6 Hours to Live

1h 20m 1932

Film Details

Release Date
Oct 16, 1932
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Fox Film Corp.
Distribution Company
Fox Film Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 20m
Film Length
7,150ft (8 reels)


At an historic conference in Geneva, representatives of the world's nations try to pass a revolutionary trade agreement. Only Paul Onslow, the diplomat from tiny Sylvaria, protests the treaty. He tells the other emmissaries that the treaty is motivated by greed rather than goodwill and will result in the destruction of Sylvaria. Paul's unwavering stand has made him the target of death threats and public hatred, much to the dismay of Valerie, the daughter of Paul's host, Baron Emil von Sturm. On the last day of the conference, the delegates decide to hold a final ballot at 11:00 p.m., and Val arrives to give Paul a ride home. On the way to the car, Paul is confronted by two women: a widow who warns him that his obstinancy will result in a war like the last one, in which her son was killed, and a woman whose appearance leads the police to arrest her on suspicion of prostitution. Once in the car, Paul and Val are shot at but are not injured. Von Sturm is disconcerted when he learns of the assassination attempt, as is Paul's lawyer, Karl Kranz, who is in love with Val. As they are talking, von Sturm's friend, scientist Professor Otto Bauer, arrives with his deaf-mute assistant, Blutcher. Bauer informs them that he has made a great discovery and, while he and von Sturm assemble his equipment, Val tells Karl that she wishes to marry Paul instead of him. Though Karl maintains that Paul is married to his career, he agrees to step aside. Paul then joins Val and, after the couple declare their love for each other, Val demands that Paul choose either her or his diplomatic career. Paul asserts that Sylvaria needs him, and Val leaves after stating that he must choose after the final ballot. Paul then goes to his room, where he writes a letter tendering his resignation so that he can marry. While Paul is dressing for dinner, however, he is strangled. After his body is found, von Sturm, the police commissioner and the others agree to keep the murder a secret from Val. Bauer then tells them that he can bring Paul back to life with his invention, with which he has re-animated animals. Bauer first demonstrates the ray on a dead rabbit, then restores Paul to life. Bauer informs him that the ray can restore life for only six hours, and Paul swears to avenge his murder. After dinner, Paul talks with Val, who still does not know the truth, and for the sake of her future happiness, tells her that she must begin a life with Karl. He drives recklessly into town, where he crashes into a building, then goes into a church, where the widow he met earlier is praying for her son. After assuring her that she will be reunited with her son someday, he leaves and is found by the prostitute. He goes to a party with her, where he gives her all of his money so that she can escape to a decent life. Paul then goes to the conference hall and, just as his associate is about to cast a yes vote, announces that Sylvaria votes no. The associate, who along with his cohorts planned the assassination, is amazed to see Paul, and after the meeting is adjourned, Paul tells the man that he will now be an outcast in Sylvaria because of his treachery. Paul then returns to the von Sturm mansion, where he destroys Bauer's machine so that it cannot be used again and tells the shocked scientist that life and death belong only to God. In the garden, Paul bids farewell to Valerie and tells her that, for them, there is only " auf wiedersehen ," never goodbye. Val then returns to the house, and Paul dies while holding the flower that she gave him.

Film Details

Release Date
Oct 16, 1932
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Fox Film Corp.
Distribution Company
Fox Film Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 20m
Film Length
7,150ft (8 reels)




The title of Gordon Morris' and Morton Barteaux's original story was "Auf Wiedersehen." According to correspondence in the MPAA/PCA Collection at the AMPAS Library, early versions of the script had character "Paul Onslow" attending a conference dealing with disarmament rather than trade agreements. Jason S. Joy, the Director of the Studio Relations Office of the AMPP, expressed concern about this, advising the studio that they might wish to consider turning the conference into a more vague peace treaty matter. He especially wanted them to avoid "any implication that the delegates are interested in international graft rather than in international peace." Joy explained that "The important thing is not to undermine public confidence in disarmament conferences in which our country and other countries right now are very much interested." Miriam Jordan made her screen-acting debut in this film. According to modern sources, the cast included Hans von Twardowski and William von Brincken.