Parachute Nurse

1h 3m 1942

Brief Synopsis

Hospital nurses Glenda White (Marguerite Chapman) and Dottie Morrison (Kay Harris) join the newly-formed corps of parachute nurses to be dropped at sites where ordinary medical aide is inaccessible. They discover they have let themselves in for a life of rigorous training governed by strict military rules, with the only bright spots being their instructors, Lieutenant Jim Woods (William Wright) and Sergeant Peters (Frank Sully.) After weeks of arduous training, one of the earlier-entered classes is ready for practice jumps.Tragedy strikes when Gretchen Ernst (Evelyn Wahl), an American-born nurse who has been ostracized because she has a brother in the German army, commits suicide by failing to pull her rip cord during her jump. When it is time for Glenda's class to make their jumps, Glenda remembers Gretchen and cannot summon enough courage to make the leap. Jim and Peters are determined to force her to complete the course.

Film Details

Release Date
Jun 18, 1942
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 3m
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length


Inspired by a visit from their old friend Lieutenant Mullins, an officer in the Aerial Nurse Corps, nurses Glenda White and Dottie Morrison decide to enlist in the paranurses, an elite corps of nurses that parachute into hard-to-reach areas to aid injured soldiers. At the training center, Glenda and Dottie are assigned to the squad led by Captain Jane Morgan. At the cantina, the two nurses befriend Gretchen Ernst, a cadet who is being ostracized because her brother is an officer in the German army. Lieutenant Jim Woods is assigned to teach the recruits the proper jumping procedure, and after a day of diving off the platform, they are bruised and sore. Granted a pass for the evening, Glenda and Dottie hitch a ride on a truck bound for town and discover that Woods and Sergeant Jeff Peters are also passengers on the truck. The four dine together and by evening's end, Glenda has paired off with Woods and Jeff and Dottie have become a couple. When they return to the base, Helen Ames, another recruit, accuses Glenda of trying to steal the lieutenant from her. The cadets' next lesson is in how to pack a parachute, and when Woods announces that he plans to test Glenda's chute on the demonstration dummy, Helen ties a knot in the lines. When the lines foul as the chute opens, Woods blames Glenda for packing it incorrectly and orders her to spend three days packing and unpacking parachutes. Suspecting foul play, Dottie tells Jeff that she thinks someone deliberately tied a knot in Glenda's chute. Grateful for Glenda's sympathy, Gretchen offers to help her pack the chutes, and when they finish, the two women go to a dance, where Gretchen is once again snubbed. When Woods asks Glenda for a dance, she angrily tells him off and returns to the barracks. On the day of Gretchen's first jump, Glenda presents her with a good luck charm. When Gretchen jumps, however, she fails to pull the cord and falls to her death. After witnessing her friend's demise, Glenda becomes hysterical and is hospitalized. She recovers just in time to join her squadron for their first jump, but when the moment comes for Glenda to parachute from the plane, she freezes in terror. Delighted by Glenda's failure, Helen calls her "yellow." Learning of Helen's vicious behavior, Capt. Morgan forces her to resign from the force. After Glenda refuses a second chance to accomplish her jump, she is transferred to the ambulance corps. As she prepares to leave the barracks, she overhears Jeff tell Dottie that Woods's plane has crashed in a remote area and that a nurse must parachute in to aid the injured officer. Begging Capt. Morgan to assign her to the mission to save Woods, with whom she has fallen in love, Glenda straps on her parachute, puts her fears behind her and jumps from the plane. Upon landing, she discovers that Woods is unharmed and that his accident was a ruse to help her overcome her anxiety.

Film Details

Release Date
Jun 18, 1942
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 3m
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length




Although a Hollywood Reporter production chart places Roger Clark, Robert Stevens and Stanley Brown in the cast, their participation in the released film has not been confirmed.