Mirror Mirror
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Tarsem Singh
Kathleen Fee
Helene Robitaille
Melodie Simard
Michael Lerner
Steven Julien
Film Details
Technical Specs
After a beloved King vanishes, his ruthless wife seizes control of the kingdom and keeps her beautiful 18-year-old stepdaughter, Snow White, hidden away in the palace. But when the princess attracts the attention of a charming and wealthy visiting prince, the jealous Queen banishes the girl to a nearby forest. Taken in by a band of rebellious but kindhearted dwarfs, Snow White blossoms into a brave young woman determined to save her country from the Queen. With the support of her new friends, she roars into action to reclaim her birthright and win back her Prince.
Tarsem Singh
Kathleen Fee
Helene Robitaille
Melodie Simard
Michael Lerner
Steven Julien
Lisa Noto
Ronald Lee Clark

Nathan Lane
Sean Bean
Jeff Dimitriou
Graeme Goodhall

Julia Roberts
Frank Welker
Mike Falcucci
Bonnie Bentley
Alex Ivanovici
Sante Fortunato
Liz Raquel Lopez
Cathryn Croft
Mark Povinelli
Jacynthe Normandeau
Wensi Yan
Erika Morin
Craig Hempstead
Jeff Mortensen
Stephanie Moseley
Richard Jutras
Nicholas Guest
Dani Jazzar
Omar Forrest
Nicholas Gedelange
Daniel Monastesse
Adam Butcher
Sebastian Saraceno
Jason Franco
Alexandre Beaulieu
Lily Collins
Jesse Weafer
Amanda De Freitas
Izaak Smith
Jordan Prentice
Amy Gardner
J. Eric Davis
Mare Winningham
Caroline Torti
Genny Sermonia
Kwasi Songui
Danny Woodburn
Janick Arseneau
Sarah Leroyer Henriques
Joey Gnoffo
Jonathan Loyer
Lisa Gillan
Chantal Hunt
Alexandra Viau
Robert Emms
Andre Lanthier
Ryan Wilson
Christl Leslie
Martin Samuel
Kimberly-sue Murray
Nadia Verucci
Dawn Ford
Martin Klebba
William Calvert
Louise Hradsky
Armie Hammer
Arthur Holden
Anthony Bougiouris
Garfield Andrews
Tammy Nera
Vicky Lambert
Nathan Abbot
Koo Abuali
Pranay Agarwal
Asif Ahmed
Yunmi Ahn
Claire Alary
Jessie Alemayehu
John Alexander
Rob Allman
Francine Almeida
Robert Alves
Amit Alwadiya
Frederic Amblard
Manish Ambre
Julie Amyot
Adrienne Anderson
Jennifer Anderson
Tanya Anderson
Jean André
Caroline Aquin
Fred Arbegast
Serge Archambault
Bryan Arenas
Kenneth Armstrong
Jean Arousi
Isabelle Arseneault
Rosie Ashforth
Daniele Auber
Eric Aubin
Stephanie Aubin
Eric Aubry
Daniel Auclair
Daniel Auclair
Jean-christophe Auclair
Marc Auclair
Emmanuel Audet
Mathieu Audy
Henry Auerbach
Marie-eve Authier
Ramsey Avery
Ganesh Avhad
Jille Azis
Atal Bacchani
Camille Baduraux
Aliyyah Bailey
Natalie Baillie
Abu Bakar
P Bakiyaraj
Zsolt Balogh
Nancy Banks
Johnathan Banta
Javier Baraona
Jonathan Barbeau
Kerry Barden
Craig Bardsley
Bart Barendregt
Reuben Barkataki
Ken Barley
Wade Barnett
Guillaume Baron
Javier Barone
Paul Barry
Danny Barton
Thomas Beall
Sophie Beasse
Gilles Beauchamp
Marjorie Beauchamp
Vasco Beauchamp
Chrystian Beaudoin
Kim Beaudoin
Martin Beaudry
Johanie Beaulieu
Pierre Beaulieu
Steve Beaulieu
Mathieu Beausoleil
Sophie Beck
Paul Becker
Robert Beckwith
Hank Bedford
Pascal Begin
Loic Beguel
Claire Belisle
Jocelyne Bellemare
Pierre Bellemare
Kieran Belshaw
Maggy Belzile
Nicholas Bencriscutto
Nestor Benito
Javier Bennassar
Lizzie Bentley
Sylvain Berger
Chantal Bergeron
Christian Bergeron
Danny Bergeron
David Bergeron
Manuel Bergeron
Melanie Bergeron
Sylvain Bergevin
Anabelle Berkani
Stephen Berkman
Andy Berman
Alain Bernard
Alexandre Bernard
Michel Bernard
Alexandra Bernier
Jeremy Berruel
Faustine Berthet
Mathieu Bertrand
Jean-philippe Berube
Lysbeth Le Bescond
Praveen Bhagat
Indraneel Bhatacharya
Yogesh Bhavsar
Sachin Bhosale
Mani Bhushan
Linda Bicari
Steven Bindley
Renee Binkowski
Brie Birdsell
Patrick Bissonnette
Taylor Black
Chris Blais
Mathieu Blais
Ricky Blanchard
Christoph Blanchet
Elise Bleand
Murielle Blouin
Marianne Bobet
Jean-marc Bock
Robert Bock
Robert Bock
Robert Bock
Vilas Bodke
Frank Bognar
Blanche Boileau
Jeremy Boissinot
Anne-catherine Bolduc
Marie-claude Bolduc
Michel Bolduc
Louis Bond
Francois Boniface
Eric Bonin
Francois Bordez
Alexandre Bouchard
Marie-pierre Boucher
Patrick Boucher
Richard Boucher
Roch Boucher
Marc Boucrot
Renee Boulais
Zakaria Boumediane
Julie Bourbonnais
Marc Bourbonnais
Patrick Bourbonnière
Sebastien Bourbonnière
Dany Bourque
Bob Bowen
Maria Bowen
Zoe Bower
Felicity Bowring
Jonathan Boyer
Louise Brand
Nathalie Brassard
Devin Breese
Hans Brekke
Robbie Brenner
Julie Breton
Caroline Briand
Wayne Brinton
Arnaud Brisebois
Marc-andre Brisebois
Andre Brizard
Ann Brochu
Francois Brochu
Michel Brochu
Marie Brodeur
Thomas Montminy Brodeur
Ian Broucek
Antoine Brouillette
Lee Brunet
Rosana Bruni
Stefan G Bucher
Goolzar Buchia
Andrew Burnett
Niamh Butler
Niamh Butler
Silver Butler
Jennifer Bydwell
Zoe Byrne
Michelle C(tt
Meggie Cabral
Alexandre Cadieux
Alexis Cadorette-vigneau
Marc Calvelo
Lyne Calvert
Benoit Camerlain
Howard W Campbell
Alexandre Canniccioni
Laurent Canniccioni
Gabrielle Cantin
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Wide Release in United States Spring March 30, 2012
Released in United States on Video June 26, 2012
Based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.
Wide Release in United States Spring March 30, 2012
Released in United States on Video June 26, 2012