Charlie Wilson's War
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Mike Nichols
Daston Kalili
R M Haley
P.j. Byrne
Tom Hanks
Siyal Mohamad
Film Details
Technical Specs
Charlie Wilson was a bachelor congressman from Texas who had a habit of showing up in hot tubs with strippers and cocaine. His "Good Time Charlie" exterior, however, masked an extraordinary mind, a deep sense of patriotism and a passion for the underdog, and in the early 1980s the underdog was Afghanistan--which had just been brutally invaded by the Russians. Charlie's longtime friend and patron and sometime lover was Joanne Herring, one of the wealthiest women in Texas and a virulent anti-communist. Believing the American response to the Russian invasion was anemic at best, she prods Charlie into doing more for the Mujahideen (Afghan freedom fighters). Charlie's partner in this uphill endeavor is CIA Agent Gust Avrakotos, a blue-collar operative in a company of Ivy League blue bloods. Together, the three of them--Charlie, Joanne and Gust--travel the world to form unlikely alliances among the Pakistanis, Israelis, Egyptians, arms dealers, law makers and a belly dancer. Their success was remarkable. Funding for covert operations against the Soviets went from $5 million to $1 billion annually. The Red Army retreated out of Afghanistan. When asked how a group of peasants was able to deliver such a decisive blow to the army of a superpower, Pakistani President Mohammad Zia ul-Haq responded simply, "Charlie did it."

Mike Nichols
Daston Kalili
R M Haley
P.j. Byrne

Tom Hanks
Siyal Mohamad
Thomas Crawford
Kirby Mitchell
Shila Vossugh Ommi

Philip Seymour Hoffman
Cyia Batten
Patrika Darbo
Enayat Delawary
Mary Bonner Baker
Om Puri
Daniel Eric Gold
Joe Roland
Edward Hunt
Rizwan Manji
Sammy Sheik
Alexander Lvovsky
Amy Adams
Marc Pelina
Mohamed Janah
Michael Spellman
Trish Gallaher Glenn
Maurice Sherbanee
Shiri Appleby
Pasquale Avvisato
Gabriel Justice
Spencer Garrett
Pasha Lychnikoff
Faran Tahir
Mary Bailey

Julia Roberts
Michelle Arthur
John Slattery

Ned Beatty
Salam Sangi
Emily Blunt
Rachel Nichols
Joe Sikora
Habib Saba
Mozhan Marnò
Moneer Yaqubi
Mark Weissenfluh
Russell Edge
Denis O'hare
Nadia Miller
Ken Stott
Ron Fassler

