The Method
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Marcelo Pineyro
Eduardo Noriega
Najwa Nimri
Ernesto Alterio
Pablo Echarri
Carmelo Gómez
Film Details
Technical Specs
Seven candidates compete for an executive position at a multinational company. While the streets of Madrid are filled with anti-globalization demonstrators, candidates are assembled to be put through the final selection process for a single high-level position at a multinational corporation. From the outset, there is a palpably tense, competitive atmosphere among the group. Feelings of distrust increase when they realize they are aspiring for the same position, and that the Gronholm Method (a human resources strategy supposedly imported from the United States) is being used to assess their respective merits. They find themselves pitted against one another in a contest that elicits fear, suspicion, paranoia and betrayal. The humiliation these people are willing to endure or inflict on others for the sake of the job is chilling to witness.
Marcelo Pineyro
Film Details
Technical Specs
The Method - THE METHOD - A Dark Satire on Corporate Culture from Spanish Director Marcelo Pineyro
Synopsis: The Dekia Corporation of Madrid convenes a group of seven applicants to compete for a single high-paying job. Carlos and Nieves (Eduardo Noriega & Najwa Nimri) are surprised to see each other, as they were casual lovers several years before. Left alone together, and with few clues as to how the competition works, the candidates reveal their inner natures. Fernando (Eduard Fernández) is an aggressive bully. Enrique (Ernesto Alterio) seeks favor by being agreeable. Ana (Adriana Ozores) maintains a cool professional distance. Julio (Carmelo Gómez) is defensive, and Ricardo (Pablo Echarri) somewhat uncooperative. The only Dekia person involved is hostess Montse (Natalia Verbeke), and she seems to be playing with them. Various games are used to eliminate one applicant after another.
The Method is a fascinating puzzle film and an intense character drama along the lines of Twelve Angry Men. In this case we're given seven upscale applicants, all of whom begin on supposedly equal terms. They're shown to a meeting room and told that the unexplained selection process will be "The Grönholm Method." Almost as in a reality show, the group is asked periodically to vote to eliminate one of their number. Adding to the tension, they are told right up top that one of them isn't an applicant at all, but a topo ("mole"), a company plant.
A vicious dynamic immediately takes shape. The seven are instructed to act as a group with a common cause while simultaneously functioning as competing individuals. When it comes time to eliminate a member, everyone rationalizes their choice but none admits that they simply want to reduce the number of competitors as quickly as possible. The applicants fret over the lack of information, question what they've been told and propose theories of hidden Dekia strategies. Perhaps there is no mole at all, and it's just a trick. Perhaps they're all being videotaped. Computer screens offer information that puts one of the contestants on the defensive, and sets him up for the kill. All are aware that they're being manipulated.
Being dynamic corporate competitors, the players need little encouragement to turn on one another. They are soon probing for weaknesses while trying to hide their own. Each quickly reverts to type. A conniver snipes at one of the women, disparaging her skills. The bully tries to make it look as though he has a natural ability to control the situation. The handsome Carlos finds a benign 'procedural' reason to join the wolf pack and vote against a competitor. The 'civilized' process also turns ugly. In a hypothetical game about surviving in a bomb shelter, the younger woman Nieves uses her youth to break down the confidence of the over-40 Ana. The bully Fernando uses physical means to rattle Carlos, and tries to intimidate Nieves with an indecent proposal.
The Method is almost frightening in its simplicity. At one point the applicants play ball, reducing their sophisticated games of one-ups-manship to a schoolyard level of hostility. One applicant informs on another's misrepresentation on the job application, a betrayal that boomerangs between them until we can no longer tell which will be eliminated.
All the while, the 'players' are aware that a massive demonstration against Globalization is unfolding in the streets below. While ordinary people protest the tyranny of corporations, our seven candidates put their reputations and futures on the line to fight for a favored slot in the system. Even as we root for the candidates we like, we're given to understand that something is very wrong with the whole setup. Without ever saying as much, The Method is itself a protest against the Brave New Corporate World that controls most aspects of our lives.
The Method disturbs because its players are neither pod people nor moral degenerates. The compromises we make to 'get along' in the world differ only by degree. It takes only a few short remarks to make the applicants place company loyalty above responsible action and even the health of the public. The mechanism in play is not some 'evil' agenda, but simple human nature.
The expertly written and directed The Method quickly draws us into the drama at hand. Marcelo Piñeyro's direction focuses our attention while maintaining a neutral stance on the attitudes and values presented. We turn against the weakling Enrique, and wonder why the principled Julio has such low self-esteem. We also ponder the kinds of deceit being used, often by the most charismatic players. Some of the company's opening statements are revealed as true and others turn out to be lies; the unseen corporation hovers behind video monitors like a post-modern Mabuse using his 1,000 Eyes. In the end, even the dreams of lovers are corrupted by the all-important need to succeed. Selling one's soul isn't a dramatic process, but something that happens constantly in our daily lives.
Palm Pictures' DVD of the intriguing The Method is presented in a beautiful widescreen-enhanced transfer. The Spanish audio track is in 5.1 and removable English subtitles are included. A behind the scenes featurette and a trailer are also on board.
For more information about The Method, visit Palm Pictures. To order The Method, go to TCM Shopping.
by Glenn Erickson

The Method - THE METHOD - A Dark Satire on Corporate Culture from Spanish Director Marcelo Pineyro
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer July 6, 2007
Limited Release in United States July 6, 2007
Released in United States on Video August 14, 2007
Released in United States November 2005
Released in United States 2006
Shown at San Francisco International Film Festival (World Cinema) April 20-May 4, 2006.
Shown at Seattle International Film Festival (Contemporary World Cinema) May 25-June 18, 2006.
Based on the stage play written by Jordi Galceran.
Released in United States Summer July 6, 2007 (Miami)
Limited Release in United States July 6, 2007
Released in United States on Video August 14, 2007
Released in United States November 2005 (Shown at AFI/Los Angeles International Film Festival (Latin Cinema Series) November 3-13, 2005.)
Released in United States 2006 (Shown at San Francisco International Film Festival (World Cinema) April 20-May 4, 2006.)
Released in United States 2006 (Shown at Seattle International Film Festival (Contemporary World Cinema) May 25-June 18, 2006.)