Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Rob Reiner
James Caan
Kathy Bates
Lauren Bacall
Richard Farnsworth
Frances Sternhagen
Film Details
Technical Specs
Directed by Rob Reiner, the Academy Award-winning film "Misery" (1990) stars James Caan as romance author Paul Sheldon. He rents a remote cabin so he can write the great American novel, but crashes his car during a raging blizzard, losing consciousness and breaking his legs. Kathy Bates won the Oscar for her portrayal of Annie Wilkes, a local woman who rescues him and just so happens to be his biggest fan. She cares for him tenderly until she finishes his latest book. Then she wants revenge. Oscar-winning screenwriter William Goldman adapted a Stephen King novel, creating a heart-stopping psychological thriller.

Rob Reiner

James Caan

Kathy Bates

Lauren Bacall
Richard Farnsworth
Frances Sternhagen
Misery The Pig
Archie Hahn
Wendy Bowers
Mark Woods
Thomas Brunelle
Graham Jarvis
Jerry Potter
Julie Payne
June Christopher
Gregory Snegoff
Linda Allan-folsom
Brian Armstrong
James Ashwill
George Baetz
Peter C Barbour
Kevin Bartnof
Alan Edward Bell
Howard Berger
Sandy Berumen
Wolfgang Bodison
James Brown
Terry Brown
Jon Bruno
Russ Buckens
Charles L Campbell
Rachel Carpone
Carl Cassara
John Christensen
Gwen Clancy
Norris Coit
Leslie Cornyn
Judith A. Cory
Phil Cory
Gary Cruise
Sandy De Crescent
James Dean
Jim Deeth
Christy Dimmig
Dennis Dreith
Dennis Dreith
Robert Eber
Louis L Edemann
Margaret Elliott
David Ellis
Bruce L. Fowler
Ellen Decker Franklin
Richard C Franklin
Leigh French
Bruce Fuller
Dennis Gamiello
Chuck Garsha
Norman Garwood
William Goldman
Brick Graham
Gloria Gresham
Oda Groeschel
Robin Harlan
Lou Anne Harrison
Alison Harstedt
Steve Hart
M Todd Henry
Janet Hirshenson
Michael Hirshenson
Kirk A Holland
John W Hoskins
Robert Hunter
Steele Hunter
Gary S Isbell
Jane Jenkins
Nils C Jensen
Pam Jones
David Keane
Kevin Kelley
Gary B Kibbe
Gary B Kibbe
Jacqueline King
Stephen King
C Jonas Kirk
K Lenna Kunkel
Robert Kurtzman
Rick Lalonde
Mary Jo Lang
Robert Leighton
Jody Levine
Garrett Lewis
John B Lowry
Ken Lubin
Suzanne Lutz
Dennis Maguire
Jim Maguire
Don Malouf
Hummie Mann
Mark Mansbridge
Alystar Mckenneh
Kerry Lyn Mckissick
Dennis Mclaughlin
Hans Metz
Thomas Miligan
Mary Morrisey
Mo Morrisey
Merrick Morton
Gerald Moss
Gary Mundheim
Karen Murphy
Chuck Neely
Steve Nevius
Walter J Nichols
Steven Nicolaides
Steven Nicolaides
Greg Nicotero
Ken Peterson
Joseph G Popelka
Ed Powell
Curt Powley
Andrew Precht
Ruth Pulido
Dwayne Redlin
Rob Reiner
Tommy Roberts
Artist Robinson
Rod Rogers
R.a. Rondell
Howard Rose
Drew Ann Rosenberg
Rob Rupple
Marvin Salsberg
G Tony Scarano
Andrew Scheinman
Michelle Selleck
Marc Shaiman
Timothy Sheehan
Larry Singer
Michele Singer
Daryl Smith
Barry Sonnenfeld
Barry Sonnenfeld
Barry Sonnenfeld
Chris Squires
Scott Stambler
Armin Steiner
Roger Stevenson
Jeff Stott
Mark R Streapy
Ray Svedin
Sammy Thurman
Art Tostado
Lois Trent-bring
Stan Tropp
Barbara Turman
Mike Van Woert
Wally Walters
Robin Warren
Katherine Wilson
Donald M Yamasaki
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Wins
Best Actress
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall November 30, 1990
Released in United States on Video July 11, 1991
Stephen King's best-selling novel "Misery," was bought by Castle Rock for a reported seven figures.
Second unit photography began in late January 1990.
Began shooting February 20, 1990.
Completed shooting May 31, 1990.
Film was included in a double-bill with Mike Nichols' "Postcards From the Edge" (1990) for expanded release on February 15, 1991.
Release expanded in USA February 15, 1991.
Released in United States Fall November 30, 1990
Released in United States on Video July 11, 1991