Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Frank Marshall
Dylan Walsh
Laura Linney
Ernie Hudson
Shelton Mack
Sylvester Mwangi
Film Details
Technical Specs
An expedition to a mysterious expanse of unexplored Africa unexpectedly brings primatologist Peter Elliot and Travicom Project Supervisor Karen Ross to a place where human greed and the laws of nature have gone berserk. Unlikely partners, Peter is the guardian of Amy, a remarkable gorilla he wants to return to the wild, while Karen has been sent inland to retrieve rare diamonds needed for new communications technology. In a search for the legendary lost city of Zinj and its fabled diamonds, they are accompanied by their guide Monroe Kelly, Peter's colleague Richard and philanthropist Herkermer Homolka. The expedition discovers that in the Congo, they are the endangered species.

Frank Marshall
Mikael Salomon
Stan Winston
Simon Trevor
James M Arnett
Dylan Walsh
Laura Linney
Ernie Hudson
Shelton Mack
Sylvester Mwangi
Peter Elliott
Nelson Shalita
Shayna Fox
Jay Caputo
Garon Michael
Bill Pugin
William S Maxwell
Jimmy Buffett
Joel Weiss
Anthony Mutune
David Mungai
David Anthony
Andrew Kamuyu
Robert Almodovar
Nicholas Kadi
William John Murphy
Jay Speed Forney
Misty Rosas
Jackson Gitonga
Eldon Jackson
Lorene Noh
Frank Welker
Carolyn Seymour
Kahara Muhoro

Bruce Campbell
Tim Curry
Les Robinson
Michael Chinyamurindi
Fidel Bateke
John Hawkes
Lawrence T Wrentz
James Karen
James Paradise
Willie Amakye
John Alexander Lowe
Taylor Nichols
M Darnell Suttles
David St Pierre
Gary Hecker
Chris Antonucci
Romy Rosemont
Kathleen Connors
Peter Jason
Philip Tan
Brian Larosa
Mary Ellen Trainor
Ciro Vouso
Thom Barry
Joe Don Baker
Stuart Pankin
Adewale Akinnuoye-agbaje
Grant Heslov
Kevin Grevioux
John Cameron
Ayo Adejugbe
Lauren Abrams
Julie Adrianson Neary
Barbara Affonso
Alia Agha
Rick Alexander
Mark Anderson
Lynn Andrews
Karen Ansel
James M Arnett
Seth Arnett
Dana Arnold
Kevin Arnold
Stuart Artingstall
Paul Babin
Michael Backes
Al Bailey
Charles Bailey
Craig Tex Barnett
Bob Baron
Juan Diego Barquero
Carlo Basail
Bill Basso
Bill Basso
Robert Batha
Carol Bauman
Gregg Baxter
Gary Beaird
Randall K Bean
Cheryl Beasley-blackwell
Elissa Bello
Pam Bentkowski
John Bickford
Don Bies
William Biggerstaff
Taylor Black
Patricia Blau
Tove Blue
Mark Blumenthal
Sashy Bogdanovich
Scott Bonnenfant
Bob Bornstein
Bruce Botnick
Lydia Bottegoni
Dr. Yamilah Bouzid-jiminez
Judy Bowerman
Rick Bozaet
Jason Brackett
Barbara Brennan
Ken Brilliant
Brent Brooks
Emery Brown
Jeffrey S Brown
Ronn Brown
Bruce D. Buckley
Steve E Bunyea
Donald S. Butler
John Calpin
Stephen S. Campanelli
Robert C Campion
Richard L Carden
Sean Casey
Belinda Celis
Diane Cerveny
Gary Cerveny
Adam Chambers
Jim Charmatz
Andrea Chesney
Christopher Cibelli
Joseph Cicio
Thomas Cloutier
Anne V. Coates
Steve C Collins
Rick Colosimo
Gil Combs
Tom Connole
Lori Connolly
Raymond Contreras
Michael P Cook
Don E Cooke
Robert H Cooper
Carlos Cordero
Theresa Corrao
Judith A. Cory
Mark Cotone
Stephanie Counts
Alexander Courage
Elyse Couvillion
Christian Cowan
Christian Cowen
Allison Cowitt
Betsy Cox
Barry Crane
Tom Cranham
Michael Crichton
Tara Crocitto
Diana Crozier
Charlie Daboub
Bill Dance
Kathi Danielson
Dave Daunt
Allen Daviau
Valerie Davidson
Rachel Davies
Jan Davis
Richard Davison
Richard Davison
Jon Dawe
Jon Dawe
Sandy De Crescent
Paul Deason
Paul Deason
Berny Demolski
Robert E Denne
Glenn Derry
Kim Derry
Kim Derry
Christopher Desocio
Gary C Diamond
Lou Diaz
Denise Dillon
Giovanni Donovan
Jeff Doran
Dallas Dornan
Maurizio Dotto
Dick Dova
Marilyn Dozer-chaney
Jessica Drake
David Dranitzke
Ken Dufva
Sheena Duggal
J D Durst
David Eagle
Rosemary K Edmonds
Larry Eisler
Donald Elliott
Peter Elliott
Mike Ellis
Raul Essig
Lizzy Fallas
John V. Fante
Scott Farrar
Cory Faucher
Robert Fechtman
David Fein
Mike Fenton
Greg Figiel
Greg Figiel
Bob Finley
Ann Fischer
Lisa Fischer
Pat Fitzsimmons
Patrick J. Foley
Jon Foreman
J W Fornof
Bijan Foruntanpour
Alfred Foster
Nathalie Fratti
Katterli Frauenfelder
Matt Freeman
Joe Fulmer
Lilia Gallardo
George Gambetta
John Gazdik
Dennis Gehringer
Tim Geideman
Jonathan Geiduschek
John Gentile
Astrid Georgi
Scott Gershin
Paul C Gibilisco
Hector Gika
Andy Gill
Kristin R Glover
Jerry Goldsmith
Jerry Goldsmith
Sarah Rothenberg Goldsmith
David Goldstein
Lori Gonsalves
Tina Gonzales
John Goodson
Dr. Jonathan Gording
Ned Gorman
Laura Graham
David Grasso
David Grasso
Robert Gray
Connie Grayson
Carol Lee Griswold
Jeff Habberstad
Ronald E. Hairston
Darrell Hall
Kenneth Hall
Nelson Hall
Randy Hall
David Hallinger
Erik Haraldsted
Jamie Harcourt
Mike Harper
Lori Harrison
Beth Hathaway
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer June 9, 1995
Released in United States on Video November 21, 1995
Completed shooting February 17, 1995.
Began shooting September 26, 1994.
Released in United States Summer June 9, 1995
Released in United States on Video November 21, 1995