Taking Chances
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Talmage Cooley
Justin Long
Emmanuelle Chriqui
Keir O'donnell
David Jensen
Frank Hoyt Taylor
Film Details
Chase Revere, the self-appointed protector of his small town's meager place in American history, discovers that an Indian casino is about to be built over the town's historic battlefield. He joins forces with the sexy, albeit dangerous, town siren, Lucy Shanks, to launch an all-out offensive against the project. They quickly earn the wrath of the entire town, who believe that the casino is a cure-all for all the town's ills.
Talmage Cooley
Justin Long
Emmanuelle Chriqui
Keir O'donnell
David Jensen
Frank Hoyt Taylor
Kimberley Guerrero
Brian Huskey
Rob Corddry

Robert Beltran
Kimberly Norris Guerrero
Phil Reeves
Brian Howe
Nick Offerman
Al Wiggins
Vickie Eng
Tara Winston Conrad
Lauren Carol Smith
Missi Pyle
Jimmi Simpson
Brett Gentile
Vik Patel
Michael Harding
Jonathan Togo
Jessica St Clair
Kendrick Cross
Robin Mullins
Michele Seidman
Matthew Stanton
Bill Ladd
Tyler Long
Gina Stewart
Jonathan Furr
Troy Trkla
Chris Holcombe
Doug Kelejian
Robert A Smith
James Able
Jerry Adderton
Michael Aguilar
Gillian Albinski
Alan Aldridge
Chris Allen
Coni Andress
Brad Banks
Gina Baran
Joseph Beavers
Wendy Bell
Wendy Bell
Tara Feldstein Bennett
Jacob Bercovici
Missy Berent
Jon Berry
Jeffree Bloomer
Jessie Bolder Jr.
William Boone
Matthew Booras
Bob Brubaker
Robert Brubaker
Benjamin Budzak
Christopher Burchett
Ervin Burris
Ryan Busalacchi
Gary Calamar
Barney Calman
Tim Cargioli
Victoria Carnall
Wendy Chaplin
Gwendolyn Chisolm
Lori Christopher
Joe Cook
Talmage Cooley
Jim Cote
Michael Crawford
Barry B Daniels
Sammy Davis
Lawson Deming
Simon Dine
Kristin Dombroski
Erin Doran
Erin Doran
Donna Ehrlich
John Elmore
Jennifer Elsinger
John Fairlamb
Michael Falbo
Lisa Mae Fincannon
Sandra Fix
Karen Flowe
Aubree Foust
Victor Franco
Gary Friedman
Jeanni Fry
Scott Frye
Larry Furlong
Heather Gaffney
Steve Gainer
Steve Gainer
Lex Geddings
Judy Geletko
Fritz Jon Goforth
John Gold
John Gold
Vincent Gonzalez
Rachel M Goodman
Leslie Gordon
Roy Grace
Dewey Graham
Nathan Gray
Ben D Griffith
Jt Griffith
Kevin S Halas
Douglas C Hart
Faris Herbert Harton
Matthew Heath
Geoff Herbert
Douglas Hickin
Yesenia Higuera
Lorrie Hobbler
Jeremy Holcomb
Russell H Holt
Rod Honeycutt
Charles Howard
Frederick Howard
Blake Hughes
Joe Hughes
Mike Hughes
Kimberly Hurst
Max Hurwitz
J Jackson
Kyle Jackson
Cal Johnson
Cal Johnson
Timothy Shane Johnson
Dan Jones
Herita Jones
Kevin Jones
Marvin Jones
Michael K Jones
Amy Jordan
Sean Keenan
Joe Klotz
Roy Knauf
Ginger Knussman
Christopher Kulikowski
Michael Lehman
Karen Lever
David Guy Levy
Kyle Lewis
Mccullen Lewis
Josef Lieck
Otto Lindsey
Todd Luckey
David Lyons
Johna Macarthur
Rusty Mahmood
A Maxine Martin
Shacarla Massey
Alana Mayo
Billy Merrill
David L Merrill
Kevin Mills
Kevin Mills
Michael Mintz
Noni Morrison
Sam Music
Sam Music
John Nalley
John Nalley
Christopher Newby
Alan Newcomb
Bob Newcomb
Annie Nocenti
Fred Norris
Jamie Norris
Katy Osmelowski
Mark Overton
Joe Harold Page
Joseph Page
Harry Palmer
Alan Pao
Rachel Parker
Mike Pfister
Brian Powell
David Ralicke
David Ralicke
Floyd Rance
Irwin Rappaport
Andrea Redder
Jennifer Ricchiazzi
John E Rice
Steve Roberts
Jerry Robinson
Jordan Romano
Julia Rusthoven
Keegan Sacko
Jennifer Santiago
Christian Satrazemis
Michael Saunders
Denver Scaggs
Bjorn Schaller
Paul Schmitz
Jason Scott
Chris Shader
Joan Shay
Rachel Sheridan
Rusty Sheridan
Jennifer Shope
John Slade
Jennifer Smith
Lauren Carol Smith
Lonnie Smith
Ernesto Solo
Catherine Stallings
Edward Steidele
Kara B Still
Tony Suber
Daniel R Suhart
Mike Sullivan
Blanche Sypher
Ian Sypher
David Tecson
Bin Than
Deanna Tilley
Heather Toll
Thomas Tucker
Beth Urdang
Shane Valentino
Kristen Vincent
Laura Wadford
Michelle Waitman
Amanda Ward
Nelson Werntz
Santana Wilkinson
Gilbert Williams
Robert C Williams
Luci Wilson
Film Details
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall 2009
Released in United States on Video November 24, 2009
Released in United States June 2009
Released in United States Fall 2009
Released in United States on Video November 24, 2009
Shown at CineVegas Film Festival (Jackpot Premieres) June 10-15, 2009.
Released in United States June 2009 (Shown at CineVegas Film Festival (Jackpot Premieres) June 10-15, 2009.)