Stranger Than Fiction
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Marc Forster
Lacy Coil
Bob Papenbrook
Donna Watkins
Tony Barracca
Oscar Roxas
Film Details
Technical Specs
One morning, a seemingly average and generally solitary IRS agent named Harold Crick begins to hear a female voice narrating his every action, thought and feeling in alarmingly precise detail. Harold's carefully controlled life is turned upside down by this narration only he can hear, and when the voice declares that Harold Crick is facing imminent death, he realizes he must find out who is writing his story and persuade her to change the ending. The voice in Harold's head turns out to be the once celebrated, but now nearly forgotten, novelist Karen "Kay" Eiffel, who is struggling to find an ending for what might be her best book. Her only remaining challenge is to figure out a way to kill her main character, but little does she know that Harold Crick is alive and well and inexplicably aware of her words and her plans for him. To make matters worse, Kay's publisher has dispatched a hard-nosed "assistant," Penny Escher, to force Kay to finish her novel and finish off Harold Crick. Desperate to take control of his destiny and avoid an untimely demise, Harold seeks help from a literary theorist named Jules Hilbert, who suggests that Harold might be able to change his fate by turning his story from a tragedy into a comedy. Professor Hilbert suggests that Harold try to follow one of comedy's most elemental formulas: a love story between two people who hate each other. His suggestion leads Harold to initiate an unlikely romance with a free-spirited baker named Ana Pascal. As Harold experiences true love and true life for the first time, he becomes convinced that he has escaped his fate, as his story seems to be taking on all the trappings of a comedy in which he will not, and cannot, die. But Harold is unaware that in a Karen Eiffel tragedy, the lead characters always die at exactly the moment when they have the most to live for.
Marc Forster
Lacy Coil
Bob Papenbrook
Donna Watkins
Tony Barracca
Oscar Roxas
Denise Hughes
Timothy C. Simons
Whitney Sneed
Tj Jagodowski
Tony Hale
Dane Rhodes
Larry Neumann
Jordan Keller
Kristin Chenoweth
Frank Caeti
Ricky Adams
John Mohriein
Bradley Mott
Jarrett Sleeper
Cheryl Lynn Bruce
Martha Espinoza
Tab Baker
David Pompeii
Stacey Jackson
Ray Kurut
Arraon Hixson
Christian Stolte
Peggy Roeder
Cheryl Graeff
Celeste Pechous
Karen Lloyd
Sandra Marquez
Tom Hulce
Lora Cain
Tonray Ho
Lucinda Kemp
Christian Young
Rengin Altay
Albert Samuels
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Dustin Hoffman
Keith Kupferer
Sia Moody
Bruce Jarchow
Will Clinger
Guy Massey
Michael Mccoll
Will Ferrell
Ricardo Guiterrez
Emma Thompson
Peter Grosz
Helen Young
Mike Mccoll
Linda Hunt
Andrew Rothenberg
William Dick
Linara Washington
Chet Dubowski
Ora Jones
Thomas R Trojanowski
Jim Mazza
Nadirah Bost
Queen Latifah
Danny Mccarthy
Julien Heron
John M Watson
Herb Lichtenstein
Jordan Teplitz
David Wiegers
Michael Cook
Bryan Michael Kelly
Alicia Accardo
Bruce Ahlfeld
Nino Aldi
Krista Allain
Mark Almasi
Kate Amer
Faires K Anderson
Mike Andrews
Mike Andrews
Stephen Andrzejewski
Artin Aryaei
Stéphane Audit
Louise Baker
Peter Bankins
