Angels & Demons
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Ron Howard
Tom Hanks
Ewan Mcgregor
Ayelet Zurer
Stellan Skarsgård
Armin Mueller-stahl
Film Details
Technical Specs
What terrifying discovery would make the Vatican turn to Robert Langdon, the man who cracked history's most controversial code? When Langdon discovers evidence of the resurgence of an ancient secret brotherhood known as the Illuminati - the most powerful underground organization in history - he also faces a deadly threat to the existence of the secret organization's most despised enemy: the Catholic Church. Upon learning that the clock is ticking on an unstoppable Illuminati time bomb, Langdon travels to Rome, where he joins forces with Vittoria Vetra, a beautiful and enigmatic Italian scientist. Embarking on a nonstop, action-packed hunt through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, deserted cathedrals, and even to the heart of the most secretive vault on earth, Langdon and Vetra will follow the 400-year-old Path of Illumination that marks the Vatican's only hope for survival.

Ron Howard

Tom Hanks
Ewan Mcgregor
Ayelet Zurer

Stellan Skarsgård
Armin Mueller-stahl
Felipe Torres
Rocco Passafaro
Richard Rosetti
Elya Baskin
Ursula Brooks
Curt Lowens
Shelby Zemanek
Jonas Fisch
David Pasquesi
Anna Katarina
Gino Conforti
Ed F Martin
August Fredrik
Paul Schmitz
Franklin Amobi
Vanna Salviati
Howard Mungo
Roberto Donati
Kristof Konrad
Endre Hules
Norbert Weisser
Thomas Morris
Xavier J Nathan
Ben Bela Boehm
Masasa Moyo
Maria Cristina Heller
Raffi Diblasio
Pierfrancesco Favino
Cheryl Howard
Bob Yerkes
James Ritz
Steve Franken
Victor Alfieri
Emanuele Secci
Nikolaj Lie Kaas
Todd Schneider
Cheryl Gould
Rafael Petardi
Carmen Argenziano
Thure Lindhardt
Marco Fiorini
Yesenia Adame
Rance Howard
Yan Cui
Cosimo Fusco
Silvano Marchetto
Steve Kehela
Jeff Boehm
Fritz Michel
Tony Abejuro
Daniel Acon
Simon Ager
Kevin Ahern
Kieran Ahern
Juan Pablo Allgeier
Craig Allison
Ryeland Allison
Tom Altobello
Dominic Aluisi
Marco Alzari
Christophe Ammann
Hank Amos
Christopher Anciaume
Chris Anderson
David Leroy Anderson
Simona De Angelis
Karen Ansel
Nestor Arce
Giosuè Arcuri
Zoran Arizanovic
John Armstrong
Oliver Armstrong
Daniel Arrias
Suzie Askham
Luca Fortunato Asquini
Terry Atchison
Kim Ayers
Bob Badami
Laura Bagano
Andrew Baggarley
Richard Baillie
Negin Bairami
Graeme Baitz
John S Baker
Myron Baker
Richard W. Baker
Daniel Baldwin
Lorne Balfe
David Balfour
Bob Ballan
Emiliano Bambusi
Adrian Banton
Reuben Barkataki
David Barnaby
Ray Barrett
Wyatt Bartlett
Craig Bauer
Chris Baugh
Romain Bayle
Joshua Bell
Mona Bernal
Jeremy Berruel
Alessandro Bertolazzi
Angus Bickerton
Joe Biggins
Stefano Biraghi
R Michael Bisetti
John Blake
Kevin Blauvelt
Josh Bleibtreu
Angelo Bonanni
Stephen Borneman
Jp Bouquette
Virginie Bourdin
Grant Bowen
Steve Bowen
Peter Bowmar
Nick Brandon
Michelle Brattson
Eddie Braun
Mark Breakspear
Sam Breckman
Thomas Broderick
Jeffrey A Brooks
Jerrold F. Brooks
Michael Broomberg
Dan Brown
Dan Brown
Kari Brown
Robert Brumby
Sule Bryan-hurst
Joe Bucaro
Izet Buco
Elaine Burt
Tom Burton
John Cairns
John Calley
Carolyn Calvert
Alex Cameron
Allan Cameron
Keith Campbell
Daniel Canfora
Alex Cannon
Randy Cantor
Jon Capleton
Inti Carboni
Joe Carhart
Vincenzo Carpineta
Dominic Carus
Roberto Caruso
Gloria Pasqua Casny
Jamie Castro
Monica Castro
Diego Cavallo
Anthony Centonze
John Chalfant
Jason Chalmers
Mathieu Chardonnet
Catherine Chase
Clinton Childress
James Churchman
Rosemary De Cicco
Anthony Ciccolini
Federico Ciommo
Francesco Civita
Bob Clark
Richard Clegg
Kia Coates
Matt Cohen
Mark Colbert
Richard Collis
Leigh Conkling
Mark Connelly
William M Connor
William M Connor
Ryan Cook
Loraine Cooper
Chris Coupland
Sophia Crawford
Maurizio Cremisini
Shawn Crowder
Dan Crowley
Neil Culley
Anna Culp
Martyn 'moose' Culpitt
Keith P. Cunningham
Maurizio Cusano
Neil Damman
Alistair Darby
Rustin Davis
Fabio De Meis
Joe De Michelis
Bruno De Santa
Jacquelyn Dean
Kristy Dearholt
Robert Deas
Jerry C Deats
Robin Deledicque
Antongiulio Dell'orco
Fabiomassimo Dell'orco
Stan Dellimore
Jim Demarco
Leslie Devlin
Peter Devlin
Stefano Di Pasquali
Allison Diamond
Andrea Dopaso
Hubert Dopf S.j
Teri E. Dorman
Tom Dow
Jason Dowdeswell
Miles Drake
Monique Drumheller
Monette Dubin
Michael Jon Duffin
Zack Duhame
Lorna Dumba
Rickley W Dumm
Federica Durigon
Trevor Dyer
Kofi W. Elam
Paul Eliopoulos
Christian Emond
Mattias Engstrom
Adam Estey
Jenni Eynon
Roel Failma
Ken Fanning
Jeanie Farnam
Sean Farrow
Willy Faso
Steven E Fegley
Jimena Ferrante
Peter Fiala
Micky Finch
Marco Fiorani-parenzi
Dominique Fiore
John Flaherty
Tom Fleischman
Andrew Fletcher
Niall Flinn
Oscar J Flores
Rachel Flores
Linda Flowers
Ziah Sarah Fogel
Linda Folk
Simon Ford
Fiona Foster
James Foster
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring May 15, 2009
Released in United States on Video November 24, 2009
Based on the novel "Angels & Demons" written by Dan Brown published by Simon & Schuster; April, 2000.
The first book in the Robert Langdon series.
Sony acquired the feature rights to "Angels" as part of its 2003 deal with Brown for "The Da Vinci Code."
Released in United States Spring May 15, 2009
Released in United States on Video November 24, 2009