) into the escape pod, he was actually reading his lines from the diaper of the baby.
Reeve, on the other hand, took the movie seriously. He underwent six months of bodybuilding (supervised by David Prowse - the actor who played Darth Vader) to bulk up for the film. He also pondered his role on a philosophical level. "Truth and justice seemed relatively easy to understand," Reeve later wrote, "but what about 'the American way?' What does that mean? Is the American way different from the way of other countries that uphold democracy and human rights? After considerable thought and discussion with friends, I decided that because the character is a hero for the entire world, nationalism was not an issue. I thought about other aspects of the American way and the basic rights of pluralistic societies: equal opportunity, equal rights, tolerance, free speech, and fair play."
More tangibly, Reeve based his performance as the awkward Clark Kent on Cary Grant's character in Bringing Up Baby (1938). Reeve went on to portray Superman in three more films, and he acted in many more movies and plays, even directing occasionally. In 1995 he was paralyzed in a horseback riding accident. He declared that he would one day walk again, and he has since regained the use of part of his body and continues to progress on a miraculous level, becoming a symbol of hope and resilience to other people suffering from similar permanent injuries.
In his inspirational memoir Nothing is Impossible, Reeve wrote, "To say that I believed in Superman is quite an understatement. Of course I knew it was only a movie, but it seemed to me that the values embodied by Superman on the screen should be the values that prevail in the real world. I've seen first-hand how Superman actually transforms people's lives. I have seen children dying of brain tumors who wanted as their last request to be able to talk to me, and have gone to their graves with a peace brought on by knowing that their belief in this kind of character is intact. They're connecting with something very basic: the ability to overcome obstacles, the ability to persevere, the ability to understand difficulty and to turn your back on it."
For trivia hounds, there are some golden nuggets in the casting: As a tribute to Superman's Hollywood history, Lois Lane's parents in this film are played by Kirk Alyn and Noel Neill. Alyn played Superman in the 1940s serials, and Neill played Lois in the serials and in the 1950s TV show. Also, Jeff East, who plays young Clark Kent, is the real-life son of Glenn Ford, who here plays Clark Kent's father Jonathan Kent.
Producer: Alexander Salkind, Ilya Salkind, Pierre Spengler
Director: Richard Donner
Screenplay: Robert Benton, David Newman, Leslie Newman, Mario Puzo (story)
Cinematography: Geoffrey Unsworth
Film Editing: Stuart Baird, Michael Ellis
Art Direction: Ernest Archer, Philip Bennet, Bill Brodie, Stuart Craig, Norman Dorme, Leslie Dilley, Maurice Fowler, Tony Reading, Stan Jolley, Norman Reynolds, Gene Rudolf.
Music: John Williams
Cast: Marlon Brando (Jor-El), Gene Hackman (Lex Luthor), Christopher Reeve (Clark Kent/Superman), Margot Kidder (Lois Lane), Ned Beatty (Otis), Jackie Cooper (Perry White).
C-144m. Letterboxed. Closed captioning.
by Jeremy Arnold

Superman: The Movie
Any more like you at home?- Lois Lane
No, not really.- Clark Kent
This is Lex Luthor. Only one thing alive with less than four legs can hear this frequency, Superman, and that's you.- Lex Luthor
It's kryptonite, Superman. A little souvenir from the old home town. I spared no expense in making you feel right at home.- Lex Luthor
And why not?- Miss Teschmacher
Because if any human being were going to perpetrate such a fantastic hoax, it would've been me!- Lex Luthor
Doesn't it give you a... shudder... of electricity through you to be in the same room with me?- Lex Luthor
Steven Spielberg was offered the chance to direct this film, but the producers balked at the salary he asked for. They decided to wait until they saw how "this fish movie" (Jaws (1975)) that he had just completed did at the box office. The movie was a huge success, and Spielberg went on to other projects.
Guy Hamilton was originally hired to direct this movie, which was scheduled to shoot in Italy. When production was moved to England for monetary reasons, Hamilton backed out because of his status at the time as a tax exile, meaning he could only be in England for thirty days out of every year.
Patrick Wayne was offered to play Superman, but because of his father's (The Duke, John Wayne) cancer, Patrick Wayne dropped out.
Among the actresses who screen tested for the role of Lois Lane were Anne Archer, Lesley Ann Warren, Deborah Raffin and Stockard Channing.
To obtain the musculature to convincingly play Superman, Christopher Reeve underwent a bodybuilding regime supervised by David Prowse, the man who played Darth Vader in the original Star Wars (1977) trilogy.
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video February 1, 1989
Film noted "Dedicated with love and respect to Geoffrey Unsworth, O.B.E."
Released in United States Winter December 1978
Released in United States on Video February 1, 1989
Released in United States Winter December 1978