I Love You Phillip Morris
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Glenn Ficarra
Jim Carrey
Ewan Mcgregor
Leslie Mann
Rodrigo Santoro
Antoni Corone
Film Details
Technical Specs
The story begins with Steven Russell, on his deathbed recalling the events of his life. He begins in Texas as a happily married police officer who plays the organ at church, prays with his wife and spends his off hours searching for his biological mother. That, and he's gay. But after finding and being rejected by his mother, Steven leaves his life and family to go out into the world and be his true, gay self. He moves to Miami, finds a boyfriend and begins living the high life. But a life of luxury is expensive, leading this former cop to become a conman. When the law finally catches up with him, Steven is sent to prison where he meets, and falls in love with Phillip Morris. But Steven-a forlorn lover who cannot bear to be separated from his soul-mate-will go to any lengths to be with Phillip, including breaking out of jail, impersonating Phillip's lawyer and fraudulently becoming the CFO of a major corporation.

Jim Carrey
Ewan Mcgregor
Leslie Mann
Rodrigo Santoro
Antoni Corone
Brennan Brown
Michael Mandel
Annie Golden
Marylouise Burke
David Jensen
Dameon Clarke
Clay Chamberlin
Louis Herthum
Morgana Shaw
Joe Chrest
Griff Furst
Aunjanue Ellis
De Vere Jehl
Michael Showers
Beth Burvant
Deyne Ladson
John Kennon Kepper
Alyssa Tate
Andrew Sensenig
David Stanford
Bill Dykes
Tony Bentley
Kathrin Lautner
D Guidry
Nicholas Alexander
Michael Beasley
Sean Boyd
Maureen Brennan
Marcus Lyle Brown
Trey Burvant
Ken Clement
Miriam Cruz
David Dahlgren
Tommy Davis
Michael Ducote
Ashley Duggan Smith
Lela Edgar
J.d. Evermore
Jon Eyez
Evan Fitzpatrick
Shane Fitzpatrick
Shane Fuller
Jeff Galpin
Larry Gamell
Jim Garrity
Leon Gisclair
Geraldine Glenn
Doug M. Griffin
Jessica Heap
Tim Hickey
Keith Hudson
Jeremy Aaron Johnson
Jacqueline King
Alexa Kuve
Frederick Lewis
Sharon London
Audrey Lynn
Marc Macaulay
Reginald Mack
Danny Marin
Sammi Jack Martincak
Anne Mckenzie
Thelma Medina
Wendy Michaels
John Mourain
Randall Newsome
Lance E. Nichols
Antonino Paone
Liann Pattison
Sherrie Peterson
Clyde Raymond
Dane Rhodes
Johnny Rock
Archie Sampier
Andy Sims
Aron Ten Eyck
Thomas Thomason
Deneen D Tyler
Chris Wecklein
Scott Whitehurst
Bill Martin Williams
Jaymon Yates
Don Yesso
Gus Coto
Bob Crowley
Richie Adams
Michael Adkins
Irwin Ainsworth
Mike Alfano
Sally Randy Alfano
Robert Allen
Michael D Alvarez
Alice Amorosino
Seville Michelle Anastos
Anton Anderson
Richard Andresen
Les Arceneaux
Thomas E Ashburn
Oscar Austin
Gerald Autin
Kully B
Kully B
Adam Bandera
Darryl Bankston
Ryan Barfoot
Elizabeth Barker
Eric Bassoff
Oscar Beguiristain
Brian Bennett
Thomas Bernard
Marie-odile Bertot
Luc Besson
Butch Beverly
Jesse Beverly
Courtney Bishop
Ashley Bissing
Scott Bivona
Timothy Black
John Blanchard
Dotan Bonen