Adrian Banton
Michael Barcal
Jane Bard
Sarah Barker
Dave Bartholomew
Frank Battaglia
Anthony C Belmonte
Danny Bergeron
Sam Bertone
Sonia Bhalla
Michael Bianchi
Paul Birkett
Lawanda Black
Paul Bode
Andrea Bonetto
Carole Bouchard
Jean Boucher
Russ Bowers
Kevin P. Boyd
Kevin P. Boyd
Ben Brammeier
Michael Bremer
Michael Brogato
Gretchen Brown
Nik Brownlee
Robin Bursey
Michael L Butkovich
Alex Cacciarelli
Harold R. Caldwell
Joseph Calomino
Frank P Calzavara
Jason Camp
Salvatore Cangelosi
John Cannon
Alex Capaldi
K. C. Capek
Joe Cappelletti
Laverne Caracuzzi-milazzo
Matt Carlson
Nick Carranza
Kris Carson
Mark Castelaz
Eddy Chan
Matt Chessé
Jimmy Chin
Victor W Chin
Jinyi Chong
Martin Ciastko
Helmer Claesson
Johnathan Clark
Chris Cline
Wendy Cohen
Sonny Arthur Coleman
Christopher M Collar
Claire Connelly
Joseph P Connelly
Judy Cook
Lizzie Cook
Dayne Cowan
Etienne Daigle
Frank D Dambra
Frank D Dambra
Chris Dame
Britt Daniel
Britt Daniel
Tobiasz Daszkiewicz
Angela De Palma
Deborah Dee
Charles Del Greco
Dimitri Delacovias
Jocleyn Delk
Robert Deschane
Tanja Deshida
Mark Desimone
Philippe Desiront
Louis Desrochers
Gus Dimas
George Disalvo
James Disantis
Thai Son Doan
Lindsay Doran
Joe Drake
Kathleen Driscoll-mohler
Danny Duchesneau
James Duffy
Steven Dufour
Peter Dydo
Mikey Eberle
Jessica Elbaum
Sara Ellingen
Casey Engelhardt
Edward England
Tracy Estes
Bob Faison
Jon Fallon
Jon Fallon
Anthony Joseph Fatigato
Chris Fedunok
Eddie Fernandez
James Fierro
Aaron Fitzgerald
Frank Fleming
Jose Angel Valencia Flores
Tarn Fox
Ron Frankel
Chris Freres
John Friday
Lisa Frucht
Clint Gage
Tom Gagnon
Joe Gajewski
Katie Gajewski
Zachary Gannaway
Alejandro Garcia
Tommy Garcia
Richard Gariepy
James H Garthe
Matt Gaumer
Walter Gaynor
Mohammad Ghorbankarimi
Michael D. Gianneschi
Agnes M Gibicar
Raymond Gieringer
Robin Gonsalves
Robin Gonsalves
Michelle Gonsiorek
Anthony Gonzalez
Anthony Gonzalez
Charles Granger
Chloe Grysole
Matt Gulley
Sergio Gutierrez
Phil Gutowsky
Andy Hague
P.j. Haines
Timothy S Hale
Ben Hammer
Gunnar Hansen
Meinert Hansen
Ryan Hansen
Kristin Hanson
Gary Happ
Nathan Hardcastle
Chris Harding
Mark Harper
Cicely Harris
Geno Hart
Michael Hatton
Kevin Tod Haug
Mark Hayes
Zach Helm
Aubrey Henderson
Mo Henry
Rory Herbster
Michel Heroux
Jim Hogan
Michael T Hohe
Kevin Holmes
Jesse Homan
Konstantin Hristozov
Chris Hudecek
Martin L. Hudson
Anthony Hulgev
Kirk Huston
Christian Irles
Roy Irwin
Craig Jackson
Kori Jacobson
Stephen James
Jack Jennings
Charles Jimenez
Timothy Jipping
Lester Johnson
Paula Kaatz
Pete Kaczmar
Nathan Kahane
Susan Kaip
Brian Kalata
Rosa Yang Kato
Kenn Kaye
Sarah Kayser
John P Kenny
Kathleen Kenny
Kevin Kenny
Kevin M Kenny
Will Kenny
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of the 2006 award for Best Original Screenplay by the National Board of Review (NBR).
Released in United States Fall November 10, 2006
Released in United States on Video February 27, 2007
Released in United States 2006
Shown at London Film Festival (Sky Movies Gala) October 18-November 2, 2006.
Zach Helm previously attached to direct.
Released in United States Fall November 10, 2006
Released in United States on Video February 27, 2007
Released in United States 2006 (Shown at London Film Festival (Sky Movies Gala) October 18-November 2, 2006.)