Che: Part Two
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Steven Soderbergh
Benicio Del Toro
Julia Ormond
Javier Paxarino
Andres Gomis
Edgar Ramirez
Film Details
Technical Specs
Fed up with the politics in the new Cuban government and eager to spread his revolution to the rest of the world, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara forms a guerrilla army to take on the military leadership in Bolivia. But fading health, a US supported opposition and a people that don't fully support his goals are leading him to bloody defeat.

Steven Soderbergh
Benicio Del Toro
Julia Ormond
Javier Paxarino
Andres Gomis
Edgar Ramirez
Unax Ugalde
Sgt. Maj. James D. Dever
Lorenzo Ariel Munoz
Julia Malkova
Cesar Salgado
Eduard Sanjines
Aaron Staton
Jimmy A Cespedes
Marc-andré Grondin
Alfredo Marugan
Giraldo Moises
David Selvas
Luis A Munoz
Stephen Casmier
Eitan Vasquez
Roberto Guilhon
Santiago Cabrera
Victor Rasuk
Octavio Gomez
Roberto San Martin
Eduardo Espinosa
Cristhian Esquivel
Raul Gomez
Franka Potente
Rene Lavan
Luis Callejo
Juan Carlos Vellido
Wilder Salinas
Jose Maria Pineda
Cristian Mercado
Mariano Moraru
Raul Beltran
Oscar Aviles
Javier Crespo
Jorge Perugorria
Yul Vazquez
Ruben Ochandiano
Nestor Rodulfo
Andy Crowley
Saul Avila
Ruben Salinas
Juan Salinas
Vismark Tito Rojas
Maria Cristina Cala

