Johnny Mnemonic
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Robert Longo
Keanu Reeves
Dolph Lundgren
Takeshi Kitano
Dina Meyer
Denis Akiyama
Film Details
Technical Specs
In the 21st century, information is the ultimate commodity. In a world where cyberspace is a workaday reality and outlaw hackers thrive, the most valuable information must sometimes be transported by mnemonic couriers--professionals like Johnny who offer the ultimate in security and confidentiality. Johnny contracts to deliver priceless data for a pair of scientists, defectors from Pharmkom, the world's third largest corporation. The massive upload is too much for the mnemonic implant embedded in Johnny's brain. With no idea of what he's carrying, Johnny must find the secret access-codes that allow him to download the information--or die. But data-overload isn't the only thing threatening his life. The Yakuza, the world's most powerful crime-syndicate, are working for Pharmakom. Takahashi, the Yakuza sector chief, distrusts his own men; he secretly hires the ruthless bounty hunter known as Street Preacher and orders him to bring in Johnny's head--cryogenically preserved.

Keanu Reeves

Dolph Lundgren
Takeshi Kitano
Dina Meyer
Denis Akiyama
Henry Rollins
Barbara Sukowa

Udo Kier
Tracy Tweed
Falconer Abraham

Don Francks
Diego Chambers
Sherry Miller
Arthur Eng
Von Flores
Victoria Tengelis
Warren Sulatycky
Celina Wu
Gene Mack
Jamie Elman
Simon Sinn
Caitlin Carmody
Erin Carmody
Doug O'keefe
Marlow Vella
Howard Szafer
Paul Brogren
Arthi Sambasivan
Michael A Miranda
Coyote Shivers
Lynne Adams
Mike Shearer
Susan Tsagkaris
Christopher Comrie
Robin Crosby
Doug O'keeffe
Warren Sulatychky
Lloyd Adams
Staffan Ahrenberg
James Allen
Richard M Allen
Darrel Anderson
Roy T Anderson
Joy Ang
Vic Armstrong
Ken Barbet
Nick Barker
Kevin Barry
Kevin Barry
Henry Bean
Nicolette Beasley
Charles Beetz
Aileen Bell
Rebecca Bell
Ron Bell
Quinton Bennett
Steve Bentley
Bill W Benton
Ryan Berg
Rick Berry
Sheila Berry
Scott Beverly
Marco Bianco
Bill Birrell
Tom Blacklock
Fred Blau
Gene Bodio
Jay Boekelheide
Derrick Borden
Yvon Boudrias
Jennifer Bower
Daniel Bradette
Betzy Bromberg
Eric Bryson
John Buchan
Michael A Burnett
Andy Butcher
Anita Camarata
Enrico Campana
Glenn Campbell
Dan Candela
Mary Canty
Natalie Card
Bruce Cardozo
Don Carmody
Jacqueline Carmody
Anthony Ceccomancini
Michael Chan
Tommy Chang
Cat Chapman
Ruth Charest
Andrea Chase
Phil Chiu
Billy D Choi
Stephen Chong
Ho Chow
Mike Chow
T Christenson
Sylvie Clement
Steve Cohen
Peter Colpitts
Melody Comrie
Shelley Cook
Tom Costain
Jean Courteau
David Crone
Rory Cutler
Michael Dandy
Robert Daprato
Dennis Davenport
Chris David
Susanna David
Kelly Decooman
Louis Deernsted
Jean Desormeaux
Giorgio Devincenzo
Olga Dimitrov
Julian Dobbs-higginson
Patrick Dodd
Tracey Dodokin
Mario Dumont
Reid Dunlop
Michael Duthie
Don Fergus
Cynthia Feyrer
Brad Fiedel
Brad Fiedel
Malcolm Fife
Roger Finlay
Gary Fluxgold
Tig Fong
Bryan Forde
Frank Foster
Francois Fournier
Brad Francis
Gayle Franklin
Mike Franklin
Candide Franklyn
Douglas Ganton
Errol Gee
Cody Gibson
William Gibson
William Gibson
Linda Gill
Johnny Goar
Jeremy Gordon
Jim Gore
Bert Gouweleeuw
Mike Gow
Doug Graham
Leslie Grierson
Derek Grime
Ian Hall
Victoria Hamburg
Larry Hamlin
Bob Hannah
Steffany Hannan
Christopher Hargadon
Richard Harkness
Bill Harmon
Matthew Hausle
David Hawthorne
Marie-claude Hebert
Tom Hendrickson
Linda Henry
Susan Hoffman
Tim Huchthausen
Leslie Huntley
Gregor Hutchison
Sylvia Iden
Nadia Jarvis
Olly Jason
Michael Jewison
Jamie Jones
Mic Jones
Michael Joyce
Michael Joyce
Makoto Kabayama
Fred Kamping
Kim Karon
Jeffrey Klein
Malina Koani-guzman
Cal Kohne
Michael Kohne
Mike Konrad
Stephen Kramer
Danny Kudlowski
Pierre Laberge
Joe Lafontaine
Elis Lam
Tom Lane
Jacques Langlois
Robert Lantos
Mark Lanza
Wendi Laski
Kevin Michael Leblanc
Phil Lemarbre
Mark Levinson
Danny Lima
Karen Logan
Chris Longo
Andy Malcolm
Scott Mansfield
Patrick Mark
Ken Marschall
Phillip Marshall
Paul Massey
Ian Mcdougall
Dwayne Mclean
Don Mcqueen
Syd Mead
Michael Mennies
Kyle Menzies
Kyle Menzies
George Merkert
Richard Messiah
Gus Meunier
Tim Miller
Vera Miller
Bret Mixon
Bob Monroe
Cindy Morton
Joe Munkeby
Doug Murray
Tim Murton
Ian Nelmes
John Nelson
John Nelson
Rachel T. Nicholl
Mike Nishihama
Michele Nolet
Jonathan Null
Billy Oliver
Ricardo Olivero
Ayana Osada
Trisha Papas
Markus Parilo
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer May 26, 1995
Released in United States on Video November 21, 1995
Feature directorial debut for celebrated artist Robert Longo.
Began shooting February 16, 1994.
Completed shooting May 1994.
Project was originally owned by Carolco, which let the rights lapse when it encountered financial difficulties.
Released in United States Summer May 26, 1995
Released in United States on Video November 21, 1995