Kit Carson

Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
George B. Seitz
Jon Hall
Lynn Bari
Dana Andrews
Harold Huber
Ward Bond
Film Details
Technical Specs

Fearless frontier scout and Indian fighter Kit Carson and his friends, Ape and Lopez, narrowly escape an attack by a tribe of gun-toting Shoshone Indians as they ride to Fort Bridger, the gateway to the Oregon Trail. After safely arriving at the fort, Kit is asked by wagon leader Paul Terry to guide his train south along the Oregon Trail to California. Kit at first refuses on the grounds that the trip is too dangerous, but when Terry and the wagons make arrangements to ride with Captain John Fremont and his cavalry troops, Kit reconsiders and agrees to lead the train. He soon finds himself in competition with Fremont for the leadership of the train as well as the attentions of Dolores Murphy, a young California beauty on her way to her father's hacienda in Monterey. Meanwhile, General Castro, the Mexican Governor General of California, arms the Indians in an effort to keep the Americans out of California. As the rivalry between Kit and Fremont mounts, Fremont insists upon leading his troops through a canyon, thus exposing them to the danger of ambush, while Kit insists upon leading the wagons along a safer route. As Fremont leads his men into the narrow pass, half the Indians dynamite the entrance, thus trapping the soldiers, while the other half of the tribe attacks the wagons. Kit blasts the entrance open in time to free the soldiers and rescue the wagons, and they continue on to Monterey. As Dolores and the others celebrate their safe passage at the Murphy hacienda, Castro plots the demise of the Americans. Kit discovers his plans when he sees some Mexican army wagons carrying guns to the general and learns of his plans to destroy the hacienda. As the Americans rally at the Murphy hacienda to raise the flag of the California Republic, Kit orchestrates the forces to defeat Castro. After successfully routing Castro and his troops, Kit is appointed colonel in the United States Army and bids Dolores farewell as he rides off to defend the California Republic.

George B. Seitz
Jon Hall
Lynn Bari

Dana Andrews

Harold Huber

Ward Bond
Renie Riano

Clayton Moore
Rowena Cook

Raymond Hatton
Harry Strang

C. Henry Gordon
Lew Merrill
Stanley Andrews
Edwin Maxwell
Peter Lynn
Charley Stevens

William Farnum
Blaney Harris
Al Kikume
Harry Semels
Howard A. Anderson
Edward Boyle
George Bruce
Buell Bryant
John Burch
Don Cash
William Claxton
Ben Corbett
Jack Cosgrove
Fred R. Feitshans Jr.
Chet Forrest
Chet Forrest
Curley Gibson
Richard Heermance
Jack Hendricks
Edward Lambert
John Mescall
Val Paul
Robert Pittack
Arthur Rosson
Carlos Ruffino
Carlos Ruffino
John Ducasse Schulze
Carl Sepulveda
Earl Sitar
Edward Small
Marie Toomey
Edward Ward
Edward Ward
Evelyn Wells
Grant Whytock
Bob Wright
Bob Wright

Movie Clip

Hosted Intro
Film Details
Technical Specs

Kit Carson
Producer: Edward Small
Director: George B. Seitz
Screenplay: George Bruce, Evelyn Wells (story)
Cinematography: John Mescall, Robert Pittack
Film Editing: William Claxton, Fred R. Feitshans Jr.
Art Direction: John DuCasse Schulze
Music: Edward Ward
Cast: Jon Hall (Kit Carson), Lynn Bari (Dolores Murphy), Dana Andrews (Captain John C. Fremont), Harold Huber (Lopez), Ward Bond (Ape), Renie Riano (Miss Pilchard).

Kit Carson
There's more in them graves than just people.- Kit Carson
According to a news item in Hollywood Reporter, Randolph Scott was originally slated to play the role of Kit Carson. This picture was filmed on location at Cayente, AZ. The 1936 Universal film Sutter's Gold (see below) and the 1939 Universal film Mutiny on the Blackhawk (see below) also featured the character of Kit Carson.