Joey Box
Hiram Bronkelstein
Jennifer Brown
Cara Buckley
Peter Bunetta
Will Burck
Michael Buster
Gary Calamar
Al Caldwell
Brian Callahan
Coco Campbell
Rick Canamar
Kathi Canfield
Jeff Cannon
Andrew Casbon
Hector Castillo
Brandon Chamberlain
Bucky Chase
Arian Chatman
Maria K. Chavez
Rick Chefalas
Chris Chiffalo
Rick Chudacoff
Wang Chung
Al Clay
Terrence Clay
Iggy Colomer
Joe Connolly
Thomas E Conrad
Tom Conrad
Dawn Cook
Teddy Cool
Justin Cooley
Rita Coolidge
Duane Cooper
Eric Corne
Darren Costin
Elizabeth Coulon
John Coven
Garth Currie
Mike Dares
Alexis David
Mark Davis
Melissa Marie Davis-perkel
Susan Schakelford Dawes
Linda De Andrea
Lucious Delegal
Dan Demirgian
Maritza Diaz
Anna Dinuovo
Dan Diprima
Edward Dorsey Iii
Romuald Drault
Shane Dufrene
Jonathon Dugas
Martin Dale Dumas
Robbie Dupree
Robbie Dupuis
David Duttinger
Jessica Dwyer
Ryan Martin Dwyer
Ali Eagle
Brandon Early
Alex Edlin
Valance Eisleben
Cassidy Eli
Matt Fausak
Nicholas Feldman
Ralph Fernandez
Chris Ficarra
Glenn Ficarra
Bess Fifer
Freddy Figueredo
Michael Fitzgerald
Anthony Forester
Steve Fox
Graylan Franklin
Barry Furlano
Gussy G
Gussy G
Chelsea Galen
Linda Gallagher
Chris Galland
Jeff Galpin
Jeff Galpin
Arturo Garcia
Clerksara Garcia
Bryan Gardiner
Lex Geddings
Camille Geier
Gregory Geniusz
Barry Gibb
Robin Gibb
Shawn Gilbert
Tanner Gill
Delphine Charles Gilly
Shai Goldenberg
Lisa Gonzalez
Patrick Goodwin
John Gorman
John Gorman
Loic Gourbe
Julie Ann Grasso
Charles E Graydon
Homer Greencastle
Julie Griffith Herrington
Xavier Pérez Grobet
Xavier Pérez Grobet
Xavier Pérez Grobet
Justin Groetsch
Drew Guajardo
Reynaldo Guimet
Chad Gunderson
Stephen Hagen
Thomas Hagerman
Thomas Hagerman
David Hamilton
David Hamilton
Don Hamzik
Jeffrey Harlacker
Joel Harlow
Lee Harper
Barbara Harris
James Harris
Helen Harwell
Sam Hassel
Claire Hassig
Lawrence Heap
Jacob Heard
James Hebert
Penelope Helmer
S Aimee Helms
Lana Heying
Ben Hill
Linda Fields Hill
Mildred Hill
Patty Hill
Jeff Hilson
Elizabeth Himelstein
Liz Himmelstein
Ryan Hintz
Nancy Hoelcher
Heather Holmes
Richard Hoover
Jack Hues
Oliver Hug
Elizabeth Humphrey
Daniel Indart
Maria Pia Ionata
Rachel Jacob
Tom Jans
Kyle Jenkins
Leah Jennings
Lawrence Johnson
Troy A Johnson
Pete Jones
Edward V Joubert
Tammye Kady
Alanna Kaimrajh
Ben Kanegson
Ted Kantrow
Susie Keatley
David Keifer
Oliver Keller
Andy Kim
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video April 5, 2011
Released in United States January 2009
Based on the book "I Love You Phillip Morris: A True Story of Life, Love, & Prison Breaks" written by Steve McVicker and published by Miramax Books on June 25, 2003.
Limited Release in United States Winter December 3, 2010
Released in United States on Video April 5, 2011
Released in United States January 2009 (Shown at Sundance Film Festival (Premieres) January 15-25, 2009.)
Limited Release in United States Winter December 3, 2010