Lou Diamond Phillips
Anton Gakkel
David Zambrana
Pablo Duran

Matt Damon
Othello Rensoli
Drew Petrotta
Miguel Villarroel
Aaron Vega
Jordi Mollà
Maria D Sosa
Kahlil Mendez
Raul Nunez
Jesus Carroza
Roberto L Santana
Tom Minder
Edison Narvaez
Diego Salazar
Catalina Sandino Moreno
Daniel Larrazabal
Tomas Del Estal
Raúl Arévalo
Edgardo Rodriguez
Armando Riesco
Miguel Antelo
Geischglin Rojas
Pedro Casablanc
Gaston Pauls
Carlos Bardem
Frederic W. Brost
Carlos Acosta
Jorge Arturo Lora
Luis Bredow
Mark Umbers
Sergio Deustua
Elvira Mfnguez
Enrique Arce
Monica Montoya
Rene Aragon
Norman Santiago
Paty M Bellott
Rodrigo Santoro
Eduardo Fernández
+scar Jaenada
Javier Casado
Daniel Aguirre
Jesus Carrillo
Flavio Morales
Daniel Holguin
Martin Bello
Yulia Iglinova
Monique Gabriela Curnen
Bart Santana
Joaquim De Almeida
Jose Julio Park
Antonio De La Torre
Jose Juan Rodriguez
Diego Ortiz
Demián Bichir
Marco Antonio
Antonio Peredo
Marist -lvarez
Cesar Abades
Oscar Abades
Reyes Abades
Alfredo Abuday
Andrea Acqualanga
G. A. Aguilar
Marta Gila Ahijon
Amai Aizpura
Angel Alonso
Carlos Cabido Alonso
Paco Alonso
Ramon Alonso
Jorge Altamirano-duque
Toni Alvarez
Jon Lee Anderson
Francisco Andreo
Marcelo Antezana
Mark Appleby
Soledad Ardaya
Belén Atienza
-lvaro Augustin
Leopoldo Baez
Diego Balduque
Leni Ballon
Mercedes Barbod
Kerry Barden
Miguel Barragan
Carlos Barros
Corey Bayes
Rodrigo Bellott
Rodrigo Bellott
Aitor Berenguer
Julie Bernards
Laura Bickford
Matt Biderman
Larry Blake
Larry Blake
Larry Blake
Chicha Blanco
Natalia Blasco
Rino Bonavita
Clara Bottoms
Clara Bottoms
David Boulton
Leigh Anne Bowles
Leigh Anne Bowles
Luis Briales
Marian Briozzo
Frederic W. Brost
Frederic W. Brost
Peter Buchman
Jara Bustos
Juan Jose Cabrera
Martha Cabrera
Sara Cabrera
Mercedes Selgas Caceres
Mariarosa Calderon
Elena Calvo
Manuel Calvo
Luis Camberos
J.c. Cantu
Paul Carr
Antonio Carrillo
Selina Carrillo
Leonor Cartagena
Charles Carter
Javier Casado
Javier Casado
Jordi Casares
Manuel Jose Castilla
Gary Cergol
David Cerrejon
Rick Chavez
Brahim Chioua
Juan Clemente
Armando Suarez Cobian
Tatiana Sanchez Cobo
Manolo Corrales
Blaise Corrigan
Jose Luis Crespo
Jose Luis Crespo
Patricio Crooker
Fiona Cruickshank
Vivi Cuenca Guevara
Ana Cuerda
Ver=nica Dfaz
Sabina Daigeler
Chic Daniel
Deanan Dasilva
Juan Pedro De Gaspar
Joosh De Jager
Pedro Jesus De La Fuente
Jorge De La Reza
Chris De La Torre
Patricia De La Uz
Ignacio Luis De Redin
Fabiola Escriva De Romani
Anibal Del Busto
Oscar Del Monte
Lucia Del Rio
Benicio Del Toro
Benicio Del Toro
Sergio Delgado
Benjamin Van Der Veen
Sgt. Maj. James D. Dever
Eduardo Diaz
Nacho Diaz
Juan Dibarboure
Pascale Dilleman
Jose Ruiz Dorada
Christopher Downs
Philip Elway
Sara Carrera Estudillo
Ana Eusa
Yolanda Urkiza Exposito
Miguel Falquez-certain
Boris Fernandez
Coque Fernandez
Dorita Fernandez
Yelin Fernandez
Yoya Fernandez
Donald Flick
Concha Fontenla
Louise Frogley
Alejandro Fuentes
Jimmy Fusil
Claudia Gaensel
Fernando Yubero Gambero
Jose Ramon Gancedo
Alvaro Garcia
Juan Aledo Garcia
Sergio Garcia
Txaro Diego Garcia
Chris Gerolmo
Carlos Gil
Héctor Gil
Esther Gili
Tim Golden
Alvaro Gomez
Angel Gomez
Angel Gomez
Antxon Gomez
Nana Gonzalez
Pachi Gonzalez
Silvia Grande
Carlos Gras
Isobel Griffiths
Ernesto Guevara
Pablo Guevara
Yvette Gurza
Gabriel Gutierrez
Zacarias Gutierrez
Werner Hahnlein
Kate Hallahan
Kevin Hannigan
Alberto Hebrero
Pablo Hernandez-melendez
Marina Hernando
Kevin Hindley
Jason Hinkel
Billy Hopkins
Joe Horrigan
Mike Howells
Mikel Huercanos
Alberto Iglesias
Alberto Iglesias
Teresa Isasi
Mikel Izaguirre
Jake Jackson
Gregory Jacobs
Gregory Jacobs
Gary Jay
Nat Jencks
Nat Jencks
Mariona Julbe
Ivan Kadlec
Holly Kang
Barbara Jean Kearney
John Kessler
Christina D King
David Kirchner
Dan Knight
Laura Lavina
Pedro Lazaga
Robin L. Le Chanu
Gustavo Leguizamon
Eva Leira
Antia Leon
Laia Lipp
Virginia Llera
Vania Loayza
Robert Lohman
Lucia Loiseau
Álvaro Longoria
Emilio Lopez
Mario Lopez
Noemi Lopez
Rodrigo Lopez
Ana Lopez-puigcerver
Belen Lopez-puigcerver
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States December 12, 2008 (one week Oscar qualifying run; New York City and Los Angeles)
Released in United States Winter January 9, 2009
Released in United States 2008 (Shown at AFI/Los Angeles International Film Festival (Galas, playing with Soderbergh's "The Argentine" and listed together as "Che") October 30-November 9, 2008.)
Released in United States December 12, 2008
Released in United States Winter January 9, 2009
Released in United States 2008
Released in United States October 2008
Shown at New York Film Festival (playing with Soderbergh's "The Argentine" and listed together as "Che") September 26-October 12, 2008.
Shown at London Film Festival (Gala, playing with Soderbergh's "The Argentine" and listed together as "Che" and also playing by itself as "Che Part 2") October 15-30, 2008.
Based on the book "The Bolivian Diary" by Ernesto 'Che' Guevara; published by Ocean Press November 15, 2005.
Steven Soderbergh was initially attached to direct, but backed out when Terrence Malick came on board. The project was then scheduled for a 4-month shoot in Bolivia beginning July 2004. However, director Terrence Malick left the project in early-March 2004 in order to direct "The New World" for New Line, and was planning to return and film the project in July 2005. By early-april he had dropped out all-together, with Steven Soderbergh once again taking the helm.
Producers Del Toro and Bickford have been working on the project since 1997. Project is part two of Soderbergh's story of Che Guevara. Part one is titled "The Argentine."
IFC Films acquired North American distribution rights at the 2008 Toronto Film Festival.
Parts One and Two will be released as one film in New York City and Los Angeles (one week Oscar qualifying run) December 12, 2008.
Project filmed for one week in January 2006 to shoot scenes in the United Nations.
Released in United States 2008 (Shown at New York Film Festival (playing with Soderbergh's "The Argentine" and listed together as "Che") September 26-October 12, 2008.)
Released in United States October 2008 (Shown at London Film Festival (Gala, playing with Soderbergh's "The Argentine" and listed together as "Che" and also playing by itself as "Che Part 2") October 15-30, 2008.)