Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Gore Verbinski
Gil Birmingham
Timothy Olyphant
Nadine Ellis
Patrika Darbo
George Del Hoyo
Film Details
Technical Specs
Rango is a sheltered chameleon living as an ordinary family pet, while facing a major identity crisis. After all, how high can you aim when your whole purpose in life is to blend in? When Rango accidentally winds up in the gritty, gun-slinging town of Dirt - a lawless outpost populated by the desert's most wily and whimsical creatures - the less-than-courageous lizard suddenly finds he stands out. Welcomed as the last hope the town has been waiting for, new Sheriff Rango is forced to play his new role to the hilt . . . until, in a blaze of action-packed situations and encounters with outrageous characters, Rango starts to become the hero he once only pretended to be.
Gore Verbinski
Gil Birmingham
Timothy Olyphant
Nadine Ellis
Patrika Darbo
George Del Hoyo
Kym Whitley
Alanna Ubach
Ian Abercrombie
Bill Nighy
Troy Christian
Mark Mccreery

Harry Dean Stanton
James Ward Byrkit

Ned Beatty
Gore Verbinski
Rachel Mcdonald
Hemky Madera
Alfred Molina
Jordi Caballero
Blake Clark
Keith Campbell
Abigail Breslin
Ruthy Inchaustegui
Lew Temple
Ray Winstone
Elizabeth Ramos
Marco Antonio De La Cruz
Alex Manugian
Alllan Walls
Chris Parson
Jason Bedig
Maile Flanagan
Johnny Depp
Teresa Espinosa
Vincent Kartheiser
John Cothran
Beth Grant
Isla Fisher
Claudia Black
Joseph A Nunez
Sarah Christine Smith
Jose Hernandez
Stephen Root
Ryan Hurst
Charles Fleischer
Matt Adler
Alia Agha
Newell Alexander
Rosemary Alexander
Tim Alexander
Jim Allen
Charles Alleneck
Steve Alterman
Christine Altomari
Christian Alzmann
Michael Anderson
Florent Andorra
Josh Andrews
Siau Yene Ang
Francois Antoine
Steve Apostolina
Nurul Arif
Joakim Arnesson
Okan Ataman
Quentin Auger
Lin Ayetut
Bob Badami
Kenneth Bailey
Kirk Baily
Katharine Baird
Mark Bakshi
Lorne Balfe
Chris Balog
Christopher Bannister
Leigh Barbier
Paul Barker
Tom Barrett
Christopher Barron
Christopher Barron
Steve Barsony
Michael Bauer
John Bell
Joseph Bell
Barbara Bellanca
Julien Cohen Bengio
Colin Benoit
Bryan Bentley
Amy Beresford
Jill Berger
Ken Beyer
Jello Biafra
Stacy Bissell
Sean Bittinger
Jack Blessing
Jeremy Bloch
David Bokser
Jean Bolte
Filip Bolton
Aron Bonar
Rob Bonstin
Samati Boonchitsitsak
Dan Bornstein
Mathieu Boucher
Phil Boucher
Jamie Bowers
Lindsey Boyd
Christopher Boyes
Steve Braggs
Derrek Brajkovich-horn
Rosemary Brandenburg
Silas Brandon
Michael W Brennan
David Brickley
Maria Brill
Angela Bristow
Thomas Broderick
Chantell Brown
Claudius Bruese
Alice Brugger
Matt Brumit
Jacob Buck
Andy Buecker
Cathy Burrow
Chrysta Burton
James Ward Byrkit
James Ward Byrkit
James Ward Byrkit
James Ward Byrkit
Gem Ronn Cadiz
Ian Calip
Ryan Calloway
Geoff Campbell
Keith Campbell
William Alex Cannon
William Alex Cannon
Christine Cantella
Jeremy Cantor
Brian Cantwell
Derrick Carlin
John Carls
Joy Carmeci
James Carson
Mitch Carter
Tami Carter
Gloria Pasqua Casny
Alexander J Castillo
Daniel Cavey
Joe Ceballos
Bernard O Ceguerra
Denise Chamian
Charmaine Chan
Henry Chan
Kien Geay Chan
Can Chang
Hui Ling Chang
Roger Chao
Krysti Charron
Lori Falzone Chavez
Amelia Chenoweth
Tsae Yen Cheong
Peter Chesloff
Tan Lee Chia
Jackson Yeoh Lean Chiew
Charles Choi
Jeremy Choi
Kelvin Chu
Sun Chung
Paul Churchill
Sam Chwat
Brian Clark
Frank Clary
Mickael Coedel
Delphine Coffin
Patrick Cohen
Kevin Collins
Mark Connelly
Pat Conran
Michael Conte
Chase Cooper
Jay Cooper
Karin Cooper
Jennifer Coronado
Krishnamurti Costa
Romaine Coston
Frederic Cote
Brenton Cottman
David Cowgill
Adam Cramer
Adam Cramer
Cynthia Crimmins
Jason Cuenco
Mike Cussack
Devon Cutler
Wendy Cutler
Virginie Michel D'annoville
Gary Dahlquist
Erin Davis
Bora Dayioglu
Sandy De Crescent
Roger Deakins
Roger Deakins
Dave Deever
Vincent Defebo
Ralphie Del Castillo
George Del Hoyo
Nick Delaplane
Christi Dembrowski
Angela Demo
Tom Derosier
Stephen Deuters
Natasha Devaud
Michael Diersing
George Doering
Holly Dorff
Holly Dorff
John Doublestein
Colin Downs-razouk
Jessica Drake
Moosie Drier
Chuck Duke
Craig Eastman
C Michael Easton
Danny Elfman
Nino Ellington
Coya Elliot
Dan Enstorm
Raul Essig
Leandro Estebecorena
Sam Estes
Greg Etheredge
Katharine Evans
Simon Eves
Morgan Feeney
David Feiss
Tom Fejes
Sebastian Feldman
Aaron Ferguson
Rebekah Fergusson
Jessica Fernandes
Simon Fillat
Elizabeth Finch
Shine Fitzner
Dave Fleming
Brian Flynn
Marco Foglia
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Wide Release in United States Spring March 4, 2011
Wide Release in United States Spring March 4, 2011 (3650+)
Re-released in United States Winter January 27, 2012
Re-released in United States Winter January 27, 2012 (Los Angeles)
Released in United States on Video July 15, 2011
Released in United States on Video July 15, 2011