Man in the Moon
Cast & Crew
Basil Dearden
Kenneth More
Shirley Field
Norman Bird
Michael Hordern
John Glyn-jones
Film Details
Technical Specs

William Blood, an extraordinarily healthy Englishman, makes his living as a human guinea pig for medical research. He loses his job, however, when his physical fitness prevents him from catching a common cold after spending the night in a meadow. Almost immediately he is recruited by Professor Davidson of the Atomic Research Center, who plans to make Blood the first man on the moon, a project that is concealed from him. When Blood emerges from tests in refrigerators, in hot boxes, on rocket sleds, and in centrifugal whirlers, Blood arouses the envy of Leo, an astronaut who had hoped to win the prize money offered to the first man to attempt a landing on the moon. This situation is remedied, however, when the scientists brainwash Leo into loving his rival. Although Blood eventually learns of the fate awaiting him, the prize money is too tempting, and he agrees to undertake the flight. His spaceship is launched from an Australian range; and the scientists are able to contact him. Unfortunately, he lands in the middle of the Australian bush country rather than on the moon. Blood then heads back to England and his Soho stripper girl friend, Sally.


Basil Dearden

Kenneth More
Shirley Field
Norman Bird

Michael Hordern
John Glyn-jones
John Phillips
Charles Gray
Bernard Horsfall
Bruce Boa

Noel Purcell
Ed Devereaux
Newton Blick
Richard Pearson
Lionel Gamlin
Russell Waters
Danny Green
Jeremy Lloyd
Don Ashton
Jim Baker
Bert Batt
Harry Black
Roy Charman
Steve Claydon
Bill Daniels
Joan Davis
Vera Dover
Herbert, (comdr.) Ellis
Bryan Forbes
Philip Green
John D. Guthridge
Jean Hall
Norman Harrison
Ian Jeayes
Bert Jempson
Ted Karnon
Denzil Lewis
Gus Lloyd
Jack Maxsted
Anthony Mendleson
Peter Murton
Pearl Orton
William Partleton
Ronald Purdie
Michael Relph
Michael Relph
Mark Rowe
Norman Savage
C. C. Stevens
Jack Swinburne
H. A. R. Thomson
Ted Underwood
Harry Waxman
Elven Webb
John Webber

Film Details
Technical Specs

Mind you, don't misunderstand me. I'm all for the old fair sex. Nothing like them at the right time and the right place. I mean, let's face it, you boffins have never come up with anything better as a substitute. But the moment I catch a glimmer of the old red light, that's me, I'm off!- Blood
Married? Are you kidding? I wouldn't touch it. I've got my career to think about. The only reason I'm at the top of my profession is that I have absolute peace of mind. You're married though, aren't you?- Blood
Well, yes, as a matter of fact.- J.B. Davidson
I can always tell.- Blood
How?- J.B.
Well look at you. Toxic as a crow, sneezing like a maniac, cigarette ash all down your front, nervous, out of breath, you've got married man written across your forehead in big neon letters!- Blood
Opened in London in January 1961.