Inside Monkey Zetterland
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Sam Hurwitz
Joan Marchinko
Sofia Coppola
Patricia Arquette
Louis J Pearlman
Frances Bay
Film Details
Technical Specs
An ironic look into the fast paced L.A. world of Monkey Zetterland, a loveable, charismatic 28-year-old and his colorful friends and family.
Joan Marchinko

Sofia Coppola

Patricia Arquette
Louis J Pearlman
Frances Bay
Debi Mazar
Robert Russell
Martha Plimpton
Bo Hopkins
Luca Bercovici
Nicholas Matus
Ricki Lake
Rupert Everett
Katherine Helmond
Sandra Bernhard
Tate Donovan
Melissa Lechner
Suzanne Potts
Robin Antin
Marc Lafia
Chris Nash
Lance Loud
Sparkle Stillman
Lauren Zuckerman
Steven Antin
Blair Tefkin
Chuck Grieve
Adam Abaraham
Louis Alexander
Luana Anders
David Andriole
Steven Antin
Steven Antin
Keith Barefoot
Trey Batchelor
Steven Baumer
Robert P Bennett
Bill Bernstein
Paul Berolzheimer
Gena Bleier
John Boskovich
Alex Branger
Jacqueline Brennan
David Brown
Marcei A Brubaker
Zane Bruce
Charley Cabrera
Christopher Cambell
Linda Carmichael
Siu Ming Carson
Joe Clem
Tani Cohen
Mark Cookson
Joseph Corso
Jeffrey Costello
Rick Cox
Steve Cracker
Louis Creveling
Kate Curry
Jim Deroos
Joey Diandra
Patrick W. Dunn
Stephen Earabino
Jeff Elmassian
Blake T. Evans
Craig Felburg
Jill Fink
David Franco
Kristi Frankenheimer-davis
Danielle Ghent
Patrick Giraudi
David Grant
Chuck Grieve
David Guerra
Lisa Guerriero
Richard Hagarth
Laura Hallenbrook
Scott Hamre
Dennis Hann
L C Harnsberger
John Harp
Robert Hart
Stephen Huidis
Dan Jamele
Scott A Jennings
Jay Johnson
Doug Jones
Lance Kaplan
Anna Kerkorian
Josh King
Steven Kline
Tom Ladwig
Christian Lamb
Amy Lederman
Jefery Levy
Sergio Leyva
Rod Livingston
Dick Luke
Pamela Luly
Derek Marcil
Hayley Marcus
Mitchell J Masoner
Beau Maxwell
Beau Maxwell
Bill Mcdevitt
Debbie Milford
Roz Music
Dayton Neitert
Peter Nichols
Keith Olson
Arlene Pachasa
Louis J Pearlman
Brian Pennington
Sean Perkins
Jody Lyn Podolsky
Patricia Reich
John Ross
Tanya Russell
Jaimie Sarra
Joshua E Schneider
Myke Schwartz
Steve Scoville
Mark Seagraves
Pete Sebring
Randa Rai Slack
Jeffrey P Soderberg
Brian Sokol
Sean Spector
Tom Stackpoole
Colleen Stewart
Jane Ann Stewart
Christopher Taylor
Christopher Taylor
Shannon Thompson
Steven Tibbo
Steven Tibbo
Dave Torres
Kelly Van Patter
Jarris Vanrobinson
Greta Von Steinbauer
Wendy Weaver
Lee West
Gary Woods
Lauren Zuckerman
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Nominated for a 1993 Spirit Award by the Independent Feature Project/West for best supporting actor (Tate Donovan).
Released in United States 1992
Released in United States 1994
Released in United States January 1993
Released in United States July 1992
Released in United States June 1992
Released in United States October 15, 1993
Released in United States on Video March 2, 1994
Released in United States September 1992
Released in United States Summer August 25, 1993
Shown at Los Angeles International Gay and Lesbian Film & Video Festival July 9-18, 1992.
Shown at New York International Festival of Lesbian & Gay Film June 4-14, 1992.
Shown at San Sebastian Film Festival (in competition) September 17-27, 1992.
Shown at Seattle International Film Festival May 15 - June 7, 1992.
Shown at Sundance Film Festival (in competition) January 21-31, 1993.
Shown at Toronto Festival of Festivals September 10-19, 1992.
Shown at Vancouver International Film Festival September 30 - October 16, 1994.
Steve Antin and Jefery Levy previously collaborated, as actor and producer-director-screenwriter, respectively, in "Drive" (USA/1991).
Released in United States 1992 (Shown at Seattle International Film Festival May 15 - June 7, 1992.)
Released in United States 1994 (Shown at Vancouver International Film Festival September 30 - October 16, 1994.)
Released in United States January 1993 (Shown at Sundance Film Festival (in competition) January 21-31, 1993.)
Released in United States on Video March 2, 1994
Released in United States June 1992 (Shown at New York International Festival of Lesbian & Gay Film June 4-14, 1992.)
Began shooting July 8, 1991.
Completed shooting August 3, 1991.
Released in United States July 1992 (Shown at Los Angeles International Gay and Lesbian Film & Video Festival July 9-18, 1992.)
Released in United States Summer August 25, 1993
Released in United States September 1992 (Shown at San Sebastian Film Festival (in competition) September 17-27, 1992.)
Released in United States September 1992 (Shown at Toronto Festival of Festivals September 10-19, 1992.)
Released in United States October 15, 1993 (New York City)