Water for Elephants
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Francis Lawrence
Karynn Moore
Jon Weiss
Joe Langer
Molly O'neill
Sita Acevedo
Film Details
Technical Specs
Against all odds, a veterinary student and a beautiful circus performer from a bygone era, meet and fall in love through their shared compassion for a special elephant. But their secret romance incurs the wrath of her dangerously volatile husband.
Francis Lawrence
Karynn Moore
Jon Weiss
Joe Langer
Molly O'neill
Sita Acevedo
Stephen Simon
Levani Ilia Volokh
Chris Blim
Bobby Haynes
Mary Newman

Reese Witherspoon
Tom Weymouth
George Harper
Rob Crites
Evan Silverman
Richard Brake
Tracy Phillips
Jackie Zane
Jim Jansen
Kelly Erickson
Rebecca Ostroff
Derrick Gilday
Shannon Freyer
Stephen Monroe Taylor
Brad Potts
Garnett Brown
Kacie Borrowman
Chris Grabher
Sam Anderson
Andrew Connolly
Doug Mcdougal
Wynton Mccurdy
Mike Davis
Kabin Thomas
Lee-anne Telford
Ivo Nandi
Rowan O'hara
Gabriel Ramos-gomez
Bruce Gray
Aloysia Gavre
Johnny Britt
Aleksandra Kaniak
Wyatt Biessel
Todd Cochran
Mark Povinelli
William Morse
Tim Guinee
Glen Mcdougal
Bianca Sapetto
Dreya Weber
Marcus Everett
Ken Foree
John Aylward
Tommy Samona
E.e. Bell
Kelsey Mcnamee
Vladimir Sizov
Hal Holbrook
Brad Greenquist
Mark Barnett
Michelle Lavon
Kyle Jordan
Sebastian Stella
Russell Stark
Jim Norton
Tara Ferguson
Deryl Patterson
George Landkas-coronas
Kerren Mckeeman
Keith Friddmont
Duff Dugan
Chobi Gyorgy
Dalmicio Pueblos
Christoph Waltz
Donna W Scott
Robert Pattinson
Katia Sereno
Stefan Rollins
Danny Castle
Beresford Bennett
Jonathan Moore
Scott Macdonald
David Hunt
James Frain
Michael Coronas
Paul Schneider
Eddie Medrano
Aryiel Hartman
James Keane
Karl Vincent
Aaron Bloom
Julie Adams
Keith Adams
Mike Ades
Sara Akhteh
Kenny Alexander
Molly Allen
Wade Allen
Donna J Anderson
Alina Andrei
Pete Anthony
Varsenik Vicky Antonyan
Audrey Anzures
Frida Aradottir
Carrie Yoko Arakaki
Jeff Atmajian
Steve Austin
Justin Babin
Chris P Bacon
Brent Baer
Bill Ballard
Evan Ballard
Clayton Barber
Phil Barrie
Rachel Bati
Keith Bauer
Robert Baumgartner
Eric Bautista
Craig Baxley
Gary Baxley
Dan Beals
Cheryl Beasley-blackwell
Bob Beher
Alan Edward Bell
Richard Bell
Michael J. Benavente
Howard Berger
Melissa F. Binder
Kate Biscoe
Jared M Bissen
Gail Bixby
George Black
Jean Black
Sarah Bourgeois
Larry Boyd
Rick Boyle
Nick Brandon
Stacey B Brashear
Eddie Braun
Christopher Brewster
Ranjani Brow
Lew Brown
Brad Brunkow
Clyde E Bryan
J Tim Brymn
Richard Burden
Dennis Burrell
Mark Byers
Stacy Caballero
Allison Caetano
Marco Campos
Rick Canelli
Dominic Carbone
Stacey Carino
Damon Caro
Tim Carr
Derek Casari
Adrian Casas
Alexander J Castillo
Carmen Castro
Elida Cerda
Larry Cha
Mark Chadwick
Jacob Chambers
Denise Chamian
George Chavez
Jay Cheng
Katrina Chevalier
James Churchman
James Clark
James Clark
Jonathan Clark
Larry E Clark
Darrin Clubb
Charles P Conrad
Jordan Corngold
Jaimie Councilor
Marcy Craig
David Crank
Charles Crivier
Chris Crivier
Martin J Cummins
Dana Curt
John Damiani
Chris Daniels
Paul Darnell
Donald Davidson
Theodore M Davila
Keith Davis
Kenny Davis
Kristen Davis
Tim A Davison
Sandy De Crescent
Ruth De Jong
Bg De Sylvia
Dustin Deluca
Angela Demo
Joseph Dianda
Arturo "joey" Dickey
Christopher Dickson
Joel Dougherty
Lindsay Dougherty
Shauna Duggins
Zack Duhame
Nicholas Dunlevy
Marc Durst
Lynne Eagan
Bobi Edrington
Chris Edrington
Martin Elfalan
Tom Elliott
Chad Enloe
Peter Enneking
Marcus Epps
Jim Erickson
Jeff Errico
Cecilia Escobar
Ruth Etting
Russell Farmarco
Sven Faulconer
David Fein
Federico Ferreri
Jack Fisk
Matt Floyd
Paul Andre Fonarev
Matthew Fortino
Nathalie Fratti
Robin Fredriksz
Erica Freeman
Laurel Frushour
Lindsey Fry
Jonathan Fuh
Jose Antonio Garcia
Naomi Gathmann
Mary Lynn Giacomazzi
Mickey Giacomazzi
Lee Gilmore
Christopher Glasgow
John Glover-kind
Peter Gluck
Hitomi Golba
Bethe H Gordon
Grant Grabowski
Christina Graff
Paul Graff
Mark Graham
Christopher Grandell
Scott Graves
Jerry Gregoricka
Todd Groves
Sara Gruen
Patricia Gundlach
Lauren Taylor Guy
Deborah Habberstad
Jeff Habberstad
Trevor Habberstad
Gregory G. Hale
Bob Hall
Kevin Halloran
Kevin Halloran
Tabby Hanson
Jeremy Harding
Jeffrey Harlacker
Jimmy Hart
Brian Harvick
Jeffrey Hawkes
Daniel Hawking
Monica Haynes
Doris Hellmann
Lukas Hencey
Ray Henderson
Cynthia Hernandez
Daniel Hernandez
Michael Hertlein
Dan Higgins
William Hobson
Hilda Hodges
Courtney Hoffman
Wendy Hoffmann
Logan Holladay
Chad Holmes
Bill Holmquist
R. A. Hossie
James Newton Howard
Norman Howell
Mike Hubert
Christian S Hurley
Elodie Ichter
William Iiams Sr.
Cinda Lin James
David James
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Wide Release in United States Spring April 22, 2011
Released in United States on Video November 1, 2011
Based on the novel "Water for Elephants" written by Sara Gruen and published by Algonquin Books on May 26, 2006.
Wide Release in United States Spring April 22, 2011 (2700+)
Sean Penn was previously mentioned for a role.
Released in United States on Video November 1, 2011
Project was included on the 2009 Black List.