Cinderella Man
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Ron Howard
Russell Crowe
Renée Zellweger
Paul Giamatti
Craig Bierko
Clint Howard
Film Details
Technical Specs
During the Great Depression, a common-man hero, James J. Braddock--a.k.a. the "Cinderella Man"--was to become one of the most surprising sports legends in history. By the early 1930s, the impoverished ex-prizefighter was seemingly as broken-down, beaten-up and out-of-luck as much of the rest of the American populace who had hit rock bottom. His career appeared to be finished, he was unable to pay the bills, the only thing that mattered to him--his family--was in danger, and he was even forced to go on Public Relief. But deep inside, Jim Braddock never relinquished his determination. Driven by love, honor and an incredible dose of grit, he willed an impossible dream to come true. In a last-chance bid to help his family, Braddock returned to the ring. No one thought he had a shot. However Braddock, fueled by something beyond mere competition, kept winning. Suddenly, the ordinary working man became the mythic athlete. Carrying the hopes and dreams of the disenfranchised on his shoulders, Braddock rocketed through the ranks, until this underdog chose to do the unthinkable: take on the heavyweight champ of the world, the unstoppable Max Baer, renowned for having killed two men in the ring.

Ron Howard

Russell Crowe
Renée Zellweger

Paul Giamatti
Craig Bierko
Clint Howard
R.d. Reid
Angelo Dundee
Richard Lewis
Stuart Clarke
Aaron Abrams
Art Binkowski
Alec Stockwell
Isabella Fink
John Healy
Richard Binsley
Nick Carusi
George Duff
Craig Warnock
Bill Mackie
Ron Canada
Patrick Louis
Everton Mcewan
Chick Roberts
Peter Macneill
Peter Didiano
Alon Nashman
Cooper Bracken
Daniel Kash
Matthew G Taylor
Rosemarie Dewitt
Robert Smith
Lou Eisen
Judah Katz
Paddy Considine
Gene Pyrz
Nola Augustson
John Kalbhenn
Richard Sutton
Donal O'donoghue
Duff Macdonald
Roman Podhora
Fulvio Cecere
Steve Romolo
Conrad Bergschneider
Sharron Matthews
David Litzinger
Sam Malkin
Nick Alachiotis
Fernand Chretien
Julian Lewis
Gavin Grazer
Michael Langlois
Connor Price
Thomasz Kurzydlowski
Peter Wylie
Ariel Waller
Sean Gilroy
Carlos Caneca
James Kirchner
Ramona Pringle
Ken James
Eric Fink
Brian Jagersky
Gino Marrocco
Christopher Crumb
Jacob Bracken
Katrina Matthews
Mark Taylor
Paul Ryan
Michael Dyson
Domenic Cuzzocrea
Stewart Lunn
Joanne Ritcey
Tony Munch
David Dunbar
Wayne Bourque
Troy Amos-ross
Wayne Flemming
Alicia Johnston
Boyd Banks
Keith Murphy
Rance Howard
Sergio Di Zio
David Dicorpo
Neil Foster
Raymond Kerr
Bruce Mcgill
Christopher D Amos
Gerry Quigley
Mike Mcnamara
Andrew Stelmack
Alex Cairns
Rufus Crawford
Magdalena Alexander
Dave Arkell
Darrin Browne
Billy Wine
Philip Craig
Gerry Ellison
Chuck Shamata
Beau Starr
Linda Kash
Mike Butt
Michael G Chin
Nicholas Campbell
Ray A Marsh
Wayne Gordon
David Georgieff
Kevin Hughes
David Huband
Angelo Tsarouchas
Debra Sherman
Tim Eddis
Mark Simmons
James Ritz
Tony Acosta
Keith Adams
Nick Alachiotis
Kevin Alakas
Errol Alcott
Gerry Alfonso
Glenn Allen
David Leroy Anderson
Heather L. Anderson
Ian Anderson
Lance Anderson
Mongo Andrews
Norman Anthony
Sean Armstrong
Robert Ballantyne
David Barnaby
Guy Barresi
Patrick Baxter
Dave Bell
Robert N Bell
Tory Bellingham
Brad Bennet
Mannix Bennett
Carlie Bergman
Luc Bernard
Bill Bernstein
Nancy Bernstein
Michelle Berrigan
Marco Bianco
Zena Bielewicz
Joe Biggins
Dave Bihldorff
James Binkley
Peter Bird
Damon Bishop
David Blacker
Kent Blocher
Stan Bochner
Adam Bocknek
Josh Bolin
Rob Bonney
Donovan Boucher
Kevin Bouchez
Steve Bowen
Russell Bowie
Chris Boyce
Todd Boyce
Julian Bratolyubov
Chris Bridges
Ann Brodie
Dan Bronson
Tebor Brosch
Darrin Brown
George Budd
George Budd
J Tracy Budd
Craig Bulmer
Eva Burkley
Eva Burkley
Gary Burritt
Colleen Callaghan
Eddie Cantor
Morgan Carpenter
Mark Carroll
Michael Castellano
Steve Castellano
Christina Cattle
Don Caulfield
Bob Chefalas
