A Pair of Briefs

1h 30m 1963

Brief Synopsis

A recently-qualified barrister is annoyed when he finds his firm is taking on the boss's niece. The two youngsters soon find themselves in court on opposite sides in a case on the restitution of conjugal rights where both plaintiff and defendant seem to have things to hide. The irascible and rather fearsome judge has little time for the goings-on, least of all the way the two young lawyers seem rather too keen to squabble with each other.

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1963
Premiere Information
Philadelphia opening: 16 Oct 1963
Production Company
Rank Organisation
Distribution Company
Davis Film Distributors
United Kingdom
Screenplay Information
Based on the play How Say You? by Harold Brooke, Kay Bannerman (London, 22 Apr 1959).

Technical Specs

1h 30m
Black and White


Fledgling barristers Frances Pilbright and Tony Stevens begin their careers at the same time in the London law offices of Sir John Pilbright, Frances' eminent uncle. Frances' first assignment is to defend Gladys Pudney in a suit for restitution of conjugal rights. Tony's solicitor friend Hubert Shannon takes pity on him and offers him the assignment of defending Cockney Sid Pudney against Gladys' claim. Gladys, dressed in a sable coat, leaves her Rolls Royce and enters a hotel, to emerge soon afterwards with the accent and attire of a poor North Country woman. She claims that she was married during the war, although the witnesses have since disappeared and the records of the marriage were destroyed. She explains that she suffered amnesia and that her husband, Sid, left her shortly thereafter. Upon regaining her memory she contacted Sid, but he denied ever having married her. Frances and Tony incur the wrath of Justice Hadden through their courtroom inexperience, and the irascible judge threatens to have them disbarred. The judge finally rules that there is no legal proof that Gladys was ever married to Sid Pudney. Frances immediately sets an appeal in motion, but Tony accidentally discovers that Gladys initiated the case with the intention of losing it. Now happily married to a millionaire, she feared that Sid would find out that she was wealthy and try to blackmail her. Tony and Frances declare their love and plan to marry.

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1963
Premiere Information
Philadelphia opening: 16 Oct 1963
Production Company
Rank Organisation
Distribution Company
Davis Film Distributors
United Kingdom
Screenplay Information
Based on the play How Say You? by Harold Brooke, Kay Bannerman (London, 22 Apr 1959).

Technical Specs

1h 30m
Black and White




Released in Great Britain in April 1962.