Fun on a Weekend

Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Andrew Stone
Eddie Bracken
Priscilla Lane
Tom Conway
Allen Jenkins
Arthur Treacher
Film Details
Technical Specs

Penniless and hungry, young Peter Porter wakes up on a Florida resort beach and meets the equally destitute Nancy Crane. Recognizing their common problem, Peter and Nancy pool their meager resources and head for the nearest lunchwagon to buy two doughnuts and a single cup of coffee. While forcing Joe Morgan, the proprietor, to give them a fresh cup of coffee when she thinks hers is too cold, the outgoing Nancy convinces timid Peter to test his theory that anyone can acquire wealth by creating an aura of success. Offering to be the "brass" to Peter's "brain," Nancy takes her cohort to a nearby clothing store and engineers a clothes swap. As Peter believes that bathing suits are the great social equalizers, he and Nancy leave their shabby clothes behind and waltz out of the store in stylish beach attire. They also acquire a hungry Great Dane dog, which Peter thinks will enhance their wealthy aura. Their first stop is a posh real estate office, where, posing as Mr. and Mrs. Peterson Price Porterhouse III of Wall Street, they tell agent B. O. Moffatt that they are looking for an old friend who is a real estate agent and will help them find a large estate to buy. Anxious to get a big sale for himself, Moffatt escorts them on a tour of exclusive properties, during which Peter and Nancy have a chance to meet and charm many estate owners and their friends. One owner, Van Orsdale, Jr., takes an immediate liking to Nancy, while others eagerly promote business ventures with Peter. In need of clothes and luggage to stay at the city's most exclusive hotel, Peter and Nancy demand to see a department store's president, Mr. Cowperwaithe, and convince him that Peter is interested in purchasing the store. Cowperwaithe confirms their story by telephoning some of Peter's "references," businessmen whom he and Nancy had just met that morning. Cowperwaithe is then happy to open a charge account for the couple, who also manage to have a wealthy woman's chauffeur drive them to the hotel. There the impressed management soon gives Peter and Nancy a huge suite and offers to cater a party they plan to throw the next night. As the stakes of their enterprise go higher, Peter becomes more and more nervous, especially when he almost loses thousands of dollars in a gambling house. No matter what the couple tries, however, their luck seems to hold, and finally Peter is offered the job of president of Cowperwaithe's store when Cowperwaithe decides to retire. Terms of the job offer require Peter and his "wife" to sign some legal papers, so he and Nancy agree to secretly marry. Peter, however, who has fallen in love with Nancy, is convinced that the handsome, wealthy Van is a better match for her, and writes a note saying goodbye. Soon back at Joe's lunchwagon, a despondent Peter is trying unsuccessfully to get a free breakfast from Joe when Nancy walks in. She soon convinces Peter that she loves him, and together they talk a reluctant Joe into becoming their partner in an enterprise that will turn his lunchwagon into the most exclusive restaurant in town.


Andrew Stone

Eddie Bracken

Priscilla Lane

Tom Conway

Allen Jenkins

Arthur Treacher

Clarence Kolb
Alma Kruger

Russell Hicks

Fritz Feld
Richard Hageman
Lester Allen
Bill Kennedy
Prince Karl
Edith Evanson
Boyd Davis
Harry Tyler
Sid Saylor
Douglas Wood

William Benedict
Jody Gilbert
Joe Devlin

Marie Blake
Bert Roach

Douglas Fowley

Byron Foulger
Neely Edwards
Madge Crane
Sandra Poloway
Lucien Cailliet
Maria O. Donovan
Rudi Feld
William A. Forsyth
Paul Ivano
Don Mcelwaine
Roy Meadows
Andrew Stone
Andrew Stone
Virginia Stone
Paul Weatherwax
Herman E. Webber

Film Details
Technical Specs

The working titles of this film were Strange Bedfellows and Nip and Tuck. According to publicity items, furnishings from the Vanderbilt estate in New York, which producer/director Andrew Stone reportedly purchased at an auction, were used in the picture. Fun on a Weekend marked actress Priscilla Lane's first film after a five-year hiatus from the screen. (Arsenic and Old Lace, in which she starred, was distributed in 1944, but was made in 1941.)