David M. Chisholm
Meredith Chislett
Anthony Ciccolini
Stuart Clarke
Dan Cobbett
Robert Cochrane
Missy Cohen
William M Connor
Dean Copkov
Dean Copkov
Dave Corcoran
Marko Costanzo
Carole Costello
David Coulter
Francois Dagenais
Patrick Davis
Chris Deeley
Chris Deeley
Mike Delisa
Dexter Delves
Pam Demetruis
Sean Devereaux
Judi Dickerson
Karola Dirnberger
Brian Dixon
Kenna Doeringer
Melanie Donkers
Yann Doray
Ian Drummond
Tony Dubreuil
Angelo Dundee
Aric Dupere
Terry Edwards
William Elliott
Roy Elliston
Richard Emerson
David Evans
Daniel Favini
John C. Ferguson
Rafael Fernandez-stoll
Anne-marie Ferney
Fred Fitzpatrick
Tom Fleischman
Peter Fletcher
Mark O. Forker
Kevin Forstner
Jay Fortune
Harold Francis
David Franklin
Mike Franklin
Paul Franklin
Candide Franklyn
Candide Franklyn
John Fraser
Lawrence Freeman
Lawrence Freeman
Dimas Freitas
Luis Freitas
Richard Friedlander
Christine Fuller
Darcy Gasparovic
Scott Gastellu
Glen Gauthier
Chris Gelles
Gregory Gelles
John Girouard
Wayne Godfrey
Akiva Goldsman
Benny Goodman And His Orchestra
Barry Goodwin
Hazel Gordon
Wayne Gordon
Matt Graver
Brian Grazer
Jesse Green
Rich Green
Paul Greenberg
Peter Grundy
Duane Gullison
Metin Gungor
Patrick Hagarty
Jonah Hall
Michael Hall
Todd Hallowell
Todd Hallowell
James Halpenny
Dan Hanley
Tom Hardesty
John Harper
Joel Harris
Carol Hartwick
Stephen Hayes
Kelly Hearns
Jeff Heintzman
Peter Heller
Norm Henderson
Dwight Hendrickson
V Edney Hendrickson
Heather Elisa Hill
Michael Hill
Mildred Hill
Patty Hill
John Hiltz
David Hirschfield
Janet Hirshenson
Keith Hlady
Cliff Hollingsworth
Cliff Hollingsworth
Ron Howard
Jamison Huber
Stuart Hughes
Stuart Hughes
Michael Huschka
Todd Isroelit
David Isyomin
Dag Ivarsoy
Kaitlin Jacobs
Lindsay Jacobs
Brian Jagersky
George Jeffery
Jane Jenkins
Chris Johnson
Graham Johnston
Irving Kahal
Gabriella Kalaizidis
Irene Kassow
Jonnie Katz
Glen Keenan
Glen Keenan
Dave Kellner
Brian Kelnick
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Editing
Best Makeup
Best Supporting Actor
Miscellaneous Notes
Production start delayed after Crowe dislocated his shoulder while training for the role.
Production start delayed, due to the impending birth of Crowe's first child.
Released in United States Summer June 3, 2005
Released in United States on Video December 6, 2005
Released in United States 2005 (Shown at Venice International Film Festival (Out of Competition) August 31-September 10, 2005.)
Winner of the 2005 award for Best Supporting Actor (Paul Giamatti) by the Toronto Film Critics Association (TFCA).
Winner of the 2005 award for Best Supporting Actor (Paul Giamatti) by the Screen Actors Guild (SAG).
Winner of the 2005 award for Best Supporting Actor (Paul Giamatti) by the Boston Society of Film Critics (BSFC).
Released in United States Summer June 3, 2005
Released in United States on Video December 6, 2005
Released in United States 2005
Shown at Venice International Film Festival (Out of Competition) August 31-September 10, 2005.
Based on the true life stories of Howard Braddock, James Braddock and Joseph Mallon.
Renee Zellweger has a package deal worth $21 million with Universal and Miramax to star in both "The Cinderella Man" and the sequel to "Bridget Jones's Diary."
Penny Marshall was previously attached to direct.
Lasse Hallstrom was previously attached to direct.
Billy Bob Thornton was previously attached to direct Ben Affleck in the lead role with Miramax, and was temporarily replaced by Lasse Hallstrom to direct in January 2001, who then dropped out to direct A CONSPIRACY OF PAPER. Affleck was soon replaced by Russell Crowe under the direction of Ron Howard.
Co-venture with Univeral and Miramax. Miramax will distribute "Cinderella Man" overseas through Buena Vista Intl., which teamed with Miramax to put up half of the budget. Universal is paying for the other half.
Winner of the 2005 award for Best Supporting Actor (Paul Giamatti) by the Washington DC Area Film Critics Association (WAFCA).