Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Lee Tamahori
Nicolas Cage
Chris Palermo
Michael Runyard
Jeff Michael
Nicolas Pajon
Film Details
Technical Specs
Cris Johnson, a Las Vegas magician with a secret gift that is both a blessing and a curse: He has the uncanny ability to tell you what will happen next. Johnson can see a few minutes into the future, an extrasensory talent that comes in handy for his job as a magician and mentalist in a seedy Vegas club where he performs nightly. It also has its uses at the blackjack tables when Cris needs some extra cash. But his talent is no mere parlor trick, and his dexterity with the portals of time has not gone totally unnoticed. Vegas security guards are watching through their all-seeing casino floor cameras, eager to decipher his knack for consistently beating the odds. And FBI counter-terror agent Callie Ferris is eager to tap his brain to help thwart a terrorist group's planned attack on Los Angeles with a weapon of mass destruction. With the nuclear time bomb ticking, Cris Johnson could be key in averting a nuclear holocaust. If he doesn't use his powers to back-channel through the right portals and change the present, his future--and the future of hundreds of thousands--could be a thing of the past.
Lee Tamahori

Nicolas Cage
Chris Palermo
Michael Runyard
Jeff Michael
Nicolas Pajon
Mavis Jones
John Scanlon
Tory Kittles

Julianne Moore
Sam Kim
Lorilynn Failor
Jim Beaver
Jack Ong
Paul Rae
Richard Kay
Jessica Barth
Kaynece Watahomigie
Patricia Prata
Dean Cudworth
Edith Fields

Peter Falk
Laetitia Danielle
Nuce Ty-teray Marshall
Cheryl Gould
Thomas Siyuja Sr.
Max Lee
Jon Hughes
Alice Kim Cage
Sergej Trifunovic
Adam Lieberman
Dimitri Watahomigie
Jason Butler Harner
Miranda Frigon
Jessica Biel
José Z·±iga
Enzo Cilenti
Danny Downey
Michael Trucco
Logan Christopher
Thomas Kretschmann
Bonita Friedericy
Lisa Joyner
Charles Chun
Laide Agunbiade
Cesar Angobaldo
Gregory Arbit
Bryan Arenas
John Armstrong
Maryellen Aviano-roberts
Joseph Bailey
Ron Baratie
Travis Baumann
David Beedon
David Behar
Tom Bellfort
Paul Bernbaum
Andy Bertelson
Giovanni Bianchini
Brian Birkland
Hans Bjerno
Deborah 'cha' Blevins
Oren Bonen
Dan Bornstein
Robb Boyd
Marc Boyle
Sir James Brown
Branch Marie Brunson
Chad Buehler
Tim Burgard
Eddie Bydalek
Nicolas Cage
Charlie Campagna
Kevin A Canamar
Alison Cannon
Randy Cantor
Jennifer Caputo
Kenny Carceller
Andrea Caretta
Phil Carr-forster
Tim Carras
Merlin Carroll
Anthony Centonze
Denise Chamian
Jared Chandler
Jared Chandler
Andy Chang
Wally Chin
Eric Clapton
Tom Clary
Celeste Cleveland
Andy Cochrane
Harry Cohen
Sandra L Collier
Gail Collins
Josh Comen
Sean Comer
Jennifer Corey
Leon Dewayne Cozy
Steve Craig
Thomas Crawford
Steven Cueva
Michael Curtis
Johanna D'amato
Alan D'angerio
Marta Da Costa
Enid Dalkoff
Ginger Damon
Bryan Davis
Scott Davis
Michael Davison
Sandy De Crescent
Gary Deaton
Michael Degtjarewsky
Ralphie Del Castillo
Angela Demo
Megan L Diaz
Philip K Dick
James Diggs
Mandi Dillin
Victor Dimichina
Dino Dimuro
Joe Dubs
David R Dunn
Steve Eddy
Diana Edgmon
Mike Edwards
Christopher Eng
Shannon Ethridge
Gino Falla
Julie Fay
Aaron Fitzgerald
Vincent Flaherty
Cliff Fleming
Cory Fleming
Paul Flinchbaugh
Erik Folsom
Leigh Folsom-boyd
Jenny Foster
Luke Freeborn
Jimmy Fusil
Goar Galstyan
Rick Garcia
Andrew Gardner
Joe Gareri
John-anthony Gargiullo
Todd Garner
Annie Garrity
Jeremy Gerke
Nerses Gezalyan
Buddy Gheen
Marty Gibbons
Hector Gika
Penelope Gilbert
Mark Gilmer
Sean M Ginn
Thomas Giordano
Gary Goldman
Gary Goldman
Gary Goldman
Norm Golightly
Jim Gorman
Robert Gould
Chris Grantz
Aivaras Grauzinis
Russ Griffith
Scott Grossman
Arda Gulesserin
Julian Gupner
Scott Hale
Brian Hanable
Scott Hankel
Tommy Harper
Alison Harstedt
Dion Hatch
J Michael Haynie
Sanja Milkovic Hays
Maureen Healy
Lorenzo Hearns
Matthew Hennessy
Jonathan Hensleigh
Ilona Herman
Michelle Herrin
George Hess
Kirsten Hill
John Hirota
Austin Hiser
Mark Hitchler
Pamela Hobbs
Todd Hofacker
Chris Hopkins
Jamie Horwitz
Craig Hosking
Jim Hourihan
Lisa Hoyle
Kevin Hummel
John P Husky
Daniel S Irwin
Mark Isham
Kevin Ishioka
Christopher Ivins
Max Ivins
Craig Jaeger
Debra James
Chris Jargo
Briana Jorgenson
Will Jorgenson
Tim Kadowaki
Rain Kanikula
Bonnie L. Kanner
Andrew S. Kaplan
Jesse Kaplan
William B. Kaplan
K Lenna Katich
Michael Keller
Ian Kelly
Dan Kerr
Hong Kim
Graham King
Phil King
Kevin Kipper
Ronald R Koch
Jason Koornick
Luca Kouimelis
David Kudell
Steven G Ladish
Antje Lang
Paul Lazebnik
Mike Leben
Joseph Lederer
Hoya Lee
Jessika M Lehr
Gerald R. Lehtola
David Leitch
Scott Liedtka
Jun C Lin
Kevin Loo
Dennis J Lootens
Nick Lund-ulrich
Erik Lundborg
Tracey Madden
C J Maguire
Lee Majors
Richard Mall
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring April 27, 2007
Released in United States on Video September 25, 2007
Based on the short story "The Golden Man" written by Philip K. Dick.
Sony Pictures formerly attached to distribute.
Documents made available to prospective buyers of the Revolution library revealed that the actual budget was $78.1 million.
Released in United States Spring April 27, 2007
Released in United States on Video September 25, 2007