Navid Negahban
Nancy Linehan Charles
Harry S Murphy
Hilary Angelo
Jud Tylor
Brian Markinson
Wynn Everett
Levani Ilia Volokh
Terry Bozeman
Jim Jansen
Christopher Denham
Amanda Loncar
Ed Regine
Salaheddine Benchegra
Patrick Bentley
Quill Roberts
Tracy Phillips
Peter Gerety
Kevin Cooney
Saadia Aalami
Ruben Abarca
Benali Chaoui Abdelkader
Abdelhadi El Abdi
Samira Abdoune
Luisa Abel
Noureddine Aberdine
Karim Abouobayd
Toufiq Abouobayd
Khadija Ailoul
Tahar Ajoualil
David Alexander
Janice Alexander
Eric Allard
Nancy Allen
Antonio Almaraz
Ted Alvarez
Tarik Amchemar
Mohamed El Amrani
Deva Anderson
Donna J Anderson
Danny Andres
Cesar Angobaldo
Pete Anthony
Malika Aouis
Nazha Aouis
Mohammed Aqermim
William Arnot
William Arnot
Karen Asano-myers
Mohamed Atbir
Christopher E Atkinson
Jeff Atmajian
Paige Augustine
Carlo Avvisato
Russell Ayer
Said El Ayyar
Jalal Aziz
Daniel Bacciu
Najib Bachar
Najat Ait Badi
Laura Bagano
Mary Bailey
Mary Bailey
Norman Baillie
Vivian Baker
Majid Balafrej
Terry Baliel
Randall Balsmeyer
Lori A Balton
Elena Baranova
Elena Baranova
Maria Teresa Barbasso
William D Barber
Wesley Vonlee Barnard
James Barrett
James Barrett
William Barrett
Wyatt Bartlett
Chris Baugh
Mohamed Baykandarn
Idriss Bayoussef
Milt Bearden
Samira Bejjoudi
Colonel Bekkouri
Mounsef Belam
Ernest Belding
Robert Bell
Ronald Bell
Tarik Ait Ben Ali
Zhor Bennani
Salim Bensrhir
Driss Bentabia
Miles Bentley
Kevin Berlandi
William Berloni
Chris Bernal
Erik Bernstein
Soufiane Berrada
Fabrizio Bianchi
Abdelilah El Bidari
Gary Bierend
Luke Bittel
Abdelaziz Bizzi
Driss Bizzi
Jack Blanchard
John Bloom
Dan Blundy
Ron Bochar
Pablo Borges
Mohamed Bougati
Khalid Boulasri
Fouad Bourbouh
Caimin Bourne
Rkia Bourragat
Aziz Bousfiha
David Bowie
David Bowie
Michelle Brattson
Glenn Braun
Charles Brown
Daniel Brown
Erik L Brown
George Brown
Jeffrey S Brown
Judy Brown
Mabel Brown
Eric Bruno
Jimmy Bryant
Tony Buccola
Andrew Buckland
Josh Burns
Michael Cahoon
Sabrina Calley
Elizabeth Camp
Colin Campbell
Randy Cantor
John Carbonara
Cristen Carr Strubbe
Phillip Carreon
Ash Carter
Marla Carter
Jeffrey Caruso
Jordi Casares
Jorge Casares
Monica Castro
Kam Chan
Martin Charles
Abdelkebir Cherkaoui
Clinton Childress
Housna Choukri
Mohamed Chrouate
Bonnie Clevering
Alan Coates
Rudy Coblentz
Gary J Coelho
Clayton Cogswell
Jeff Comfort
Ry Cooder
Trevor Coop
Curt Corbitt
Dave Corcoran
Chris Corrado
Marko Costanzo
Celia D. Costas
Steve Costello
Robert Cox
Rosemary Cremona
George Crile
George Crile
Steve Cummings
Salima Oulad Dahhou
Siham Ouled Dahhou
Jim Davidson
Eugene Davis
Ray De La Motte
Eddie De Lange
Richard Dean
Jerry C Deats
Jerry Decarlo
Joshua Deceuster
Brad Dechter
Enayat Delawary
Enayat Delawary
Eddie Delena
Jim Demarco
Allison Diamond
Lee Dichter
Paulie Dicocco
Jason Dodd
Sarah Dorman
Antoine L. Douaihy
Antoine L. Douaihy
Rachid Douha
Karim Doukkali
Audrey Doyle
Kim Doyle
Ivan Drehspul
Omar Driouche
Monique Drumheller
Francois Duhamel
Tommy Dunne
Jere Van Dyk
Polly Earnshaw
Wayne Eaton
Elaine Edford
Gregg Edler
Richard Edlund
Abdellatif El Ansary
Mustapha El Idrissi
Ourssel El Kilali
Aicha El Meziane
Magic Ellingson
Duke Ellington
Duke Ellington
Maggie Elliot
Priscilla Elliott
David Emmerichs
David Emmerichs
Randy Eriksen
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Supporting Actor
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of the 2007 award for Best Adapted Screenplay by the Washington DC Area Film Critics Association (WAFCA).
Released in United States Winter December 21, 2007
Released in United States on Video April 22, 2008
Based on the book "Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History" by George Crile; published by the Atlantic Monthly Press April 2003.
Universal paid seven-figures for Aaron Sorkin to adapt the book.
Released in United States Winter December 21, 2007
Released in United States on Video April 22, 2008
Project was included on the 2005 Black List.