I Live on Danger

1h 13m 1942

Film Details

Also Known As
I'll Be Back in a Flash
Release Date
Jun 13, 1942
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Distribution Company
Paramount Pictures, Inc.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 13m
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length
6,539ft (7 reels)


While special events radio commentator Jeff Morrell broadcasts a report from a pier fire, his friend, Norm Thompson, with whom he is competing for a post in London, reports on the prison release of gambler Eddie Nelson. Joey Farr, for whom Eddie "took the rap," picks up Eddie and urges him to collect the money owed him by Wingy Keefe, Eddie's former boss, who is about to turn state's evidence on Farr. Unable to find legitimate work, Eddie goes to Keefe and is about to accept his money when Keefe is killed by shots fired through a window. Norm, who was coming to see Keefe about a tip, sees Eddie running from the office. Angry that Norm scooped him on another story, Jeff and his sound technician, Angie Moss, shirk their work and miss broadcasting a championship fight. Jeff tries to make up for it by broadcasting a fake report and is fired. While driving back to the station, however, Jeff and Angie pass a ship fire on the coast, and Jeff is re-hired as he is the only reporter in the area. Jeff reports live from the shore where the survivors have been rescued, and Angie befriends an orphan child named Dilly. Jeff recognizes Susan Richards as Eddie's companion from a newspaper photo that accompanied an article about Eddie, who is suspected of Keefe's murder. Under cover of darkness, Eddie crawls ashore unnoticed. Hoping to land the London job, meanwhile, Jeff convinces Susan to come home to his mother by claiming that the hospital is overfilled with patients from the wreck. After three days, Jeff falls in love with Susan and, urged on by a newspaper headline reporting Eddie's death in the shipwreck, admits the real reason why he brought her home. Jeff is still unaware that she is Eddie's sister, not his girl friend, however, and Susan disappears. Jeff then finds a personal ad she was reading and realizes that she is meeting Eddie. With the help of police, Jeff arranges to broadcast live from the meeting and report on Eddie's arrest. Jeff's mother and Susan snub Jeff for setting up Eddie, and investigating detective Conlon reveals that Eddie may be innocent. Eddie is convicted and sentenced to be executed, and Jeff, feeling responsible, rejects the London assignment and determines to investigate Keefe's murder on his own. After Norm reveals that Keefe had been double-crossed by Farr and was ready to testify to a grand jury, Jeff questions Eddie in jail. Jeff takes new information to District Attorney E. G. Lambert, unaware that Lambert is in collusion with Farr. Conlon is suspicious of his boss Lambert, and takes Jeff to see Farr, but he has just killed his own driver and escaped. Jeff and Conlon then track Farr to his hometown billiard hall in Pennsylvania, and follow him as he escapes and hides in an abandoned mine. When police fail to gas Farr out of the mine, Jeff reports live from the scene and goes into the mine to interview Farr, secretly broadcasting his confession over the air. Jeff narrowly escapes as Farr sets off a dynamite charge, which kills him. Eddie is cleared of all charges, and Lambert is indicted as an accessory. Not long after, Jeff reports his own marriage to Susan.

Film Details

Also Known As
I'll Be Back in a Flash
Release Date
Jun 13, 1942
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Paramount Pictures, Inc.
Distribution Company
Paramount Pictures, Inc.
United States

Technical Specs

1h 13m
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length
6,539ft (7 reels)




The working title of this film was I'll Be Back in a Flash. Lewis Foster and Alex Gottlieb's original story was titled "Coast to Coast." This film was mistakenly referred to as I Live in Danger by several reviews. According to a Hollywood Reporter news item, composers Jack Brooks and Norman Berens were slated to write two songs for this film, but no songs were heard in the film nor mentioned in reviews.