Richard III
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Richard Loncraine
Ian Mckellen
Annette Bening
Robert Downey Jr.
Nigel Hawthorne
Maggie Smith
Film Details
Technical Specs
This compelling story of power and political intrigue portrays Richard III as England's most ruthless monarch, a charismatic malcontent who accedes to the throne through a delicious mix of treachery, seduction and murder. However, this adaptation is offered with a distinctive twist. Taking the characters and action out of Elizabethan times, the story is set in an imagined London of the 1930s. Richard speaks his famous lines as Shakespeare wrote them, even as he conquers the throne with media savvy, black-shirted thugs and heavy artillery.
Richard Loncraine
Ian Mckellen
Annette Bening
Robert Downey Jr.
Nigel Hawthorne

Maggie Smith
Jim Broadbent
Kristin Scott Thomas

John Wood
Jim Carter
Bill Paterson
Adrian Dunbar
Kate Steavenson-payne
Dominic West
Christopher Bowen
Edward Jewesbury
Matthew Groom
Tres Hanley
Tim Mcinnerny
Stacey Kent
Roger Hammond
Dennis Lill
Edward Hardwicke
Ryan Gilmore
Donald Sumpter
Andy Rashleigh
Marco Williamson
Bruce Purchase
James Dreyfus
David Antrobus
Phil Todd
Denis Lill
Geoffrey Alexander
Geoffrey Alexander
Maria Apodiacos
Maria Apodiacos
Anushka Athaide
Tony Athaide
Kenny Atherfold
Todd Austin
Alex Bailey
Richard Bain
John Barry
Mike Bartlett
Gerry Bates
Michael Bates
Mike Batt
Stephen Bayly
Lisa Beach
Rosie Bedford-stradling
Erica Bensly
Jon Billington
Robert Binnall
Peter Biziou
Craig Bloor
Peter Bloor
Sam Bloor
Gary Blowfield
Etienne Bol
Sarah Booth
Philip Bothamley
Graham Bradstreet
David Brady
Richard Bridgland
John Buckley
John Bunker
Malcolm Burgess
Tony Burrough
James Carew
Paul Cheesman
Frazer Churchill
Phil Clark
Jonathan Cohen
Sara-jane Cornish
John Coyle
David Cronnelly
Bob Crowdey
Sheila Cullen
Martin Davis
Michael Davis
Kevin Day
Bob Dean
Pene Delmage
Steve Dent
Paul Dimmer
Jim Dowdall
Kathy Ducker
Joe Dunton
Gary Dyer
Rosalyn Ellis
David Elstein
Terry English
John Ensby
John Evans
Mark Evans
Sally Evans
David Eves
Richard Eyre
Richard Eyre
Joe Felix
Gerry Floyd
Alan Flyng
Michael Foster
Tony Foster
Simon Fraser
Sandra Frieze
Steve Furneaux
Darren Gatrell
John Godfrey
Paul Golding
Colin Good
John Greaves
Paul Green
Paul Green
Bert Griffin
Steve Griffin
Isobel Griffiths
Alan Grosch
Charles Gilbert Hammett
Mike Harris
Mike Harris
Mike Harris
Mike Harris
Shuna Harwood
Victoria Harwood
Ken Hawkey
Pat Hay
Colin Hazell
Arthur Healey
Paul Heaseman
Scott Henley
Andy Hennigan
Mark Henson
Francois Higson
Choi Ho Man
Nick Hobbs
Matthew Holben
Roger Holmes
Ken Holt
Premila Hoon
Mathew Horton
Charles Hubbard
Peter Hunt
Jonathan Hurst
John Iles
Douglas Ingram
Andrew Jack
Linda Kathleen James
Patricia Johnson
Trevor Jones
Trevor Jones
Trevor Jones
Eric Jordan
Jane Katselas
Lisa Katselas
Tasso Katselas
Julian Kershaw
Julian Kershaw
Meg Kimpton
Martin Kingsley
Ray Knight
Adam Kyriakou
Irene Lamb
David Lascelles
Mark Layton
John Lewis
Mark Lisbon
Ellen Dinerman Little
Robbie Little
Rebecca Loncraine
Richard Loncraine
David Lowen
Lee Lighting Ltd
Ron Lyons
Steve Malin
James Manning
Grainne Marmion
Anday Mccarron
Charles Mcdonald
Ian Mckellen
Ian Mckellen
Ray Meehan
Liz Michie
Brian Mitchell
Caroline Moore
Mark Moriarty
Steve Morphew
Keith Muir
Con Murphy
Tim Murphy
Peter Murray
Tony Musk
Brian Neighbour
Charlie Noble
Robert Nugent
Mike Nunn
Paul Olliver
John Ott
John Palmer
Nigel Palmer
Daniel Parker
William Parnell
Rajeshree Patel
Ron Pearce
Simon Perry
Rocky Phelan
Huw Phillips
Ron Phillips
Keith Pitt
Harry Portlock
Gary Powell
Francois Prins
Clive Prior
Terry Reece
Adam Richards
Mary Richards
David Ridout
Butch Roper
Stephen Rose
Victoria Seale
Roadrunner Film Services
William Shakespeare
Lee Sheward
Peter Skehan
Sid Skinner
James Skipsey
Jocelyn Skottowe
Albert Smith
Albert Smith
Michael Smith
Dominic Smithers
Tony Snook
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Art Direction
Best Costume Design
Miscellaneous Notes
Completed shooting September 7, 1995.
Began shooting June 27, 1995.
Film was developed in association with Red Rooster Pictures.
Marisa Tomei withdrew as Lady Anne in April 1995.
Shakespeare's play "Richard III" has been adapted to film at least three previous times, including: (USA/1908), (United Kingdom/1955), directed by Laurence Olivier, and (France/1986), directed by Raul Ruiz.
Released in United States Winter December 29, 1995
Expanded Release in United States January 12, 1996
Expanded Release in United States January 19, 1996
Expanded Release in United States January 26, 1996
Expanded Release in United States February 2, 1996
Expanded Release in United States February 9, 1996
Released in United States on Video June 18, 1996
Released in United States February 1996 (Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (in competition) February 15-26, 1996.)
Co-winner, along with Yim Ho's "The Sun Has Ears" (China/1996), of the Silver Bear Award for Best Director at the 1996 Berlin International Film Festival.
Winner of the 1996 Felix Award for Best European Actor of the Year from the European Film Academy.
Released in United States Winter December 29, 1995
Expanded Release in United States January 12, 1996
Expanded Release in United States January 19, 1996
Expanded Release in United States January 26, 1996
Expanded Release in United States February 2, 1996
Expanded Release in United States February 9, 1996
Expanded Release in United States February 16, 1996
Released in United States on Video June 18, 1996
Released in United States February 1996
Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (in competition) February 15-26, 1996.
Expanded Release in United States February 16, 1996