Rough, Tough and Ready

1h 6m 1945

Brief Synopsis

Brad Crowder (Chester Morris) is co-owner in the Crowder Salvage Company with Jo Matheson (Jean Rogers), who inherited her father's share of the business. She is in love with Brad, while he thinks of her as a brat in overalls. Brad is a wolf after all the girls, especially those of his best friend Owen McCarey (Victor McLaglen.) When the war begins, Brad offers his salvage equipment and men to the Navy, provided he gets an officer's commission. The Navy isn't interested but the Army is, minus the commission, and send Brad and his men to training school for thirteen weeks. Brad has a dinner date with Jo, but breaks it when Owen bets him he can't take his latest girl, Kitty Duval (Amelita Ward.) Kitty phones while Owen is taking a shower, and Brad tells he Owen is still working but he will pick her up. By the time Owen catches up, Kitty is showing a decided preference for Brad, and Owen consoles himself with Lorine Gray (Veda Ann Borg), a Brooklyn girl pretending to be an innocent little gal from the South who wants a home and a husband. Brad returns from training to find that Jo has joined the WAC abd that Owen is about to marry Lorine. Brad, seeing that Owen is really in love, has no intention of breaking up the romance. Kitty can't make a date with Brad and sends Lorine to explain. Lorine falls for Brad and jilts Owen. Presuming that Brad has deliberately taken her, they fight and both men are badly mauled. Before the breach between them can be mended, bot are ordered overseas. Unless one has missed the other 123 versions of this plot, the only question remaining is which man will save the other's life at the risk of his own?

Film Details

Also Known As
Men of the Deep
Release Date
Mar 22, 1945
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 6m
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length


When Brad Crowder commits his marine salvage company to the Army to perform military operations, he is disappointed that the government refuses to grant him an officer's commission. After Brad informs his employees that they must attend an army training center before beginning their mission, Owen McCarey, Brad's good friend and a diver with the company, responds that as a sergeant in the reserve corps, he will remain at the company and not attend school. While diving one day, Owen becomes trapped between two steel girders and is freed by Brad. Later, at the apartment the two men share, Owen suggests that Brad should settle down and marry Jo Matheson, the tomboy they have known since they played together as children. Brad, a ladies' man, considers Jo to be a child still and dismisses Owen's suggestion, even though Jo is clearly in love with him. Instead of keeping his dinner engagement with Jo that night, Brad bets Owen that he can steal his date and later leaves Owen a note to meet him at the Gull Club. When Owen enters the club, he sees Brad dancing with Kitty Duval, the woman Owen had been dating. After Kitty decides to leave with Brad, Owen stays behind and becomes enchanted by the club's entertainer, Lorine Gray. Soon after, Brad and the others leave for training school, and when Jo kisses Brad goodbye, he realizes that she has matured into adulthood. While at school, Brad receives a letter from Owen, informing him that he plans to marry but refusing to divulge the name of his sweetheart. When Owen proposes to Lorine, however, she is reluctant to make a commitment to him even though she accepts his engagement ring. Upon returning home, Brad bets Owen that he can discover the name of his fiancée. Later that night, Brad goes to the club to meet Kitty. Kitty, who has accepted another date, sends her roommate, Lorine, to tell Brad. Knowing that he has only one week's leave before shipping out on the August , his old boat, Brad convinces Lorine to spend the time with him. At week's end, Lorine has fallen in love with Brad and returns Owen's ring. Jo, now a sergeant in the WAC, visits Brad at his apartment, and after they kiss, Brad invites Jo to dinner and breaks his date with Lorine. Soon after, Owen comes home, broken-hearted, and when he sees a photograph of Lorine and Brad embracing, he accuses Brad of deliberately stealing his fiancée. A fight ensues, and the two men are arrested and jailed by the military police. At their hearing, their commanding officer, Capt. Murray, lectures them about the virtues of teamwork and assigns them to work together on the August . During their voyage to an island near the Japanese mainland, Owen shuns Brad and refuses to accept his apologies. Upon arriving at their objective, a sunken Japanese ship resting on a shelf in the harbor, Owen is ordered to dive and plant explosives that will wrench the ship from the shelf. As Owen sets the charges, Japanese planes attack, and the concussion of their bombs causes the ship to slide off the shelf, pulling Owen down with it. When his air line is snagged by the ship's propeller, Owen begins to gasp for air and instructs the captain of the August to leave him behind and flee the attacking aircraft. After American planes fly to the rescue, Brad dives to save his friend. While working to free Owen's air line, Brad is knocked unconscious by a falling propeller, and Owen then comes to his friend's aid and helps him to the surface. Their mission accomplished, the men return home and Brad is awarded his officer's commission. At a celebration dinner, Owen swears off women for life, but Brad bets his friend that he won't keep his vow. When an old girl friend calls and Owen makes a date with her, Brad wins his bet.

Film Details

Also Known As
Men of the Deep
Release Date
Mar 22, 1945
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 6m
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length




The working title of this film was Men of the Deep. The picture opens with an acknowledgment of thanks to the United States Army Corps of Engineering, Salvage Division, for their cooperation in the production of the film. The Variety review noted that the characters portrayed by Victor McLaglen and Chester Morris in this picture are similiar to "Quirk" and "Flagg" popularized by McLaglen and Edmund Lowe in the 1926 film What Price Glory (see AFI Catalog of Feature Films, 1921-30; F2.6213); the 1931 film Women of All Nations; and the 1933 film Hot Pepper (see AFI Catalog of Feature Films, 1931-40; F3.5195 and F3.2000).